15,460 research outputs found

    Design of Fuzzy Controllers for Embedded Systems With JFML

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    Fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBSs) have been successfully applied to a wide range of real-world problems. However, they suffer from some design issues related to the difficulty to implement them on different hardware platforms without additional efforts. To bridge this gap, recently, the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society has sponsored the publication of the standard IEEE Std 1855-2016 which is aimed at providing the fuzzy community with a well-defined approach to model FRBSs in a hardwareindependent way. In order to provide a runnable version of an FRBS that is designed in accordance with the IEEE Std 1855-2016, the open source library Java Fuzzy Markup Language (JFML) has been developed. However, due to hardware and/or software limitations of embedded systems, it is not always possible to run an IEEE Std 1855-2016 FRBS on this kind of systems. The aim of this paper is to overcome this drawback by developing a new JFML module that assists developers in the design and implementation of FRBSs for open hardware–embedded systems. In detail, the module supports several connection types (WiFi, Bluetooth, and USB) in order to make feasible running FRBSs in a remote computer when, due to hardware limitations, it is not possible that they run locally in the embedded systems. The new JFML module is ready for ArduinoTM and Raspberry Pi, but it can be easily extended to other hardware architectures. Moreover, the new JFML module allows to automatically generate runnable files on ArduinoTM or Raspberry Pi in order to support nonexpert users, that is, users without specific knowledge about embedded systems or without strong programming skills. The use of the new JFML module is illustrated in two case studies.This paper has been supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects TIN2017-89517-P, TIN2015-68454-R, TIN2017-84796-C2-1-R, and TIN2017-90773-REDT) and the Andalusian Government. In addition, Jose M. Alonso is Ramon y Cajal Researcher (RYC-2016-19802). Financial support from the Galician Ministry of Education (grants ED431F 2018/02, GRC2014/030 and accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER program), is also gratefully acknowledged

    Integrating mobile robotics and vision with undergraduate computer science

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    This paper describes the integration of robotics education into an undergraduate Computer Science curriculum. The proposed approach delivers mobile robotics as well as covering the closely related field of Computer Vision, and is directly linked to the research conducted at the authors’ institution. The paper describes the most relevant details of the module content and assessment strategy, paying particular attention to the practical sessions using Rovio mobile robots. The specific choices are discussed that were made with regard to the mobile platform, software libraries and lab environment. The paper also presents a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of student results, including the correlation between student engagement and performance, and discusses the outcomes of this experience

    Embedded control system for an autonomous mobile robot

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    DiplomovĂĄ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ nĂĄvrhem a realizacĂ­ vestavěnĂ©ho ƙídicĂ­ho systĂ©mu určenĂ©ho pro autonomnĂ­ mobilnĂ­ robot Advee. ƘídicĂ­ systĂ©m tvoƙí vrstvu abstrakce mezi hardwarovĂœmi prostƙedky robotu a vyĆĄĆĄĂ­mi vrstvami ƙízenĂ­, kterĂ© provĂĄdějĂ­ lokalizaci robotu a plĂĄnovĂĄnĂ­ pohybu. V rĂĄmci nĂĄvrhu byla vyvinuta modulĂĄrnĂ­ struktura systĂ©mu a zvoleny prostƙedky mezimodulovĂ© komunikace. NavrĆŸenĂœ systĂ©m byl pak implementovĂĄn včetně podpory komunikačnĂ­ch standardĆŻ EIA-485 a CAN bus. ZvolenĂĄ architektura systĂ©mu se v praxi osvědčila --- prototyp robotu Advee ƙízenĂœ popsanĂœm systĂ©mem mĂĄ za sebou vĂ­ce neĆŸ 500 hodin komerčnĂ­ho provozu s minimem poruch.The master's thesis deals with the design and realization of an embedded control system for the autonomous mobile robot Advee. The control system forms an abstraction layer between the hardware means of the robot and higher control layers that handle robot localization and autonomous navigation. Modular system structure has been designed and inter-process communication mechanism has been chosen. The designed control system has been then implemented with the support for EIA-485 and CAN bus communication standards. The architecture of the system has been verified during more than 500 hours of commercial operation of the robot prototype equipped with the control system.

