440 research outputs found

    Ecology and Control of Wildlife Damage to Electric Substations

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    This study addresses several aspects of the ecology and control of wildlife damage to electric substations because the amount of existing research is not sufficient to make informed decisions about how best to minimize that damage. Records of 121 incidents of animal-caused faults showed that 78% of the faults were caused by squirrels and raccoons and an average of 2,511 customers lost service during the outage caused by such a fault. Animal damage control measures were evaluated by observing challenges to control measures by raccoons and squirrels at a substation. The control measures were breached twice because they had not been properly applied. In 1994, 301 transmission and distribution substations in Michigan were sampled and categorized based on various structural and habitat characteristics. Significant relationships (p \u3c 0.10) were found between faulted substations and the number of nests in the substation, the distance of water from the substation, and the beam type used in the substation


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    This report aims to assess the potential of agrivoltaics (combined solar and agricultural systems) for development geographically proximate to the six Michigan (MI) communities that have set 100% renewable energy (RE) goals. I focus on one major research question: What is the total acreage of low-impact sites available for utility-scale (USS) agrivoltaics development proximate (within county boundaries) to MI communities with 100% RE goals? SAM is used to estimate land acreage required for a 10 MW agrivoltaic system development. ArcGIS Pro is used to determine the total acreage of low-impact sites proximate to MI communities with 100% RE goals. Proximate low-impact sites are defined as agricultural land with minimal environmental and land use impacts, having access to transmission and distribution infrastructure, and are located within the same county as the community with the RE goal. This study finds that USS agrivoltaics development is possible in all six counties. On the premise that the benefits and ills of an energy technology should be distributed equitably within society regardless of social and economic factors, USS agrivoltaic systems could provide a source of revenue for farmers and promote local employment within the county. In addition, such systems can help support the state of MI to achieve its current RPS of 15% and carbon neutrality by 2050. This report provides a first step in assessing the potential of agrivoltaic development in Michigan, which can inform future work that integrates other considerations relevant to solar development

    Essentials for sustainable urban transport in Brazil's large metropolitan areas

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    Before financing major urban transport projects, decisionmakers should attempt to put in place the basic elements for long-term sustainability of the sector. Specifically, the author contends that each large metropolitan area in Brazil should incorporate into its urban transport strategy, and pursue vigorously, the following four-point agenda: 1) create a regional transport coordination commission in charge of coordinating policies among federal, state, and municipal governments, giving highest priority to major urban transport investments in the metropolitan region and promoting modal integration - all to the end of improving the sector's economic efficiency and long-term sustainability; 2) adopt an integrated land use, urban transport, and air quality strategy that provides a framework in which the community and decisionmakers can evaluate future urban transport investments and policies; 3) enact into law formal financing mechanisms that would ensure that long-run variable costs of urban transport systems are covered by operating and non-operating revenues from the systems and by appropriate user charges; and 4) promote private sector participation in the operation, maintenance, and construction of urban transport systems - through concessions or management contracts - as a way to lessen the financial burden on the government.Roads&Highways,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Banks&Banking Reform,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies,Urban Transport,Banks&Banking Reform,Roads&Highways,Municipal Financial Management,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Цифрова підстанція. Переваги та особливості

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    Наведено матеріал про перспективи використання мікропроцесорного обладнання та новітніх комунікаційних технологій на електричних підстанціях завдяки розвитку та впровадженню новітніх стандартів обміну даними, на основі яких будуються цифрові підстанції.Приведен материал о перспективах использования микропроцессорного оборудования и новейших коммуникационных технологий на электрических подстанциях за счет развития и внедрения новейших стандартов обмена данными, на основе которых строятся цифровые подстанции.In this article the material, about the prospects of microprocessor equipment and advanced communication technologies in electric substations, due to the development and implementation of new standards for data exchange - based on which digital stations are built

    A layered approach to model interconnected infrastructure and its significance for asset management

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    Physical infrastructures facilitate much of societal and economic wellbeing of countries, regions and urban areas. In our increasingly urbanizing world, infrastructures in urban areas are densely located and interconnected. The effects of this interconnectedness are being studied increasingly, particularly in light of climate change effects. In this paper, we develop an agent-based simulation model that allows us to study interconnected infrastructure. We present a layered approach that is analogous to GIS overlay approaches, which allows us to integrate representations of different infrastructures. We explore how this approach can help asset managers to gain insights in interconnected infrastructure by estimating their total damage and repair requirements during a flood event. The results show a difference in these estimates, when compared to non-integrated models, highlighting the need for asset managers to consider interconnectedness in infrastructure

    Study of food waste composting by using breadfruit peel as fermentation liquid

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    Food waste represents almost 60% of the total municipal solid waste disposed in the landfill. This is due to the lack knowledge and exposure of food waste recycling practice. Composting is one of low cost alternative method to dispose the food waste. The purpose of this research is to provide an alternative disposal method which is composting for food waste from MRMI in Parit Kuari Darat, Johor. The industry area is far from the main road and out of local authorities collection zone, and the solid waste management were perform improperly without collection and facilities provided. The aim of this study is to identify the physical, chemical and biological parameters of composting food waste from MRMI. The physical parameters are temperature, pH value and moisture content. Meanwhile, the chemical parameter are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, total organic carbon and heavy metals. As for biological parameters, bacteria count were tested during the study. Breadfruit peel was used as fermentation liquid because of it suitability and it is one of food waste that produced by MRMI and soil with coconut fiber were used as the decomposing medium. Takakura composting method was conducted in this study with 8 reactors which is reactors A1, B1, C1 and D1 (research compost) and reactors A2, B2, C2 and D2 (commercial compost). The results showed total food waste generated by MRMI is 1221.84 kg. In terms of chemical properties, the highest N content for research compost is 2240 ppm, P with 14.143 ppm and K with 704.5 ppm. Meanwhile, NPK content for commercial compost obtained the highest N value with 2268 ppm, P with 11.615 ppm and K with 645.55 ppm. In addition, TOC and C/N ratio for all reactors decreased significantly along the study and has reached the maturity stage. Traces of heavy metals were found lower than the standards. As the conclusion, research compost in this study is comparable with commercial compost and the NPK value for matured compost shows that the compost nutrient value is higher than organic fertilizer from previous study and the compost can be used as fertilizer and suitable for agricultural purposes

    Підвищення надійності комутації батарей статичних конденсаторів

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    В статті приведені результати досліджень процесів, які виникають при комутації високовольтних батарей статичних конденсаторів, приведений аналіз впливу цих процесів на обладнання електричних підстанцій і доведена недоцільність використання трансформаторів напруги НОМ – 35 для розряда конденсаторів. The results of researches of processes which arise up during commutation of high-voltages batteries of static condensers are resulted in the article, the analysis of influencing of these processes is resulted on the equipment of electric substations and pointlessness of the use of transformers of tension of НОМ - 35 for the digit of condensers

    Evaluating Performance of Fault Current Limiters in Electric Substations Using Monte Carlo Method

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    Application of Fault Current Limiters (FCL’s) seems a promising alternative to upgrade system breakers and switchgears in areas with heavy demand growth. These devices are mainly expected to improve reliability by reducing fault current values to levels interruptible by existing switchgears, and therefore ensuring safer and more reliable operation of power apparatus. Power substations are one of the ideal candidates for application of FCL’s. In this work, Monte Carlo simulation method has been used to study performance of fault current limiters and their impacts on different components. Results show effectiveness of these device in reducing the average fault current passed through power system components and reducing the associated burdens

    Random network coding for secure packet transmission in SCADA networks

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