12 research outputs found

    A Theoretical Approach to Electronic Money

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    The paper proposes an analysis of money which starts from electronic money. In open contradiction to the traditional approach, characterized by a general lack of interest by theoreticians towards payment system issues, the paper argues that analysis of the distinctive characteristics of electronic money is bound to contribute to received monetary theory. After indicating the distinguishing properties of electronic money (which derive entirely from its technical features), the paper outlines their consequences on the principles of monetary theory. It is argued that recognition of the fact that electronic money is nominal money issued in an operation of monetary intermediation, provides an analytical framework for a better understanding of electronic money issuance, as well as of the meaning of issuing money. The analysis will show that only a deep analysis into the very nature of bank money can provide a better understanding of phenomena such as electronic money, which is consistent with the evolution of financial and banking innovations, in particular with the rise of interest bearing mediums of exchange.Electronic money monetary theory

    A Theoretical Approach to Electronic Money

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    The paper proposes an analysis of money which starts from electronic money. In open contradiction to the traditional approach, characterized by a general lack of interest by theoreticians towards payment system issues, the paper argues that analysis of the distinctive characteristics of electronic money is bound to contribute to received monetary theory. After indicating the distinguishing properties of electronic money (which derive entirely from its technical features), the paper outlines their consequences on the principles of monetary theory. It is argued that recognition of the fact that electronic money is nominal money issued in an operation of monetary intermediation, provides an analytical framework for a better understanding of electronic money issuance, as well as of the meaning of issuing money. The analysis will show that only a deep analysis into the very nature of bank money can provide a better understanding of phenomena such as electronic money, which is consistent with the evolution of financial and banking innovations, in particular with the rise of interest bearing mediums of exchange.electronic money; monetary theory

    Monetary Policy Implications of Digital Money

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    Quantum money

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    The quantum money (q-money) as a possible convenient, socially innovative, technologically attractive and user/issuer friendly value storing/not storing unit, mean of payment and exchange medium in the advanced financial systems of the developed states is a subject of our scientific interest in this research article. The purpose of this research article is to report on a number of topics: 1. The historical evolution of the money in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes over the centuries. 2. The definition on the electronic money in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes. 3. The proposal and definition on the quantum money in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes. 4. The theoretical framework on the quantum money functional principles in the financial systems within the quantum economies of the scale and scopes. 5. The monetary policies toward the quantum money introduction and functioning in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes. 6. The possible change impacts by the quantum money on the central banks’ existing monetary policies and the financial systems structure within the economies of the scales and scopes. We believe that the quantum money is more convenient for the existing financial and economic systems, which can be accurately characterized by the quantum macroeconomic theory in Ledenyov D O, Ledenyov V O (2015h) and the quantum microeconomics theory in Ledenyov D O, Ledenyov V O (2015j) instead of the classic macroeconomics and microeconomics theories. The authors think that the present transition to the quantum money (q-money) from the electronic money (e-money) in the finances can be conditionally compared with the present transition to the quantum devices (lasers, quantum random number generators, quantum computers) from the electronic devices (vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, analog computers, digital computers) in the electronics

    Quantum money

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    The quantum money (q-money) as a possible convenient, socially innovative, technologically attractive and user/issuer friendly value storing/not storing unit, mean of payment and exchange medium in the advanced financial systems of the developed states is a subject of our scientific interest in this research article. The purpose of this research article is to report on a number of topics: 1. The historical evolution of the money in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes over the centuries. 2. The definition on the electronic money in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes. 3. The proposal and definition on the quantum money in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes. 4. The theoretical framework on the quantum money functional principles in the financial systems within the quantum economies of the scale and scopes. 5. The monetary policies toward the quantum money introduction and functioning in the financial systems within the economies of the scales and scopes. 6. The possible change impacts by the quantum money on the central banks’ existing monetary policies and the financial systems structure within the economies of the scales and scopes. We believe that the quantum money is more convenient for the existing financial and economic systems, which can be accurately characterized by the quantum macroeconomic theory in Ledenyov D O, Ledenyov V O (2015h) and the quantum microeconomics theory in Ledenyov D O, Ledenyov V O (2015j) instead of the classic macroeconomics and microeconomics theories. The authors think that the present transition to the quantum money (q-money) from the electronic money (e-money) in the finances can be conditionally compared with the present transition to the quantum devices (lasers, quantum random number generators, quantum computers) from the electronic devices (vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, analog computers, digital computers) in the electronics

    Forecast in Capital Markets

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    In the Schumpeterian technical and social innovations disruption age, we firmly believe that a big number of unlimited opportunities toward a new era of the ultra high frequency electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets is being created due to an increasing application of the computations processing in the range of ultra high frequencies in the modern finances. In this book, we would like to focus on the capital markets in the finances, discussing a number of scientific methods for an accurate forecast of the foreign currencies exchange rates oscillations dynamics during the ultra high frequency electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets in the short and long time periods. More specifically, we would like to precisely characterize the foreign currencies exchange rates at the ultra high frequencies electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets in the short and long time periods, using the mathematical, financial, electronic and quantum analysis methods. In addition, we would like to propose the quantum winning virtuous strategies creation algorithm with the inductive, deductive, abductive and quantum logics to earn an increasing return premium during the ultra high frequencies electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets in the short and long time periods

