4 research outputs found

    Automatic Speech Recognition for ageing voices

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    With ageing, human voices undergo several changes which are typically characterised by increased hoarseness, breathiness, changes in articulatory patterns and slower speaking rate. The focus of this thesis is to understand the impact of ageing on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) performance and improve the ASR accuracies for older voices. Baseline results on three corpora indicate that the word error rates (WER) for older adults are significantly higher than those of younger adults and the decrease in accuracies is higher for males speakers as compared to females. Acoustic parameters such as jitter and shimmer that measure glottal source disfluencies were found to be significantly higher for older adults. However, the hypothesis that these changes explain the differences in WER for the two age groups is proven incorrect. Experiments with artificial introduction of glottal source disfluencies in speech from younger adults do not display a significant impact on WERs. Changes in fundamental frequency observed quite often in older voices has a marginal impact on ASR accuracies. Analysis of phoneme errors between younger and older speakers shows a pattern of certain phonemes especially lower vowels getting more affected with ageing. These changes however are seen to vary across speakers. Another factor that is strongly associated with ageing voices is a decrease in the rate of speech. Experiments to analyse the impact of slower speaking rate on ASR accuracies indicate that the insertion errors increase while decoding slower speech with models trained on relatively faster speech. We then propose a way to characterise speakers in acoustic space based on speaker adaptation transforms and observe that speakers (especially males) can be segregated with reasonable accuracies based on age. Inspired by this, we look at supervised hierarchical acoustic models based on gender and age. Significant improvements in word accuracies are achieved over the baseline results with such models. The idea is then extended to construct unsupervised hierarchical models which also outperform the baseline models by a good margin. Finally, we hypothesize that the ASR accuracies can be improved by augmenting the adaptation data with speech from acoustically closest speakers. A strategy to select the augmentation speakers is proposed. Experimental results on two corpora indicate that the hypothesis holds true only when the amount of available adaptation is limited to a few seconds. The efficacy of such a speaker selection strategy is analysed for both younger and older adults

    Acoustic model selection for recognition of regional accented speech

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    Accent is cited as an issue for speech recognition systems. Our experiments showed that the ASR word error rate is up to seven times greater for accented speech compared with standard British English. The main objective of this research is to develop Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) techniques that are robust to accent variation. We applied different acoustic modelling techniques to compensate for the effects of regional accents on the ASR performance. For conventional GMM-HMM based ASR systems, we showed that using a small amount of data from a test speaker to choose an accent dependent model using an accent identification system, or building a model using the data from N neighbouring speakers in AID space, will result in superior performance compared to that obtained with unsupervised or supervised speaker adaptation. In addition we showed that using a DNN-HMM rather than a GMM-HMM based acoustic model would improve the recognition accuracy considerably. Even if we apply two stages of accent followed by speaker adaptation to the GMM-HMM baseline system, the GMM-HMM based system will not outperform the baseline DNN-HMM based system. For more contemporary DNN-HMM based ASR systems we investigated how adding different types of accented data to the training set can provide better recognition accuracy on accented speech. Finally, we proposed a new approach for visualisation of the AID feature space. This is helpful in analysing the AID recognition accuracies and analysing AID confusion matrices

    Dysarthric speech analysis and automatic recognition using phase based representations

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    Dysarthria is a neurological speech impairment which usually results in the loss of motor speech control due to muscular atrophy and poor coordination of articulators. Dysarthric speech is more difficult to model with machine learning algorithms, due to inconsistencies in the acoustic signal and to limited amounts of training data. This study reports a new approach for the analysis and representation of dysarthric speech, and applies it to improve ASR performance. The Zeros of Z-Transform (ZZT) are investigated for dysarthric vowel segments. It shows evidence of a phase-based acoustic phenomenon that is responsible for the way the distribution of zero patterns relate to speech intelligibility. It is investigated whether such phase-based artefacts can be systematically exploited to understand their association with intelligibility. A metric based on the phase slope deviation (PSD) is introduced that are observed in the unwrapped phase spectrum of dysarthric vowel segments. The metric compares the differences between the slopes of dysarthric vowels and typical vowels. The PSD shows a strong and nearly linear correspondence with the intelligibility of the speaker, and it is shown to hold for two separate databases of dysarthric speakers. A systematic procedure for correcting the underlying phase deviations results in a significant improvement in ASR performance for speakers with severe and moderate dysarthria. In addition, information encoded in the phase component of the Fourier transform of dysarthric speech is exploited in the group delay spectrum. Its properties are found to represent disordered speech more effectively than the magnitude spectrum. Dysarthric ASR performance was significantly improved using phase-based cepstral features in comparison to the conventional MFCCs. A combined approach utilising the benefits of PSD corrections and phase-based features was found to surpass all the previous performance on the UASPEECH database of dysarthric speech