4 research outputs found

    Est谩ndar de seguridad para la protecci贸n de datos de tarjetas de pago en las entidades financieras, Lima 2021

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo general proponer la implementaci贸n de est谩ndares de seguridad para la protecci贸n de datos de tarjetas de pago en las entidades financieras. El enfoque de la investigaci贸n fue cualitativo, el m茅todo de la investigaci贸n se bas贸 en el paradigma interpretativo, el tipo de investigaci贸n fue b谩sica y se us贸 el dise帽o investigaci贸n acci贸n. Se utiliz贸 como t茅cnicas de investigaci贸n la entrevista semiestructura, la observaci贸n y por 煤ltimo el an谩lisis documental. La t茅cnica de triangulaci贸n se utiliz贸 para dar respuesta a los objetivos y conclusi贸n. Se concluye que para la protecci贸n de los datos de las tarjetas de pagos se requiere implementar est谩ndares de seguridad que est茅n orientados en asegurar los tres pilares de seguridad como la disponibilidad, la confiabilidad y la integridad de la informaci贸n, sin embargo estos est谩ndares deben de ir acompa帽ados de mecanismos que permitan gestionar la seguridad en el almacenamiento, en el procesamiento y trasmisi贸n de los datos, adem谩s deben de estar alineados con la infraestructura implementada. Por otra parte, la mejor manera de reducir el fraude cibern茅tico, en ATM, canales electr贸nicos y punto de venta es con la implementaci贸n de sistemas biom茅tricos y de herramientas de autoaprendizajes

    Electronic Payment Adoption in the Banking Sector of Low-Income Countries

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    Banks in low-income countries are launching e-banking services such as Internet banking, SMS banking, ATM banking, card banking, point of sales (PoS) and mobile banking. Among these planned services, ATM is the most matured service in many private and state owned banks in Ethiopia. ATM is a recent phenomenon in low-income countries (; ), and is still being introduced in financial sectors in low-income countries (Angeli, 2008; ) making investigation of factors of ICT technology adoption in low income countries timely. The authors test context specific applicability of UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) model. The authors\u27 analysis of primary data suggests general applicability of the modified UTAUT model in explaining factors and antecedents of technology adoption but also identifies significant differences in the moderating factors of gender and age. Depending on whether they are above or below the age of 30, Ethiopian consumers of banking services exhibit highly differentiated levels of service credibility and technology risk acceptance towards ATM banking. This suggests that banking services sector in low income countries may like to clearly delineate and appropriately differentiate their awareness and reach-out strategies to their customers who belong to one or the other age group. Furthermore, women in this study are found to perceive themselves as more susceptible to fraud and other security risks in ATM banking, suggesting that special design considerations be incorporated in the way locations of ATMs are selected and in the way ATM technology features are accessed to ally such fears. The authors\u27 work also shows research directions where other scholars may investigate an otherwise much diffused technology adoption in the low income countries of the world

    Electronic Payment Adoption in the Banking Sector of Low-Income Countries

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