4,338 research outputs found

    Visual GUI testing in practice: An extended industrial case study

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    Context: Visual GUI testing (VGT) is referred to as the latest generation GUI-based testing. It is a tool-driven technique, which uses image recognition for interacting with and asserting the behavior of the system under test. Motivated by the industrial need of a large Turkish software and systems company providing solutions in the areas of defense and IT sector, an action-research project was recently initiated to implement VGT in several teams and projects in the company. Objective: To address the above needs, we planned and carried out an empirical investigation with the goal of assessing VGT using two tools (Sikuli and JAutomate). The purpose was to determine a suitable approach and tool for VGT of a given project (software product) in the company, increase the know-how in the company's test teams. Method: Using an action-research case-study design, we investigated the use of VGT in the studied organization. Specifically, using the two selected VGT tools, we conducted a quantitative and a qualitative evaluation of VGT. Results: By assessing the list of Challenges, Problems and Limitations (CPL), proposed in previous work, in the context of our empirical study, we found that test-tool- and SUT-related CPLs were quite comparable to a previous empirical study, e.g., the synchronization between SUT and test tools were not always robust and there were failures in test tools' image recognition features. When assessing the types of test maintenance activities, when executing the automated test cases on next versions of the SUTs, for the case of the two test tools, we found that about half of the test cases (59.1% and 47.8%) failed in the next version. Conclusion: By our results, we confirm some of the previously-reported issues when conducting VGT. Further, we highlight some additional challenges in test maintenance when using VGT

    Sample-Efficient Policy Learning based on Completely Behavior Cloning

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    Direct policy search is one of the most important algorithm of reinforcement learning. However, learning from scratch needs a large amount of experience data and can be easily prone to poor local optima. In addition to that, a partially trained policy tends to perform dangerous action to agent and environment. In order to overcome these challenges, this paper proposed a policy initialization algorithm called Policy Learning based on Completely Behavior Cloning (PLCBC). PLCBC first transforms the Model Predictive Control (MPC) controller into a piecewise affine (PWA) function using multi-parametric programming, and uses a neural network to express this function. By this way, PLCBC can completely clone the MPC controller without any performance loss, and is totally training-free. The experiments show that this initialization strategy can help agent learn at the high reward state region, and converge faster and better

    Comparing Deep Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Methods in Continuous Control

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    Reinforcement Learning and the Evolutionary Strategy are two major approaches in addressing complicated control problems. Both are strong contenders and have their own devotee communities. Both groups have been very active in developing new advances in their own domain and devising, in recent years, leading-edge techniques to address complex continuous control tasks. Here, in the context of Deep Reinforcement Learning, we formulate a parallelized version of the Proximal Policy Optimization method and a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient method. Moreover, we conduct a thorough comparison between the state-of-the-art techniques in both camps fro continuous control; evolutionary methods and Deep Reinforcement Learning methods. The results show there is no consistent winner.Comment: NIPS 2017 Deep Reinforcement Learning Symposiu

    Understanding Multi-Step Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Systematic Study of the DQN Target

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    Multi-step methods such as Retrace(λ\lambda) and nn-step QQ-learning have become a crucial component of modern deep reinforcement learning agents. These methods are often evaluated as a part of bigger architectures and their evaluations rarely include enough samples to draw statistically significant conclusions about their performance. This type of methodology makes it difficult to understand how particular algorithmic details of multi-step methods influence learning. In this paper we combine the nn-step action-value algorithms Retrace, QQ-learning, Tree Backup, Sarsa, and Q(σ)Q(\sigma) with an architecture analogous to DQN. We test the performance of all these algorithms in the mountain car environment; this choice of environment allows for faster training times and larger sample sizes. We present statistical analyses on the effects of the off-policy correction, the backup length parameter nn, and the update frequency of the target network on the performance of these algorithms. Our results show that (1) using off-policy correction can have an adverse effect on the performance of Sarsa and Q(σ)Q(\sigma); (2) increasing the backup length nn consistently improved performance across all the different algorithms; and (3) the performance of Sarsa and QQ-learning was more robust to the effect of the target network update frequency than the performance of Tree Backup, Q(σ)Q(\sigma), and Retrace in this particular task

    Fast Skill Learning for Variable Compliance Robotic Assembly

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    The robotic assembly represents a group of benchmark problems for reinforcement learning and variable compliance control that features sophisticated contact manipulation. One of the key challenges in applying reinforcement learning to physical robot is the sample complexity, the requirement of large amounts of experience for learning. We mitigate this sample complexity problem by incorporating an iteratively refitted model into the learning process through model-guided exploration. Yet, fitting a local model of the physical environment is of major difficulties. In this work, a Kalman filter is used to combine the adaptive linear dynamics with a coarse prior model from analytical description, and proves to give more accurate predictions than the existing method. Experimental results show that the proposed model fitting strategy can be incorporated into a model predictive controller to generate good exploration behaviors for learning acceleration, while preserving the benefits of model-free reinforcement learning for uncertain environments. In addition to the sample complexity, the inevitable robot overloaded during operation also tends to limit the learning efficiency. To address this problem, we present a method to restrict the largest possible potential energy in the compliance control system and therefore keep the contact force within the legitimate range.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    An Integrated Framework for Process Discovery Algorithm Evaluation

