4 research outputs found

    Dual-mode multifunction filter realized with a single voltage differencing gain amplifier (VDGA)

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    This article presents the dual-mode multifunction biquad filter realized employing only a single voltage differencing gain amplifier (VDGA), one resistor and three capacitors. The proposed filterwith one input and three outputs can configure as voltage-mode or current-mode filter circuit with the appropriate input injection choice. It can also synthesis the three standard filter functions, which are highpass, bandpass, and lowpass responses without modifying the circuit configuration. Orthogonal adjustment between the natural angular frequency (o) and the quality factor (Q) of the filter is achieved. Detail analysis of non-ideal VDGA effects and circuit component sensitivity are included. The circuit principle is verified by means of simulation results with TSMC 0.35-m CMOS process parameters

    Single VDTA Based Dual Mode Single Input Multioutput Biquad Filter

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    This paper presents a new trans-impedance-mode biquad filter which simultaneously, realizes the multifunction filtering outputs such as low pass (LP), band pass (BP), high pass (HP) and band reject (BR). The presented filter topology consists of only single active element as voltage differencing transconductance amplifier (VDTA) along with two grounded capacitors and two MOS implemented grounded resistors. So, the proposed TIM filter structure is fully integrable and canonical in nature. Apart from these, the proposed filter also enjoys the desirable features such as low active and passive sensitivities, low power consumption and orthogonal tunability of pole frequency and quality factor by electronic means. The presented filter is simulated using PSPICE in 0.18 µm CMOS process

    One input voltage and three output voltage universal biquad filters with orthogonal tune of frequency and bandwidth

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    This research paper contributes the one input three output voltage mode universal biquad filters with linear and electronic control of the natural frequency (w0), using two commercially available ICs, LT1228s as active device with two grounded capacitors, five resistors. The presented universal biquad filters can simultaneously provide three voltage-mode filtering functions, low-pass (LP), high-pass (HP) and band-pass (BP) without changing the circuit architecture. Furthermore, the first presented biquad filter provides low impedance at HP, BP voltage output nodes and LP, BP output voltage nodes are low impedance for the second proposed filter which is easy cascade ability with other voltage mode circuits without the employment of buffer circuits. The quality factor (Q) of both proposed filters is orthogonally adjusted from the passband voltage gain and w0. The proposed filters are simulated and experimented with commercially accessible ICs, LT1228. The simulated and experimental results demonstrate the filtering performances