249,623 research outputs found

    Analytical Relevance of Trace Metal Speciation in Environmental and Biophysicochemical Systems

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    This article presents a review of the analytical relevance of trace metal speciation analysis, which must be considered in environmental and biophysicochemical systems for reliable and efficient assessment and monitoring of trace metals. Examples are given of methodological approaches used for speciation analysis. An overview of speciation analysis in sediments, aquatic ecosystems and agrosystems is also presented

    Runtime verification of parametric properties using SMEDL

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    Parametric properties are typical properties to be checked in runtime verification (RV). As a common technique for parametric monitoring, trace slicing divides an execution trace into a set of sub traces which are checked against non-parametric base properties. An efficient trace slicing algorithm is implemented in MOP. Another RV technique, QEA further allows for nested use of universal and existential quantification over parameters. In this paper, we present a methodology for parametric monitoring using the RV framework SMEDL. Trace slicing algorithm in MOP can be expressed by execution of a set of SMEDL monitors. Moreover, the semantics of nested quantifiers is encoded by a hierarchy of monitors for aggregating verdicts of sub traces. Through case studies, we demonstrate that SMEDL provides a natural way to monitor parametric properties with more potentials for flexible deployment and optimizations

    SPP: A data base processor data communications protocol

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    The design and implementation of a data communications protocol for the Intel Data Base Processor (DBP) is defined. The protocol is termed SPP (Service Port Protocol) since it enables data transfer between the host computer and the DBP service port. The protocol implementation is extensible in that it is explicitly layered and the protocol functionality is hierarchically organized. Extensive trace and performance capabilities have been supplied with the protocol software to permit optional efficient monitoring of the data transfer between the host and the Intel data base processor. Machine independence was considered to be an important attribute during the design and implementation of SPP. The protocol source is fully commented and is included in Appendix A of this report

    Keynote: The first-order logic of signals

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    Formalizing properties of systems with continuous dynamics is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a formal framework for specifying and monitoring rich temporal properties of real-valued signals. We introduce signal first-order logic (SFO) as a specification language that combines first-order logic with linear-real arithmetic and unary function symbols interpreted as piecewise-linear signals. We first show that while the satisfiability problem for SFO is undecidable, its membership and monitoring problems are decidable. We develop an offline monitoring procedure for SFO that has polynomial complexity in the size of the input trace and the specification, for a fixed number of quantifiers and function symbols. We show that the algorithm has computation time linear in the size of the input trace for the important fragment of bounded-response specifications interpreted over input traces with finite variability. We can use our results to extend signal temporal logic with first-order quantifiers over time and value parameters, while preserving its efficient monitoring. We finally demonstrate the practical appeal of our logic through a case study in the micro-electronics domain

    Hypertracing: Tracing through virtualization layers

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    Cloud computing enables on-demand access to remote computing resources. It provides dynamic scalability and elasticity with a low upfront cost. As the adoption of this computing model is rapidly growing, this increases the system complexity, since virtual machines (VMs) running on multiple virtualization layers become very difficult to monitor without interfering with their performance. In this paper, we present hypertracing, a novel method for tracing VMs by using various paravirtualization techniques, enabling efficient monitoring across virtualization boundaries. Hypertracing is a monitoring infrastructure that facilitates seamless trace sharing among host and guests. Our toolchain can detect latencies and their root causes within VMs, even for boot-up and shutdown sequences, whereas existing tools fail to handle these cases. We propose a new hypervisor optimization, for handling efficient nested paravirtualization, which allows hypertracing to be enabled in any nested environment without triggering VM exit multiplication. This is a significant improvement over current monitoring tools, with their large I/O overhead associated with activating monitoring within each virtualization layer

    World trends in fertilizer use and projections to 2020

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    Fertilizers have played an important role in increased crop production, especially in cereal yields, and will continue to be a cornerstone of the science-based agriculture required to feed the expanding world population. Fertilizers replenish the nutrients removed from soils by harvested crops, encourage adoption of high-yielding varieties, and increase biomass in the nutrient-poor soils of the tropics. Bumb and Baanante trace fertilizer use until the 1990s as well as production and price trends. Finally they propose projected trends in use, requirements, and production. The authors conclude that, overall, a conducive and stable policy environment, including macroeconomic stability, price incentives, credit availability, efficient organizational arrangements, research and extension support, regulatory frameworks, and environmental monitoring, will be essential to promote environmentally friendly growth in fertilizer use and supply to 2020.Fertilizers. ,Crops Economic aspects. ,Cereal crops. ,Environmental protection. ,
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