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    Process mining offers techniques to exploit event data by providing insights and recommendations to improve business processes. The growing amount of algorithms for process discovery has raised the question of which algorithms perform best on a given event log. Current evaluation frameworks for empirically evaluating discovery techniques depend on the notation used (behavioral identical models may give different results) and cannot provide more general statements about populations of models. Therefore, this paper proposes a new integrated evaluation framework that uses a classification approach to make it modeling notation independent. Furthermore, it is founded on experimental design to ensure the generalization of results. It supports two main evaluation objectives: benchmarking process discovery algorithms and sensitivity analysis, i.e. studying the effect of model and log characteristics on a discovery algorithm's accuracy. The framework is designed as a scientific workflow which enables automated, extendable and shareable evaluation experiments. An extensive experiment including four discovery algorithms and six control-flow characteristics validates the relevance and flexibility of the framework. Ultimately, the paper aims to advance the state-of-the-art for evaluating process discovery techniques

    Adaptive Dialog Policy Learning with Hindsight and User Modeling

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    Reinforcement learning methods have been used to compute dialog policies from language-based interaction experiences. Efficiency is of particular importance in dialog policy learning, because of the considerable cost of interacting with people, and the very poor user experience from low-quality conversations. Aiming at improving the efficiency of dialog policy learning, we develop algorithm LHUA (Learning with Hindsight, User modeling, and Adaptation) that, for the first time, enables dialog agents to adaptively learn with hindsight from both simulated and real users. Simulation and hindsight provide the dialog agent with more experience and more (positive) reinforcements respectively. Experimental results suggest that, in success rate and policy quality, LHUA outperforms competitive baselines from the literature, including its no-simulation, no-adaptation, and no-hindsight counterparts

    Organizing Experience: A Deeper Look at Replay Mechanisms for Sample-based Planning in Continuous State Domains

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    Model-based strategies for control are critical to obtain sample efficient learning. Dyna is a planning paradigm that naturally interleaves learning and planning, by simulating one-step experience to update the action-value function. This elegant planning strategy has been mostly explored in the tabular setting. The aim of this paper is to revisit sample-based planning, in stochastic and continuous domains with learned models. We first highlight the flexibility afforded by a model over Experience Replay (ER). Replay-based methods can be seen as stochastic planning methods that repeatedly sample from a buffer of recent agent-environment interactions and perform updates to improve data efficiency. We show that a model, as opposed to a replay buffer, is particularly useful for specifying which states to sample from during planning, such as predecessor states that propagate information in reverse from a state more quickly. We introduce a semi-parametric model learning approach, called Reweighted Experience Models (REMs), that makes it simple to sample next states or predecessors. We demonstrate that REM-Dyna exhibits similar advantages over replay-based methods in learning in continuous state problems, and that the performance gap grows when moving to stochastic domains, of increasing size.Comment: IJCAI 201

    Characterizing Input Methods for Human-to-robot Demonstrations

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    Human demonstrations are important in a range of robotics applications, and are created with a variety of input methods. However, the design space for these input methods has not been extensively studied. In this paper, focusing on demonstrations of hand-scale object manipulation tasks to robot arms with two-finger grippers, we identify distinct usage paradigms in robotics that utilize human-to-robot demonstrations, extract abstract features that form a design space for input methods, and characterize existing input methods as well as a novel input method that we introduce, the instrumented tongs. We detail the design specifications for our method and present a user study that compares it against three common input methods: free-hand manipulation, kinesthetic guidance, and teleoperation. Study results show that instrumented tongs provide high quality demonstrations and a positive experience for the demonstrator while offering good correspondence to the target robot.Comment: 2019 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI

    Differential Variable Speed Limits Control for Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks via Deep Reinforcement learning

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    Variable speed limits (VSL) control is a flexible way to improve traffic condition,increase safety and reduce emission. There is an emerging trend of using reinforcement learning technique for VSL control and recent studies have shown promising results. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to develope autonomous control agents for problems that were previously intractable. In this paper, we propose a more effective deep reinforcement learning (DRL) model for differential variable speed limits (DVSL) control, in which the dynamic and different speed limits among lanes can be imposed. The proposed DRL models use a novel actor-critic architecture which can learn a large number of discrete speed limits in a continues action space. Different reward signals, e.g. total travel time, bottleneck speed, emergency braking, and vehicular emission are used to train the DVSL controller, and comparison between these reward signals are conducted. We test proposed DRL baased DVSL controllers on a simulated freeway recurrent bottleneck. Results show that the efficiency, safety and emissions can be improved by the proposed method. We also show some interesting findings through the visulization of the control policies generated from DRL models.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl