2,951 research outputs found

    Simultaneously Embedding Planar Graphs at Fixed Vertex Locations

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    We discuss the problem of embedding planar graphs onto the plane with pre-specified vertex locations. In particular, we introduce a method for constructing such an embedding for both the case where the mapping from the vertices onto the vertex locations is fixed and the case where this mapping can be chosen. Moreover, the technique we present is sufficiently abstract to generalize to a method for constructing simultaneous planar embeddings with fixed vertex locations. In all cases, we are concerned with minimizing the number of bends per edge in the embeddings we produce. In the case where the mapping is fixed, our technique guarantees embeddings with at most 8n - 7 bends per edge in the worst case and, on average, at most 16/3n - 1 bends per edge. This result improves previously known techniques by a significant constant factor. When the mapping is not pre-specified, our technique guarantees embeddings with at most O(n^(1 - 2^(1-k))) bends per edge in the worst case and, on average, at most O(n^(1 - 1/k)) bends per edge, where k is the number of graphs in the simultaneous embedding. This improves upon the previously known O(n) bound on the number of bends per edge for k at least 2. Moreover, we give an average-case lower bound on the number of bends that has similar asymptotic behaviour to our upper bound

    Planar Drawings of Fixed-Mobile Bigraphs

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    A fixed-mobile bigraph G is a bipartite graph such that the vertices of one partition set are given with fixed positions in the plane and the mobile vertices of the other part, together with the edges, must be added to the drawing. We assume that G is planar and study the problem of finding, for a given k >= 0, a planar poly-line drawing of G with at most k bends per edge. In the most general case, we show NP-hardness. For k=0 and under additional constraints on the positions of the fixed or mobile vertices, we either prove that the problem is polynomial-time solvable or prove that it belongs to NP. Finally, we present a polynomial-time testing algorithm for a certain type of "layered" 1-bend drawings

    Relating Graph Thickness to Planar Layers and Bend Complexity

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    The thickness of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with nn vertices is the minimum number of planar subgraphs of GG whose union is GG. A polyline drawing of GG in R2\mathbb{R}^2 is a drawing Γ\Gamma of GG, where each vertex is mapped to a point and each edge is mapped to a polygonal chain. Bend and layer complexities are two important aesthetics of such a drawing. The bend complexity of Γ\Gamma is the maximum number of bends per edge in Γ\Gamma, and the layer complexity of Γ\Gamma is the minimum integer rr such that the set of polygonal chains in Γ\Gamma can be partitioned into rr disjoint sets, where each set corresponds to a planar polyline drawing. Let GG be a graph of thickness tt. By F\'{a}ry's theorem, if t=1t=1, then GG can be drawn on a single layer with bend complexity 00. A few extensions to higher thickness are known, e.g., if t=2t=2 (resp., t>2t>2), then GG can be drawn on tt layers with bend complexity 2 (resp., 3n+O(1)3n+O(1)). However, allowing a higher number of layers may reduce the bend complexity, e.g., complete graphs require Θ(n)\Theta(n) layers to be drawn using 0 bends per edge. In this paper we present an elegant extension of F\'{a}ry's theorem to draw graphs of thickness t>2t>2. We first prove that thickness-tt graphs can be drawn on tt layers with 2.25n+O(1)2.25n+O(1) bends per edge. We then develop another technique to draw thickness-tt graphs on tt layers with bend complexity, i.e., O(2t⋅n1−(1/β))O(\sqrt{2}^{t} \cdot n^{1-(1/\beta)}), where β=2⌈(t−2)/2⌉\beta = 2^{\lceil (t-2)/2 \rceil }. Previously, the bend complexity was not known to be sublinear for t>2t>2. Finally, we show that graphs with linear arboricity kk can be drawn on kk layers with bend complexity 3(k−1)n(4k−2)\frac{3(k-1)n}{(4k-2)}.Comment: A preliminary version appeared at the 43rd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2016

    Recognizing Weighted Disk Contact Graphs

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    Disk contact representations realize graphs by mapping vertices bijectively to interior-disjoint disks in the plane such that two disks touch each other if and only if the corresponding vertices are adjacent in the graph. Deciding whether a vertex-weighted planar graph can be realized such that the disks' radii coincide with the vertex weights is known to be NP-hard. In this work, we reduce the gap between hardness and tractability by analyzing the problem for special graph classes. We show that it remains NP-hard for outerplanar graphs with unit weights and for stars with arbitrary weights, strengthening the previous hardness results. On the positive side, we present constructive linear-time recognition algorithms for caterpillars with unit weights and for embedded stars with arbitrary weights.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) 201
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