20,010 research outputs found

    Visual Affect Around the World: A Large-scale Multilingual Visual Sentiment Ontology

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    Every culture and language is unique. Our work expressly focuses on the uniqueness of culture and language in relation to human affect, specifically sentiment and emotion semantics, and how they manifest in social multimedia. We develop sets of sentiment- and emotion-polarized visual concepts by adapting semantic structures called adjective-noun pairs, originally introduced by Borth et al. (2013), but in a multilingual context. We propose a new language-dependent method for automatic discovery of these adjective-noun constructs. We show how this pipeline can be applied on a social multimedia platform for the creation of a large-scale multilingual visual sentiment concept ontology (MVSO). Unlike the flat structure in Borth et al. (2013), our unified ontology is organized hierarchically by multilingual clusters of visually detectable nouns and subclusters of emotionally biased versions of these nouns. In addition, we present an image-based prediction task to show how generalizable language-specific models are in a multilingual context. A new, publicly available dataset of >15.6K sentiment-biased visual concepts across 12 languages with language-specific detector banks, >7.36M images and their metadata is also released.Comment: 11 pages, to appear at ACM MM'1

    Lissitzky : new materialism and diagrammatic living

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    Lissitsky\u27s spatial and architectural work anticipates the contemporary fascination with expanded fields of activity that have resulted in transdisciplinary approaches to research and the role of practice-led research. This paper will discuss Lissitzky\u27s suprematist perspective in relation to contemporary practices - under the rubric of the &quot;diagram&quot; - that re-imagine and enact the relationship between the built surround and embodied cognition. Lissitzky\u27s work will serve as the starting point for a discussion of contemporary practitioners and theorists working across philosophy, cognitive science and built environment in order to draw out, through the act of diagramming, life on new terms.<br /

    Research on Emotion Analysis Based on a Topic Emotion Fusion Model: The Case of the "Post-holiday Symptoms of Pharyngitis" Event on the Weibo Platform

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    [Objective] From early 2023 to 2024, multiple public health incidents related to "post-holiday pharyngitis" erupted in china, impacting public health and education among other areas. This study analyzes the data dissemination trends and the emotional development of these incidents. The insights are aimed at enhancing the government and disease control agencies' mechanisms for guiding and responding to such public sentiment incidents, thereby improving preparedness and response capabilities for potential future public health events. [Methods] The methodology employed involves using three instances of "post-holiday pharyngitis" events on the Weibo platform as data samples. The study applies the LDA model integrated with TD-IDF weighted Word2vec algorithm for thematic organization across different periods. The DUTIR sentiment dictionary is used to analyze public sentiment, and data visualization techniques are employed to present the thematic-emotional evolution within the incidents. [Results] The results suggest that the proposed thematic-emotional fusion model effectively extracts and analyzes the dissemination trends and emotional evolution of the event, providing actionable suggestions for government and public health agencies in managing such public sentiment incidents

    Lifeworld Inc. : and what to do about it

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    Can we detect changes in the way that the world turns up as they turn up? This paper makes such an attempt. The first part of the paper argues that a wide-ranging change is occurring in the ontological preconditions of Euro-American cultures, based in reworking what and how an event is produced. Driven by the security – entertainment complex, the aim is to mass produce phenomenological encounter: Lifeworld Inc as I call it. Swimming in a sea of data, such an aim requires the construction of just enough authenticity over and over again. In the second part of the paper, I go on to argue that this new world requires a different kind of social science, one that is experimental in its orientation—just as Lifeworld Inc is—but with a mission to provoke awareness in untoward ways in order to produce new means of association. Only thus, or so I argue, can social science add to the world we are now beginning to live in

    Naturalizing institutions: Evolutionary principles and application on the case of money

