2 research outputs found

    Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing of Cellular Effects under Hypoxic Conditions and Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition

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    Tumor hypoxia provides a dynamic environment for the cancer cells to thrive and metastasize. Evaluation of cell growth, cell-cell, and cell surface interactions in hypoxic conditions is therefore highly needed in the establishment of treatment options. Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) has been traditionally used in the evaluation of cellular platforms as a real-time, label-free impedance-based method to study the activities of cells grown in tissue cultures, but its application for hypoxic environments is seldom reported. We present real-time evaluation of hypoxia-induced bioeffects with a focus on hypoxic pH regulation of tumor environment. To this end, multiparametric real-time bioanalytical platform using electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and human colon cancer HT-29 cells is advanced. A time series of EIS data enables monitoring with high temporal resolution the alterations occurring within the cell layer, especially at the cell-substrate level. We reveal the dynamic changes of cellular processes during hypoxic conditions and in response to application of acetazolamide (AZA), a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Optical evaluation and pH assessment complemented the electrical analysis towards establishing a pattern of cellular changes. The proposed bioanalytical platform indicates wide applicability towards evaluation of bioeffects of hypoxia at cellular level

    Impedance Sensing of Cancer Cells Directly on Sensory Bioscaffolds of Bioceramics Nanofibers

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    Cancer cell research has been growing for decades. In the field of cancer pathology, there is an increasing and long-unmet need to develop a new technology for low-cost, rapid, sensitive, selective, label-free (i.e. direct), simple and reliable screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of live cancer and normal cells in same shape and size from the same anatomic region. For the first time on using an impedance signal, the breast cancer and normal cells have been thus screened, diagnosed and monitored on a smart bioscaffold of entangled nanowires of bioceramics titanate grown directly on the surface of implantable Ti-metal and characterized by SEM, XRD, etc. following a technology patented by Tian-lab. In experiment in the aqueous solution of phosphate buffer saline (PBS), human breast benign (MCF7) and aggressive (MDA-MB231) cancer cells, normal (MCF10A) cells, and colon cancer cells (HCT116) showed characteristic impedance spectrum highly different than that of the blank sensor (i.e. no cells on the bioscaffold surface). For two sets of mixtures each containing the normal and cancer cells over a wide range of mixing ratios, the shift of impedance signals has been linearly correlated with the mixing ratios which supports the biosensor’s selectivity and reliability. After being treated with pure glucose and chemotherapeutic drug (i.e. doxorubicin of DOX) and with one after the other, the breast cancer cells showed different impedance signals corresponding to their difference in glucose metabolisms (i.e. Warburg Effect) and resistances to the Dox, thus-fingerprinting the cells easily. Based on the nanostructure chemistry, impedance equivalent circuitry and cancer cell biology, it’s the different cells surface binding on the nanowires, and different cancer cells metabolic wastes from the different treatments on the nanowires that changed the charge density on the scaffolding nanowire surface and in turn changed the impedance signals. This new method is believed expandable to quantifying and characterizing live cells and even biological tissues of different types in general