58 research outputs found

    Elements of a Theory of Simulation

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    Unlike computation or the numerical analysis of differential equations, simulation does not have a well established conceptual and mathematical foundation. Simulation is an arguable unique union of modeling and computation. However, simulation also qualifies as a separate species of system representation with its own motivations, characteristics, and implications. This work outlines how simulation can be rooted in mathematics and shows which properties some of the elements of such a mathematical framework has. The properties of simulation are described and analyzed in terms of properties of dynamical systems. It is shown how and why a simulation produces emergent behavior and why the analysis of the dynamics of the system being simulated always is an analysis of emergent phenomena. A notion of a universal simulator and the definition of simulatability is proposed. This allows a description of conditions under which simulations can distribute update functions over system components, thereby determining simulatability. The connection between the notion of simulatability and the notion of computability is defined and the concepts are distinguished. The basis of practical detection methods for determining effectively non-simulatable systems in practice is presented. The conceptual framework is illustrated through examples from molecular self-assembly end engineering.Comment: Also available via http://studguppy.tsasa.lanl.gov/research_team/ Keywords: simulatability, computability, dynamics, emergence, system representation, universal simulato

    Order Independence in Asynchronous Cellular Automata

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    A sequential dynamical system, or SDS, consists of an undirected graph Y, a vertex-indexed list of local functions F_Y, and a permutation pi of the vertex set (or more generally, a word w over the vertex set) that describes the order in which these local functions are to be applied. In this article we investigate the special case where Y is a circular graph with n vertices and all of the local functions are identical. The 256 possible local functions are known as Wolfram rules and the resulting sequential dynamical systems are called finite asynchronous elementary cellular automata, or ACAs, since they resemble classical elementary cellular automata, but with the important distinction that the vertex functions are applied sequentially rather than in parallel. An ACA is said to be pi-independent if the set of periodic states does not depend on the choice of pi, and our main result is that for all n>3 exactly 104 of the 256 Wolfram rules give rise to a pi-independent ACA. In 2005 Hansson, Mortveit and Reidys classified the 11 symmetric Wolfram rules with this property. In addition to reproving and extending this earlier result, our proofs of pi-independence also provide significant insight into the dynamics of these systems.Comment: 18 pages. New version distinguishes between functions that are pi-independent but not w-independen

    Cycle Equivalence of Graph Dynamical Systems

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    Graph dynamical systems (GDSs) can be used to describe a wide range of distributed, nonlinear phenomena. In this paper we characterize cycle equivalence of a class of finite GDSs called sequential dynamical systems SDSs. In general, two finite GDSs are cycle equivalent if their periodic orbits are isomorphic as directed graphs. Sequential dynamical systems may be thought of as generalized cellular automata, and use an update order to construct the dynamical system map. The main result of this paper is a characterization of cycle equivalence in terms of shifts and reflections of the SDS update order. We construct two graphs C(Y) and D(Y) whose components describe update orders that give rise to cycle equivalent SDSs. The number of components in C(Y) and D(Y) is an upper bound for the number of cycle equivalence classes one can obtain, and we enumerate these quantities through a recursion relation for several graph classes. The components of these graphs encode dynamical neutrality, the component sizes represent periodic orbit structural stability, and the number of components can be viewed as a system complexity measure