4,992 research outputs found

    Determination of Inter-Phase Line Tension in Langmuir Films

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    A Langmuir film is a molecularly thin film on the surface of a fluid; we study the evolution of a Langmuir film with two co-existing fluid phases driven by an inter-phase line tension and damped by the viscous drag of the underlying subfluid. Experimentally, we study an 8CB Langmuir film via digitally-imaged Brewster Angle Microscopy (BAM) in a four-roll mill setup which applies a transient strain and images the response. When a compact domain is stretched by the imposed strain, it first assumes a bola shape with two tear-drop shaped reservoirs connected by a thin tether which then slowly relaxes to a circular domain which minimizes the interfacial energy of the system. We process the digital images of the experiment to extract the domain shapes. We then use one of these shapes as an initial condition for the numerical solution of a boundary-integral model of the underlying hydrodynamics and compare the subsequent images of the experiment to the numerical simulation. The numerical evolutions first verify that our hydrodynamical model can reproduce the observed dynamics. They also allow us to deduce the magnitude of the line tension in the system, often to within 1%. We find line tensions in the range of 200-600 pN; we hypothesize that this variation is due to differences in the layer depths of the 8CB fluid phases.Comment: See (http://www.math.hmc.edu/~ajb/bola/) for related movie

    Period fissioning and other instabilities of stressed elastic membranes

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    We study the shapes of elastic membranes under the simultaneous exertion of tensile and compressive forces when the translational symmetry along the tension direction is broken. We predict a multitude of novel morphological phases in various regimes of a 2-dimensional parameter space (ϵ,ν)(\epsilon,\nu) that defines the relevant mechanical and geometrical conditions. Theses parameters are, respectively, the ratio between compression and tension, and the wavelength contrast along the tension direction. In particular, our theory associates the repetitive increase of pattern periodicity, recently observed on wrinkled membranes floating on liquid and subject to capillary forces, to the morphology in the regime (ϵ1,ν1\epsilon \ll 1,\nu \gg 1) where tension is dominant and the wavelength contrast is large.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    The Γ\mathbf \Gamma-limit of the two-dimensional Ohta-Kawasaki energy. I. Droplet density

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    This is the first in a series of two papers in which we derive a Γ\Gamma-expansion for a two-dimensional non-local Ginzburg-Landau energy with Coulomb repulsion, also known as the Ohta-Kawasaki model in connection with diblock copolymer systems. In that model, two phases appear, which interact via a nonlocal Coulomb type energy. We focus on the regime where one of the phases has very small volume fraction, thus creating small "droplets" of the minority phase in a "sea" of the majority phase. In this paper we show that an appropriate setting for Γ\Gamma-convergence in the considered parameter regime is via weak convergence of the suitably normalized charge density in the sense of measures. We prove that, after a suitable rescaling, the Ohta-Kawasaki energy functional Γ\Gamma-converges to a quadratic energy functional of the limit charge density generated by the screened Coulomb kernel. A consequence of our results is that minimizers (or almost minimizers) of the energy have droplets which are almost all asymptotically round, have the same radius and are uniformly distributed in the domain. The proof relies mainly on the analysis of the sharp interface version of the energy, with the connection to the original diffuse interface model obtained via matching upper and lower bounds for the energy. We thus also obtain a characterization of the limit charge density for the energy minimizers in the diffuse interface model