18 research outputs found

    A Tverberg type theorem for matroids

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    Let b(M) denote the maximal number of disjoint bases in a matroid M. It is shown that if M is a matroid of rank d+1, then for any continuous map f from the matroidal complex M into the d-dimensional Euclidean space there exist t \geq \sqrt{b(M)}/4 disjoint independent sets \sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_t \in M such that \bigcap_{i=1}^t f(\sigma_i) \neq \emptyset.Comment: This article is due to be published in the collection of papers "A Journey through Discrete Mathematics. A Tribute to Jiri Matousek" edited by Martin Loebl, Jaroslav Nesetril and Robin Thomas, due to be published by Springe

    Eliminating higher-multiplicity intersections in the metastable dimension range

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    The rr-fold analogues of Whitney trick were `in the air' since 1960s. However, only in this century they were stated, proved and applied to obtain interesting results. Here we prove and apply a version of the rr-fold Whitney trick when general position rr-tuple intersections have positive dimension. Theorem. Assume that D=D1DrD=D_1\sqcup\ldots\sqcup D_r is disjoint union of kk-dimensional disks, rd(r+1)k+3rd\ge (r+1)k+3, and f:DBdf:D\to B^d a proper PL (smooth) map such that fD1fDr=f\partial D_1\cap\ldots\cap f\partial D_r=\emptyset. If the map fr:(D1××Dr)(Bd)r{(x,x,,x)(Bd)r  xBd}f^r:\partial(D_1\times\ldots\times D_r)\to (B^d)^r-\{(x,x,\ldots,x)\in(B^d)^r\ |\ x\in B^d\} extends to D1××DrD_1\times\ldots\times D_r, then there is a proper PL (smooth) map f:DBd\overline f:D\to B^d such that f=f\overline f=f on D\partial D and fD1fDr=\overline fD_1\cap\ldots\cap \overline fD_r=\emptyset.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, exposition improve

    Stronger counterexamples to the topological Tverberg conjecture

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    Denote by ΔN\Delta_N the NN-dimensional simplex. A map f ⁣:ΔNRdf\colon \Delta_N\to\mathbb R^d is an almost rr-embedding if fσ1fσr=f\sigma_1\cap\ldots\cap f\sigma_r=\emptyset whenever σ1,,σr\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_r are pairwise disjoint faces. A counterexample to the topological Tverberg conjecture asserts that if rr is not a prime power and d2r+1d\ge2r+1, then there is an almost rr-embedding Δ(d+1)(r1)Rd\Delta_{(d+1)(r-1)}\to\mathbb R^d. This was improved by Blagojevi\'c-Frick-Ziegler using a simple construction of higher-dimensional counterexamples by taking kk-fold join power of lower-dimensional ones. We improve this further (for dd large compared to rr): If rr is not a prime power and N:=(d+1)rrd+2r+12N:=(d+1)r-r\Big\lceil\dfrac{d+2}{r+1}\Big\rceil-2, then there is an almost rr-embedding ΔNRd\Delta_N\to\mathbb R^d. For the rr-fold van Kampen-Flores conjecture we also produce counterexamples which are stronger than previously known. Our proof is based on generalizations of the Mabillard-Wagner theorem on construction of almost rr-embeddings from equivariant maps, and of the \"Ozaydin theorem on existence of equivariant maps.Comment: 7 page


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    The Tverberg theorem is one of the cornerstones of discrete geometry. It states that, given a set X of at least (d+1)(r-1)+1 points in R^d, one can find a partition X=X_1 cup ... cup X_r of X, such that the convex hulls of the X_i, i=1,...,r, all share a common point. In this paper, we prove a strengthening of this theorem that guarantees a partition which, in addition to the above, has the property that the boundaries of full-dimensional convex hulls have pairwise nonempty intersections. Possible generalizations and algorithmic aspects are also discussed. As a concrete application, we show that any n points in the plane in general position span floor[n/3] vertex-disjoint triangles that are pairwise crossing, meaning that their boundaries have pairwise nonempty intersections; this number is clearly best possible. A previous result of Alvarez-Rebollar et al. guarantees floor[n/6] pairwise crossing triangles. Our result generalizes to a result about simplices in R^d,d >=2