2,455 research outputs found

    Eilenberg–MacLane mapping algebras and higher distributivity up to homotopy

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    Primary cohomology operations, i.e., elements of the Steenrod algebra, are given by homotopy classes of maps between Eilenberg--MacLane spectra. Such maps (before taking homotopy classes) form the topological version of the Steenrod algebra. Composition of such maps is strictly linear in one variable and linear up to coherent homotopy in the other variable. To describe this structure, we introduce a hierarchy of higher distributivity laws, and prove that the topological Steenrod algebra satisfies all of them. We show that the higher distributivity laws are homotopy invariant in a suitable sense. As an application of 22-distributivity, we provide a new construction of a derivation of degree −2-2 of the mod 22 Steenrod algebra.Comment: v3: Minor changes. Final versio

    Moduli of Π\Pi-algebras

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    We describe a homotopy-theoretic approach to the moduli of Π\Pi-algebras of Blanc-Dwyer-Goerss using the ∞\infty-category PΣ(Sph)P_{\Sigma}(Sph) of product-preserving presheaves on finite-wedges of positive-dimensional spheres, reproving all of their results in this new setting

    Cellular Cohomology in Homotopy Type Theory

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    We present a development of cellular cohomology in homotopy type theory. Cohomology associates to each space a sequence of abelian groups capturing part of its structure, and has the advantage over homotopy groups in that these abelian groups of many common spaces are easier to compute. Cellular cohomology is a special kind of cohomology designed for cell complexes: these are built in stages by attaching spheres of progressively higher dimension, and cellular cohomology defines the groups out of the combinatorial description of how spheres are attached. Our main result is that for finite cell complexes, a wide class of cohomology theories (including the ones defined through Eilenberg-MacLane spaces) can be calculated via cellular cohomology. This result was formalized in the Agda proof assistant

    Can one classify finite Postnikov pieces?

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    We compare the classical approach of constructing finite Postnikov systems by k-invariants and the global approach of Dwyer, Kan, and Smith. We concentrate on the case of 3-stage Postnikov pieces and provide examples where a classification is feasible. In general though the computational difficulty of the global approach is equivalent to that of the classical one.Comment: 13 page
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