3,443 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithm for controllers in elevator groups: analysis and simulation during lunchpeak traffic

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    The efficient performance of elevator group system controllers becomes a first order necessity when the buildings have a high utilisation ratio of the elevators, such as in professional buildings. We present a genetic algorithm that is compared with traditional controller algorithms in industry applications. An ARENA simulation scenario is created during heavy lunchpeak traffic conditions. The results allow us to affirm that our genetic algorithm reaches a better performance attending to the system waiting times than THV algorithm

    Improving the Efficiencies of Elevator Systems Using Fuzzy Logic

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    This research presents the application of fuzzy logic in elevators. This analyzes the features of elevators and how fuzzy logiccould be used to minimize the waiting time, detect when the temperature is high for the car, and determine which floor hashighest number of people waiting for the car. High rising building is a common sight in most of the cities today. Fast andefficient elevator transportation is a key feature when creating these kinds of buildings. As the complexity of a systemincreases, it becomes more difficult and eventually impossible to make a precise statement about its behaviour. Many of thesystems build before fuzzy logic use trial and error and effort had to be done over and over to arrive at effective control.Fuzzy logic concepts are used to enable the elevator control system to make decisions. The design criteria include ofoptimizing movement of elevators with regard to several factors such as waiting time, riding time, energy, load, etc.Software simulation is done in order to capture the performance of the proposed system which is compared to conventionalapproaches.Keywords: Fuzzy logic (FL), Elevator. Car, Software simulation

    Dynamic fuzzy logic elevator group control system for energy optimization

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    High-rise buildings with a considerable number of elevators represent a major logistic problem concerning saving space and time due to economic reasons. For this reason, complex Elevator Group Control Systems are developed in order to manage the elevators properly. Furthermore, the subject of energy is acquiring more and more industrial relevance every day as far as sustainable development is concerned. In this paper, the first entirely dynamic Fuzzy Logic Elevator Group Control System to dispatch landing calls so as to minimize energy consumption, especially during interfloor traffic, is proposed. The fuzzy logic design described here constitutes not only an innovative solution that outperforms usual dispatchers but also an easy, cheap, feasible and reliable solution, which is possible to be implemented in real industry controllers

    Modelling of a rope-free passenger transportation system for active cabin vibration damping

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    Conventional vertical passenger transportation is performed by lifts. Conventional traction-drive electrical lifts use ropes to transfer the rotational motion of an electrical motor into a vertical motion of the cabin. The vertical passenger transportation system discussed in this paper does not use any ropes, the motor directly provides a driving force, which moves the cabin. This new propulsion is realized through an electrical linear motor. The use of the linear motor requires a new design of the passenger transportation system (PTS), which includes reducing the weight of the car through lightweight construction. The reduced stiffness of the lightweight design renders the construction more vulnerable to vibrations. In order to improve ride quality of the transportation system it is necessary to develop new concepts to damp the vibrations. One way to increase stiffness characteristics of the system is to introduce active damping components to be used alongside passive damping components. It is essential to derive a dynamic model of the system in order to design and also later control these damping components in the best possible way. This paper describes the fundamental steps undertaken to derive a dynamic model for designing and controlling active damping components for the new type of vertical PTS. The model is derived as a Multi-Body System (MBS), where the connections between the bodies are modelled as spring damper elements. The derivation of the MBS is demonstrated on a transportation system, consisting of three main components: a sledge, holding the rotor of the linear motor; a mounting frame, which is used to provide support for the cabin; and the actual cabin. The modelling of the propulsion system, thus the electrical part of the PTS, will not be the focus of this work

    Evaluating a holistic energy benchmarking parameter of lift systems by using computer simulation

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    At present, there are benchmarking parameters to assess the energy performance of lifts, e.g. one in Germany adopted by VDI (4707-1/2), one internationally published by ISO (BS EN ISO 25745-2:2015), and the other in Hong Kong adopted by The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government. These parameters are mainly checking the energy consumed by a lift drive without considering real time passenger demands and traffic conditions; the one in Hong Kong pinpointing a fully loaded up-journey under rated speed and the two in Europe pinpointing a round trip, bottom floor to top floor and return with an empty car, though including energy consumed by lighting, displays, ventilation etc. A holistic normalization method by Lam et al [1] was developed a number of years ago by one of the co-authors of this article, which can assess both drive efficiency and traffic control, termed J/kg-m, which is now adopted by the HKSAR Government as a good practice, but not specified in the mandatory code. In Europe, the energy unit of Wh has been used but here, Joule (J), i.e. Ws, is adopted to discriminate the difference between the two concepts. In this article, this parameter is evaluated under different lift traffic scenarios using computer simulation techniques, with an aim of arriving at a reasonable figure for benchmarking an energy efficient lift system with both an efficient drive as well as an efficient supervisory traffic control

    A study into the influence of the car geometry on the aerodynamic transient effects arising in a high rise lift installation

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    One of the main goals in designing a high-speed lift system is developing a more aerodynamically efficient car geometry that guarantees a good ride comfort and reduces the energy consumption. In this study, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model has been developed to analyse an unsteady turbulent air flow around two cars moving in a lift shaft. The paper is focused on transient aerodynamic effects arising when two cars pass each other in the same shaft at the same speed. The scenarios considered in the paper involve cars having three different geometries. Aerodynamic forces such as the drag force that occur due to the vertical opposite motions of the cars have been investigated. Attention is paid to the airflow velocity and pressure distribution around the car structures. The flow pattern in the boundary layer around each car has been calculated explicitly to examine the flow separation in the wake region. The results presented in the paper would be useful to guide the lift designers to understand and mitigate the aerodynamic effects arising in the lift shaft

    An intelligent real-time lift scheduling system

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    In modem high-rise buildings, a suitable control algorithm has to be chosen so that lifts can respond to passenger requests in such a way as to transport them quickly and efficiently to their destinations. The aim of the current work is to assess new scheduling approaches and intelligent monitoring techniques in order to aid the design of new lift systems and to improve the performance of existing installations. To achieve this, the project has been divided into three major parts. Firstly, a model of passenger movements has been developed from an analysis of data gathered from installed lift systems, thereby allowing the realistic simulation of landing calls, car calls and door opening times. Secondly, a lift simulator has been produced to allow the modular comparison of alternative scheduling and monitoring approaches and to provide an accurate model of lift dynamics. Thirdly, a new intelligent lift scheduling system has been implemented

    Elevator Trip Distribution for Inconsistent Passenger Input-Output Data

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    Accurate traffic data are the basis for group control of elevators and its performance evaluation by trace driven simulation. The present practice estimates a time series of inter-floor passenger traffic based on commonly available elevator sensor data. The method demands that the sensor data be transformed into sets of passenger input-output data which are consistent in the sense that the transportation preserves the number of passengers. Since observation involves various behavioral assumptions, which may actually be violated, as well as measurement errors, it has been necessary to apply data adjustment procedures to secure the consistency. This paper proposes an alternative algorithm which reconstructs elevator passenger origin-destination tables from inconsistent passenger input-output data sets, thus eliminating the ad hoc data adjustment

    First and foremost:priority rules in practice

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