    Forecast in Capital Markets

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    In the Schumpeterian technical and social innovations disruption age, we firmly believe that a big number of unlimited opportunities toward a new era of the ultra high frequency electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets is being created due to an increasing application of the computations processing in the range of ultra high frequencies in the modern finances. In this book, we would like to focus on the capital markets in the finances, discussing a number of scientific methods for an accurate forecast of the foreign currencies exchange rates oscillations dynamics during the ultra high frequency electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets in the short and long time periods. More specifically, we would like to precisely characterize the foreign currencies exchange rates at the ultra high frequencies electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets in the short and long time periods, using the mathematical, financial, electronic and quantum analysis methods. In addition, we would like to propose the quantum winning virtuous strategies creation algorithm with the inductive, deductive, abductive and quantum logics to earn an increasing return premium during the ultra high frequencies electronic trading in the foreign currencies exchange markets in the short and long time periods

    New challenges for monetary policy in the twenty-first century

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    Developments in information and communications technologies, the increasing sophistication and deepening of financial markets and the ineluctable process of globalisation have profound implications for the conduct of monetary policy. This thesis identifies three areas in which the impact of such developments may be felt most acutely by modern central banks:\ the electronification of retail payments systems, the increasing frequency and severity of asset market cycles and the continuing integration of the global economy. The high profile debate concerning the threat of e--money to the efficacy of monetary policy has been largely resolved. It has, nevertheless, diverted attention away from other important concerns, including the potential for runs on service providers and systemic risks arising from unregulated offshore issuers. The importance of these issues can only be evaluated with reference to the importance of e--money as a payment instrument. However, e--money usage remains marginal at present and forecasts of its development indicate limited growth potential. This raises a number of regulatory issues. Firstly, regulators must ensure systemic security. Secondly, is existing regulation stifling innovation? Finally, can regulation be designed to promote innovation, and would this be desirable? This thesis argues that regulation must balance systemic security with the incentives for innovation, and proposes a general regulatory framework to this end. Since the onset of global financial crisis in mid 2007, it has become clear that central banks underestimate the macroeconomic influence of financial markets at their peril. The Minskyan financial fragility hypothesis asserts that inflation targeting monetary policy may contribute to financial fragility. The estimation of a small macroeconomic model lends substantial support to this view, suggesting that central banks should manipulate the interest rate with great care. However, it is within the power of the central bank to set differential reserve requirements by asset class, providing an additional policy instrument. This thesis proposes a simple approach in which interest rates and reserve requirements are used in a complementary manner. The majority of monetary policy research is conducted assuming either a closed, or small open economy. However, the exclusion of feedback effects renders these approaches inappropriate in many economically interesting cases. This thesis develops a simple stock--flow consistent model comprised of two mutually dependent economies with financial and real linkages. The performance of various stabilisation policies is analysed using this framework. The results call into question the ability of simple inflation--targeting rules to achieve price stability in an open economy and stress that a combined monetary and fiscal regime is necessary for effective stabilisation. The conclusion of this thesis is threefold. Firstly, regulators are rightly concerned with financial innovation but they must leave room for innovation and technological progress. Secondly, central banks must pursue interest rate policy with great care to avoid exacerbating financial fragility. Thirdly, the interest rate is not the sole instrument of monetary policy and, indeed, the central bank is not the sole institution capable of undertaking stabilisation policy.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Electronic Money, Money, and Banking Intermediation (Monnaie électronique, monnaie et intermédiation bancaire)

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    Extensive theoretical analysis of electronic money and electronic money systems based on quantum theoretical approach. Fundamental critique to traditional approach to electronic money.Electronic Money, Banking Intermediation, Money

    Investment in capital markets

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    Investment in Capital Markets creates a strategic vision on the financial capital investment in the capital markets with the aim to get an increased return premium in the short and long time periods. The book is written with a main goal to explain the pros and cons of the financial capital investment in the capital markets, discussing the sophisticated investment concepts and techniques in the simple understandable readable general format language. We would like to highlight the three interesting facts about the book: 1. It is centered on the consideration of the modern investment products, the investment vehicles and the investment mediums for the financial capital investment in the capital markets; 2. It is focused on the financial risk calculation and mitigation techniques for the financial capital investment in the financial capital markets. 3. It is aimed to describe the quantum winning virtuous investment strategies creation and execution techniques during the financial capital investment in the capital markets. The investors, financiers, economists, financial analysts, financial traders, financial advisers, lawmakers, policy analysts, subject experts, professors, and students will certainly enjoy a breathtaking splendid learning journey with the explained new ideas, established concepts and outlined future prospects toward the financial capital investment in the capital markets with the aim to get an increased return premium in the short and long time periods