143 research outputs found

    An Empirical Evaluation Of Social Influence Metrics

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    Predicting when an individual will adopt a new behavior is an important problem in application domains such as marketing and public health. This paper examines the perfor- mance of a wide variety of social network based measurements proposed in the literature - which have not been previously compared directly. We study the probability of an individual becoming influenced based on measurements derived from neigh- borhood (i.e. number of influencers, personal network exposure), structural diversity, locality, temporal measures, cascade mea- sures, and metadata. We also examine the ability to predict influence based on choice of classifier and how the ratio of positive to negative samples in both training and testing affect prediction results - further enabling practical use of these concepts for social influence applications.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Men, Women, Microblogging: Where Do We Stand?

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    With millions of users worldwide, microblogging has developed into a powerful tool for interaction and information dissemination. While both men and women readily use this technology, there are significant differences in how they embrace it. Understanding these differences is important to ensure gender parity, provide advertisers with actionable insights on the marketing potential of both groups, and to inform current theories on how microblogging affordances shape gender roles. So far, existing research has not provided a unified framework for such analysis, with gender insights scattered across multiple studies. To fill this gap, our study conducts a comprehensive meta-review of existing research. We find that current discourse offers a solid body of knowledge on gender differences in adoption, shared content, stylistic presentation, and a rather convoluted picture of female and male interaction. Together, our structured findings offer a deeper insight into the underlying dynamics of gender differences in microblogging

    The Dynamic Effects of Perceptions of Dread Risk and Unknown Risk on SNS Sharing Behavior During Emerging Infectious Disease Events: Do Crisis Stages Matter?

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    In response to the increasing prevalence of emerging infectious disease (EID) threats, individuals are turning to social media platforms to share relevant information in ever greater numbers. In this study, we examine whether risk perceptions related to user-generated content have dynamic impacts on social networking site (SNS) sharing behavior in different crisis stages. To answer this question, we applied psychometric analysis to evaluate how dread risk and unknown risk can characterize EID threats. Drawing broadly on the literature of risk perceptions, self-perception theory, and crisis stages, we relied on microblogs collected from Sina Weibo, utilizing the vector autoregression model to analyze dynamic relationships. We found that perceptions of dread risk have a dominant and immediate impact on SNS sharing behavior in the buildup, breakout, and termination stages of EID events. Perceptions of unknown risk have a dominant and persistent impact on sharing behavior in the abatement stage. The joint effect of these two types of risk perception reveal an antagonism impact on SNS sharing behavior, and perceptions of dread- and unknown risk have interaction effects from the buildup to termination stages of EID events. To check robustness, we analyzed keywords related to perceptions of dread- and unknown risk. The results of this study support the empirical application of Slovic’s risk perception framework for understanding the characteristics of EID threats and provide a picture of how perceptions of dread- and unknown risk exert differential time-varying effects on SNS sharing behavior during EID events. We also discuss theoretical and practical implications for the crisis management of EID threats. This study is among the first that uses user-generated content in social media to investigate dynamic risk perceptions and their relationship to SNS sharing behavior, which may help provide a basis for timely and efficient risk communication

    Understanding Factors Influencing Users’ Retweeting Behavior---A Theoretical Perspective

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    Currently, a large percentage of tweets in micro-blogging platform are retweets. In this study, we propose to examine the factors that motivate users’ retweeting behavior, leading users to prefer to transform others’ tweets than posting their own. We suggest that Information Sharing Self-Efficacy, Attachment Motivation and Critical Mass are the three antecedents contributing to the users’ retweeting behavior. Both theoretical and practical implications of this study are also discussed

    Motivations of User Engagement in eWOM of Chinese Microblog

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    This study examined the motivations of user engagement in electronic word-of-mouth behavior through a netnography. The sample includes more than 2,000 posts from the Chinese microblog-Sina Weibo and 20 follow-up interviews about film reviews. 5 types of motivations were examined, including egoistic motivations, motivations for the reward, reciprocal motivations, altruistic motivations, and motivations in the sense of community. Results confirmed the effect of egoistic motivations, reciprocal motivations, and motivations in the sense of community for the increasing volume of eWOM. However, motivations for the reward and altruistic motivations were found less powerful. Hence, the reward was found to decrease the generation of eWOM.The findings would give implications for marketers to plan and leverage eWoM and help scholars understand eWoM in a microblog context

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks

    A novel data analytic model for mining user insurance demands from microblogs

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    This paper proposes a method based on LDA model and Word2Vec for analyzing Microblog users' insurance demands. First of all, we use LDA model to analyze the text data of Microblog user to get their candidate topic. Secondly, we use CBOW model to implement topic word vectorization and use word similarity calculation to expand it. Then we use K-means model to cluster the expanded words and redefine the topic category. Then we use the LDA model to extract the keywords of various insurance information on the “Pingan Insurance” website and analyze the possibility of users with different demands to purchase various types of insurance with the help of word vector similarity. Finally, the validity of the method in this paper is verified against Microblog user information. The experimental results show that the accuracy, recall rate and F1 value of the LDA-CBOW extending method have been proposed compared with that of the traditional LDA model, respectively, which proves the feasibility of this method. The results of this paper will help insurance companies to accurately grasp the preferences of Microblog users, understand the potential insurance needs of users timely, and lay a foundation for personalized recommendation of insurance products

    Research and Prediction on the Sharing of WeChat Official Accounts’ Articles

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    With the development of mobile Internet, We Media was born. WeChat Official Account Platform is the largest we media platform in China. In WeChat social network, information can only be rapidly spread through the sharing operation of users. This paper takes WeChat official accounts as the object and uses logistic regression model to explore the influencing factors on sharing. After that, a prediction model is constructed based on logistic regression and support vector machine. The significance of this study is to propose the factors that influence WeChat official accounts’ articles sharing, and to construct a sharing prediction model
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