3 research outputs found

    Electronic Markets in Emerging Markets

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    (First paragraph) Electronic markets and networked business is one of most challenging areas for industry and research communities. Electronic markets have evolved from the classic article on the Electronic market hypothesis published in Communications of the ACM in 1987 to the highly integrated and collaborative e-business such as Alibaba (Malone et al. 1987;Wangetal. 2008). This evolution has reshaped the ways of doing business and supply chain networks (Peruzzini and Stjepandić 2018). In last two decades, we have seen how novel and dynamic electronic markets applications have been bringing about a variety of new developments, new organizational forms and shapes in respective industries. In the last decade, one of the most fundamental trends is the emergence of markets such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia as drivers of global economic growth (Li 2013). The emerging markets account for more andmoreworld exports. Emerging markets including the emerging market country classifications have been defined in the literature (Atilgan et al. 2016). We believe that there are significant opportunities for improving our understanding of electronic markets in emerging economies, in ways that also advance theories of electronic markets and their impact on both developed and developing (emerging) economies

    An Empirical Study on Innovation Ecosystem, Technological Trajectory Transition, and Innovation Performance

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    This paper explores technological trajectory transition in the perspective of innovation ecosystem and their effect on innovation performance of latecomers in market. A structural equation model is developed and tested with data collected from 366 firms in China. In specific, this paper categories technological trajectory transition creative accumulative technological trajectory transition (CCT) and creative disruptive technological trajectory transition (CDT). The results indicate that firms\u27 organizational learning ability positively affect their technological trajectory transition and innovation performance. Firms\u27 network relationship strength negatively affects their technological trajectory transition and positively affect their innovation performance. Governments\u27 environmental concerns positively affect firms\u27 technological trajectory transition and their innovation performance, whereas firms\u27 environmental concerns do not. CCT does not positively affect their innovation performance. In contrast, CDT positively affects their innovation performance

    E-commerce no Brasil: revisão sistemática de literatura de 2011 a 2021 / E-commerce in Brazil: systematic literature review from 2011 to 2021

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    O surgimento da era digital e da internet no final do século XX desencadeou uma proliferação de novos modelos de negócios eletrônicos e continua a evoluir consistentemente nas últimas três décadas (Mendonça, 2016). O início do e-commerce no Brasil remonta ao meio da década de 1990, então o tema ainda é bastante recente no mercado e a produção acadêmica enxuta reflete essa jovialidade do tema. O presente estudo qualitativo se propôs a levantar, a partir de uma revisão sistemática de literatura em bases de artigos disponíveis no Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, quais são os temas abordados na produção acadêmica a respeito do e-commerce no Brasil entre o período de 2011 e maio de 2021. A partir de uma pesquisa inicial com 642 artigos e mais três rodadas de refinamento foram selecionados 23 artigos válidos que foram analisados em profundidade. Esses artigos foram agrupados em três grandes temas: comportamento do consumidor, negócios e outros. O presente artigo se mostra relevante em função da contemporaneidade do tema e como ponto de partida para futuras pesquisadores se aprofundarem nos tópicos identificados e nos aspectos ainda não abordados sobre comércio eletrônico no Brasil.