17 research outputs found

    Local well-posedness of the generalized Cucker-Smale model

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    In this paper, we study the local well-posedness of two types of generalized Cucker-Smale (in short C-S) flocking models. We consider two different communication weights, singular and regular ones, with nonlinear coupling velocities vvβ2v|v|^{\beta-2} for β>3d2\beta > \frac{3-d}{2}. For the singular communication weight, we choose ψ1(x)=1/xα\psi^1(x) = 1/|x|^{\alpha} with α(0,d1)\alpha \in (0,d-1) and β2\beta \geq 2 in dimension d>1d > 1. For the regular case, we select ψ2(x)0\psi^2(x) \geq 0 belonging to (L_{loc}^\infty \cap \mbox{Lip}_{loc})(\mathbb{R}^d) and β(3d2,2)\beta \in (\frac{3-d}{2},2). We also remark the various dynamics of C-S particle system for these communication weights when β(0,3)\beta \in (0,3)

    Convergence to consensus of the general finite-dimensional Cucker-Smale model with time-varying delays

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    We consider the celebrated Cucker-Smale model in finite dimension, modelling interacting collective dynamics and their possible evolution to consensus. The objective of this paper is to study the effect of time delays in the general model. By a Lyapunov functional approach, we provide convergence results to consensus for symmetric as well as nonsymmetric communication weights under some structural conditions

    Mean-Field Sparse Optimal Control

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    We introduce the rigorous limit process connecting finite dimensional sparse optimal control problems with ODE constraints, modeling parsimonious interventions on the dynamics of a moving population divided into leaders and followers, to an infinite dimensional optimal control problem with a constraint given by a system of ODE for the leaders coupled with a PDE of Vlasov-type, governing the dynamics of the probability distribution of the followers. In the classical mean-field theory one studies the behavior of a large number of small individuals freely interacting with each other, by simplifying the effect of all the other individuals on any given individual by a single averaged effect. In this paper we address instead the situation where the leaders are actually influenced also by an external policy maker, and we propagate its effect for the number NN of followers going to infinity. The technical derivation of the sparse mean-field optimal control is realized by the simultaneous development of the mean-field limit of the equations governing the followers dynamics together with the Γ\Gamma-limit of the finite dimensional sparse optimal control problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1306.591

    Stochastic Mean-Field Limit: Non-Lipschitz Forces \& Swarming

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    We consider general stochastic systems of interacting particles with noise which are relevant as models for the collective behavior of animals, and rigorously prove that in the mean-field limit the system is close to the solution of a kinetic PDE. Our aim is to include models widely studied in the literature such as the Cucker-Smale model, adding noise to the behavior of individuals. The difficulty, as compared to the classical case of globally Lipschitz potentials, is that in several models the interaction potential between particles is only locally Lipschitz, the local Lipschitz constant growing to infinity with the size of the region considered. With this in mind, we present an extension of the classical theory for globally Lipschitz interactions, which works for only locally Lipschitz ones

    Control to flocking of the kinetic Cucker-Smale model

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    The well-known Cucker-Smale model is a macroscopic system reflecting flocking, i.e. the alignment of velocities in a group of autonomous agents having mutual interactions. In the present paper, we consider the mean-field limit of that model, called the kinetic Cucker-Smale model, which is a transport partial differential equation involving nonlocal terms. It is known that flocking is reached asymptotically whenever the initial conditions of the group of agents are in a favorable configuration. For other initial configurations, it is natural to investigate whether flocking can be enforced by means of an appropriate external force, applied to an adequate time-varying subdomain. In this paper we prove that we can drive to flocking any group of agents governed by the kinetic Cucker-Smale model, by means of a sparse centralized control strategy, and this, for any initial configuration of the crowd. Here, "sparse control" means that the action at each time is limited over an arbitrary proportion of the crowd, or, as a variant, of the space of configurations; "centralized" means that the strategy is computed by an external agent knowing the configuration of all agents. We stress that we do not only design a control function (in a sampled feedback form), but also a time-varying control domain on which the action is applied. The sparsity constraint reflects the fact that one cannot act on the whole crowd at every instant of time. Our approach is based on geometric considerations on the velocity field of the kinetic Cucker-Smale PDE, and in particular on the analysis of the particle flow generated by this vector field. The control domain and the control functions are designed to satisfy appropriate constraints, and such that, for any initial configuration, the velocity part of the support of the measure solution asymptotically shrinks to a singleton, which means flocking