2 research outputs found


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    An accurate and comprehensive emission inventory helps governments to make quantitative assessments of the source contributions to air quality, adopt effective strategies with regard to air pollution, develop and implement effective policies that reduce emissions and enables them to plan cost-effective strategies. The emission inventory in main roads was prepared, the vehicle emission prediction dynamic model was developed and the effectiveness of some countermeasures as applying the new gas exhaust standard and using fuel additives was assessed. The vehicle emission prediction model was developed from 2015 to 2040, using system dynamics which is a methodology for studying and managing complex systems that change over time. The HDVs and vehicles in service for more than 10 years accounted for a significant proportion of the total pollution. In comparing 2015 with 2040, the total vehicle population was increased by 3.9 times, the total vehicle emission level was increased by 4.3 times.北九州市立大

    Emission Inventory and Predict from Road Traffic Sources for Hanoi

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    Abstract Traffic emission inventory by age-cohort vehicles is an effective tool for manager to identify exactly the main vehicles polluted the air in urban area. Hanoi is one of the largest cities in Vietnam, now is facing with the serious air pollution problems which is mainly contributed by transport vehicles. In this paper, we used the dynamics model to build an age-cohorts model to estimate and predict the emissions from vehicle fleet of Hanoi by the year 2040 as well as assess the effectiveness of the management measures. The results shows that motorcycles is the main traffic air pollution source of Hanoi, accounting for 98% CO emissions, 75% NO x emissions, 81% PM emissions and 98% HC emissions. Among that, the motorcycles at the age from 3 to 9 years is the largest contributors with 57,72% CO emission, 58,5% HC emission, 62,53% NO x emission, and 54,29% PM emission. It's estimated that, up to the year 2040, motorcycles still is the majority emission source, with a proportion of about 89% CO, 63% NO x , and 69% PM emissions