    Soft Legged Wheel-Based Robot with Terrestrial Locomotion Abilities

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    In recent years robotics has been influenced by a new approach, soft-robotics, bringing the idea that safe interaction with user and more adaptation to the environment can be achieved by exploiting easily deformable materials and flexible components in the structure of robots. In 2016, the soft-robotics community has promoted a new robotics challenge, named RoboSoft Grand Challenge, with the aim of bringing together different opinions on the usefulness and applicability of softness and compliancy in robotics. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a terrestrial robot based on two soft legged wheels. The tasks predefined by the challenge were set as targets in the robot design, which finally succeeded to accomplish all the tasks. The wheels of the robot can passively climb over stairs and adapt to slippery grounds using two soft legs embedded in their structure. The soft legs, fabricated by integration of soft and rigid materials and mounted on the circumference of a conventional wheel, succeed to enhance its functionality and easily adapt to unknown grounds. The robot has a semi stiff tail that helps in the stabilization and climbing of stairs. An active wheel is embedded at the extremity of the tail in order to increase the robot maneuverability in narrow environments. Moreover two parallelogram linkages let the robot to reconfigure and shrink its size allowing entering inside gates smaller than its initial dimensions

    Embedded Control System of DC Motor Using Microcontroller Arduino and PID Algorithm

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    The development of technology has a positive effect on the trade sector, creating smartphones that can be utilized in all activities combined with the internet network. Activity that is currently growing is a mobile trader in the city of Pekanbaru. This development caused much competition, for example, in the Pekanbaru city area, especially in Sialangmunggu village. Traders around is difficult to find consumers because consumers do not have precise location and time information. Therefore, researchers aim to design and build applications by utilizing the functions of google maps and GPS (Global Positioning System) where the Algorithm to be applied is the A* algorithm whose function is to find the nearest location between buyers to mobile merchants, to accommodate data from mobile merchants where buyers can know the nearest position of the traveling merchant. Process analysis will be divided into running analysis that discusses the workings of the process of mobile traders and buyers in the field. Then the proposed system analysis of the analysis will be made by the author to maximize the process on the current analysis. By making analysis and design, the author will know the needs needed in the creation of the system. The result of using method A* is applied to displaying the merchant's route with the user, and the result can provide the fastest route to get to the trader. The use of method A* is also done to find the trader whose location is closest to the user's location, and the result can display the nearest trader

    Model-driven engineering for mobile robotic systems: a systematic mapping study

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    Mobile robots operate in various environments (e.g. aquatic, aerial, or terrestrial), they come in many diverse shapes and they are increasingly becoming parts of our lives. The successful engineering of mobile robotics systems demands the interdisciplinary collaboration of experts from different domains, such as mechanical and electrical engineering, artificial intelligence, and systems engineering. Research and industry have tried to tackle this heterogeneity by proposing a multitude of model-driven solutions to engineer the software of mobile robotics systems. However, there is no systematic study of the state of the art in model-driven engineering (MDE) for mobile robotics systems that could guide research or practitioners in finding model-driven solutions and tools to efficiently engineer mobile robotics systems. The paper is contributing to this direction by providing a map of software engineering research in MDE that investigates (1) which types of robots are supported by existing MDE approaches, (2) the types and characteristics of MRSs that are engineered using MDE approaches, (3) a description of how MDE approaches support the engineering of MRSs, (4) how existing MDE approaches are validated, and (5) how tools support existing MDE approaches. We also provide a replication package to assess, extend, and/or replicate the study. The results of this work and the highlighted challenges can guide researchers and practitioners from robotics and software engineering through the research landscape

    OpenSwarm: an event-driven embedded operating system for miniature robots

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    This paper presents OpenSwarm, a lightweight easy-to-use open-source operating system. To our knowledge, it is the first operating system designed for and deployed on miniature robots. OpenSwarm operates directly on a robot’s microcontroller. It has a memory footprint of 1 kB RAM and 12 kB ROM. OpenSwarm enables a robot to execute multiple processes simultaneously. It provides a hybrid kernel that natively supports preemptive and cooperative scheduling, making it suitable for both computationally intensive and swiftly responsive robotics tasks. OpenSwarm provides hardware abstractions to rapidly develop and test platformindependent code. We show how OpenSwarm can be used to solve a canonical problem in swarm robotics—clustering a collection of dispersed objects. We report experiments, conducted with five e-puck mobile robots, that show that an OpenSwarm implementation performs as good as a hardware-near implementation. The primary goal of OpenSwarm is to make robots with severely constrained hardware more accessible, which may help such systems to be deployed in real-world applications
