921 research outputs found

    EIT Reconstruction Algorithms: Pitfalls, Challenges and Recent Developments

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    We review developments, issues and challenges in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), for the 4th Workshop on Biomedical Applications of EIT, Manchester 2003. We focus on the necessity for three dimensional data collection and reconstruction, efficient solution of the forward problem and present and future reconstruction algorithms. We also suggest common pitfalls or ``inverse crimes'' to avoid.Comment: A review paper for the 4th Workshop on Biomedical Applications of EIT, Manchester, UK, 200

    An Analysis of Finite Element Approximation in Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    We present a finite element analysis of electrical impedance tomography for reconstructing the conductivity distribution from electrode voltage measurements by means of Tikhonov regularization. Two popular choices of the penalty term, i.e., H1(Ω)H^1(\Omega)-norm smoothness penalty and total variation seminorm penalty, are considered. A piecewise linear finite element method is employed for discretizing the forward model, i.e., the complete electrode model, the conductivity, and the penalty functional. The convergence of the finite element approximations for the Tikhonov model on both polyhedral and smooth curved domains is established. This provides rigorous justifications for the ad hoc discretization procedures in the literature.Comment: 20 page

    Adaptive Reconstruction for Electrical Impedance Tomography with a Piecewise Constant Conductivity

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    In this work we propose and analyze a numerical method for electrical impedance tomography of recovering a piecewise constant conductivity from boundary voltage measurements. It is based on standard Tikhonov regularization with a Modica-Mortola penalty functional and adaptive mesh refinement using suitable a posteriori error estimators of residual type that involve the state, adjoint and variational inequality in the necessary optimality condition and a separate marking strategy. We prove the convergence of the adaptive algorithm in the following sense: the sequence of discrete solutions contains a subsequence convergent to a solution of the continuous necessary optimality system. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the convergence behavior of the algorithm.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figure

    On a continuation approach in Tikhonov regularization and its application in piecewise-constant parameter identification

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    We present a new approach to convexification of the Tikhonov regularization using a continuation method strategy. We embed the original minimization problem into a one-parameter family of minimization problems. Both the penalty term and the minimizer of the Tikhonov functional become dependent on a continuation parameter. In this way we can independently treat two main roles of the regularization term, which are stabilization of the ill-posed problem and introduction of the a priori knowledge. For zero continuation parameter we solve a relaxed regularization problem, which stabilizes the ill-posed problem in a weaker sense. The problem is recast to the original minimization by the continuation method and so the a priori knowledge is enforced. We apply this approach in the context of topology-to-shape geometry identification, where it allows to avoid the convergence of gradient-based methods to a local minima. We present illustrative results for magnetic induction tomography which is an example of PDE constrained inverse problem

    The Factorization method for three dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    The use of the Factorization method for Electrical Impedance Tomography has been proved to be very promising for applications in the case where one wants to find inhomogeneous inclusions in a known background. In many situations, the inspected domain is three dimensional and is made of various materials. In this case, the main challenge in applying the Factorization method consists in computing the Neumann Green's function of the background medium. We explain how we solve this difficulty and demonstrate the capability of the Factorization method to locate inclusions in realistic inhomogeneous three dimensional background media from simulated data obtained by solving the so-called complete electrode model. We also perform a numerical study of the stability of the Factorization method with respect to various modelling errors.Comment: 16 page

    Convergence and regularization for monotonicity-based shape reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography

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    The inverse problem of electrical impedance tomography is severely ill-posed, meaning that, only limited information about the conductivity can in practice be recovered from boundary measurements of electric current and voltage. Recently it was shown that a simple monotonicity property of the related Neumann-to-Dirichlet map can be used to characterize shapes of inhomogeneities in a known background conductivity. In this paper we formulate a monotonicity-based shape reconstruction scheme that applies to approximative measurement models, and regularizes against noise and modelling error. We demonstrate that for admissible choices of regularization parameters the inhomogeneities are detected, and under reasonable assumptions, asymptotically exactly characterized. Moreover, we rigorously associate this result with the complete electrode model, and describe how a computationally cheap monotonicity-based reconstruction algorithm can be implemented. Numerical reconstructions from both simulated and real-life measurement data are presented

    A Partially Reflecting Random Walk on Spheres Algorithm for Electrical Impedance Tomography

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    In this work, we develop a probabilistic estimator for the voltage-to-current map arising in electrical impedance tomography. This novel so-called partially reflecting random walk on spheres estimator enables Monte Carlo methods to compute the voltage-to-current map in an embarrassingly parallel manner, which is an important issue with regard to the corresponding inverse problem. Our method uses the well-known random walk on spheres algorithm inside subdomains where the diffusion coefficient is constant and employs replacement techniques motivated by finite difference discretization to deal with both mixed boundary conditions and interface transmission conditions. We analyze the global bias and the variance of the new estimator both theoretically and experimentally. In a second step, the variance is considerably reduced via a novel control variate conditional sampling technique

    Hybrid topological derivative-gradient based methods for nondestructive testing

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    This paper is devoted to the reconstruction of objects buried in a medium and their material properties by hybrid topological derivative-gradient based methods. After illustrating the techniques in time-harmonic acoustic problems with different boundary conditions and in electrical impedance tomography problems with continuous Neumann conditions, we extend the hybrid method for a realistic model in tomography where the boundary conditions are given at a discrete set of electrodes
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