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    In recent extensions of the Darwinian paradigm into economics, the replicator-interactor duality looms large. I propose a strictly naturalistic approach to this duality in the context of the theory of institutions, which means that its use is seen as being always and necessarily dependent on identifying a physical realization. I introduce a general framework for the analysis of institutions, which synthesizes Searle's and Aoki's theories, especially with regard to the role of public representations (signs) in the coordination of actions, and the function of cognitive processes that underly rule-following as a behavioral disposition. This allows to conceive institutions as causal circuits that connect the population-level dynamics of interactions with cognitive phenomena on the individual level. Those cognitive phenomena ultimately root in neuronal structures. So, I draw on a critical restatement of the concept of the meme by Aunger to propose a new conceptualization of the replicator in the context of institutions, namely, the replicator is a causal conjunction between signs and neuronal structures which undergirds the dispositions that generate rule-following actions. Signs, in turn, are outcomes of population-level interactions. I apply this framework on the case of money, analyzing the emotions that go along with the use of money, and presenting a stylized account of the emergence of money in terms of the naturalized Searle-Aoki model. In this view, money is a neuronally anchored metaphor for emotions relating with social exchange and reciprocity. Money as a meme is physically realized in a replicator which is a causal conjunction of money artefacts and money emotions. --Generalized Darwinism,institutions,replicator/interactor,Searle,Aoki,naturalism,memes,emotions,money

    Onkraj harmonije in pravičnosti

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    The proposition of “harmony higher than justice” was initiated by Li Zehou in 2007. It implies a hierarchical consideration rather than value assessment, thus schemed to reveal at least five aspects: (1) Harmony on this account is to be preconditioned by justice. (2) Harmony largely stems from human emotion instead of human rationality. (3) There are three forms of harmony in the societal, personal and eco-environmental domains. (4) What makes the three forms of harmony possible involves some key notions that vouchsafe a theoretical ground and a primary part of the “Chinese religious morality”. (5) The morality of this kind procures a regulative principle to facilitate an appropriate constitution of “modern social ethics” with regard to harmony as the ultimate destination of the future society and world alike. Accordingly, the proposition can be employed to further develop “the Chinese application” and impact “the Western substance”.Predpostavko o tem, da je »harmonija viĆĄja od pravičnosti«, je Li Zehou izpostavil leta 2007. Bolj kot vrednostno sodbo pomeni ta predpostavka zlasti hierarhično vzpostavitev, ki se deli na pet vidikov: (1) V tem kontekstu je pravičnost predpogoj harmonije. (2) Harmonija izhaja predvsem iz človeĆĄkih čustev in ne toliko iz racionalnosti. (3) Obstajajo tri vrste harmonije na druĆŸbeni, osebni in okoljski ravni. (4) To, kar te tri vrste harmonije omogoča, je povezano z določenimi ključnimi pojmi, ki zagotavljajo vzpostavitev teoretske podlage in primarne vloge »konfucijanske verske morale«. (5) Tovrstna moralnost predstavlja regulativni princip, ki olajĆĄuje ustrezno konstituiranje »moderne druĆŸbene etike«, ki se nanaĆĄa na harmonijo kot najviĆĄji cilj za prihodnost druĆŸbe in sveta. V skladu s tem lahko to predpostavko uporabimo tudi za nadaljnji razvoj »kitajske funkcije« in za vpliv na »zahodno substanco«

    SEMO: a framework for customer social networks analysis based on semantics

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    The increasing importance of the Internet in most domains has brought about a paradigm change in consumer relations. The influence of Social Networks has entered the Customer Relationship Management domain under the coined term CRM 2.0. In this context, the need to understand and classify the interactions of customers by means of new platforms has emerged as a challenge for both researchers and professionals world-wide. This is the perfect scenario for the use of SEMO, a platform for Customer Social Networks Analysis based on Semantics and emotion mining. The platform benefits from both semantic annotation and classification and text analysis, relying on techniques from the Natural Language Processing domain. The results of the evaluation of the experimental implementation of SEMO reveal a promising and viable platform from a technical perspective.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the EUREKA project SITIO (TSI-020400-2009-148), SONAR2 (TSI-020100-2008-665) and GO2 (TSI-020400-2009-127)Publicad

    The Main Schools of Confucianism in Present-Day Mainland China

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