1,062 research outputs found

    Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources

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    Apache Calcite is a foundational software framework that provides query processing, optimization, and query language support to many popular open-source data processing systems such as Apache Hive, Apache Storm, Apache Flink, Druid, and MapD. Calcite's architecture consists of a modular and extensible query optimizer with hundreds of built-in optimization rules, a query processor capable of processing a variety of query languages, an adapter architecture designed for extensibility, and support for heterogeneous data models and stores (relational, semi-structured, streaming, and geospatial). This flexible, embeddable, and extensible architecture is what makes Calcite an attractive choice for adoption in big-data frameworks. It is an active project that continues to introduce support for the new types of data sources, query languages, and approaches to query processing and optimization.Comment: SIGMOD'1

    Quality of Service Aware Data Stream Processing for Highly Dynamic and Scalable Applications

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    Huge amounts of georeferenced data streams are arriving daily to data stream management systems that are deployed for serving highly scalable and dynamic applications. There are innumerable ways at which those loads can be exploited to gain deep insights in various domains. Decision makers require an interactive visualization of such data in the form of maps and dashboards for decision making and strategic planning. Data streams normally exhibit fluctuation and oscillation in arrival rates and skewness. Those are the two predominant factors that greatly impact the overall quality of service. This requires data stream management systems to be attuned to those factors in addition to the spatial shape of the data that may exaggerate the negative impact of those factors. Current systems do not natively support services with quality guarantees for dynamic scenarios, leaving the handling of those logistics to the user which is challenging and cumbersome. Three workloads are predominant for any data stream, batch processing, scalable storage and stream processing. In this thesis, we have designed a quality of service aware system, SpatialDSMS, that constitutes several subsystems that are covering those loads and any mixed load that results from intermixing them. Most importantly, we natively have incorporated quality of service optimizations for processing avalanches of geo-referenced data streams in highly dynamic application scenarios. This has been achieved transparently on top of the codebases of emerging de facto standard best-in-class representatives, thus relieving the overburdened shoulders of the users in the presentation layer from having to reason about those services. Instead, users express their queries with quality goals and our system optimizers compiles that down into query plans with an embedded quality guarantee and leaves logistic handling to the underlying layers. We have developed standard compliant prototypes for all the subsystems that constitutes SpatialDSMS

    Enabling autoscaling for in-memory storage in cluster computing framework

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    2019 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.IoT enabled devices and observational instruments continuously generate voluminous data. A large portion of these datasets are delivered with the associated geospatial locations. The increased volumes of geospatial data, alongside the emerging geospatial services, pose computational challenges for large-scale geospatial analytics. We have designed and implemented STRETCH , an in-memory distributed geospatial storage that preserves spatial proximity and enables proactive autoscaling for frequently accessed data. STRETCH stores data with a delayed data dispersion scheme that incrementally adds data nodes to the storage system. We have devised an autoscaling feature that proactively repartitions data to alleviate computational hotspots before they occur. We compared the performance of S TRETCH with Apache Ignite and the results show that STRETCH provides up to 3 times the throughput when the system encounters hotspots. STRETCH is built on Apache Spark and Ignite and interacts with them at runtime

    GeoYCSB: A Benchmark Framework for the Performance and Scalability Evaluation of Geospatial NoSQL Databases

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    The proliferation of geospatial applications has tremendously increased the variety, velocity, and volume of spatial data that data stores have to manage. Traditional relational databases reveal limitations in handling such big geospatial data, mainly due to their rigid schema requirements and limited scalability. Numerous NoSQL databases have emerged and actively serve as alternative data stores for big spatial data. This study presents a framework, called GeoYCSB, developed for benchmarking NoSQL databases with geospatial workloads. To develop GeoYCSB, we extend YCSB, a de facto benchmark framework for NoSQL systems, by integrating into its design architecture the new components necessary to support geospatial workloads. GeoYCSB supports both microbenchmarks and macrobenchmarks and facilitates the use of real datasets in both. It is extensible to evaluate any NoSQL database, provided they support spatial queries, using geospatial workloads performed on datasets of any geometric complexity. We use GeoYCSB to benchmark two leading document stores, MongoDB and Couchbase, and present the experimental results and analysis. Finally, we demonstrate the extensibility of GeoYCSB by including a new dataset consisting of complex geometries and using it to benchmark a system with a wide variety of geospatial queries: Apache Accumulo, a wide-column store, with the GeoMesa framework applied on top

    Large spatial datasets: Present Challenges, future opportunities

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    The key advantages of a well-designed multidimensional database is its ability to allow as many users as possible across an organisation to simultaneously gain access and view of the same data. Large spatial datasets evolve from scientific activities (from recent days) that tends to generate large databases which always come in a scale nearing terabyte of data size and in most cases are multidimensional. In this paper, we look at the issues pertaining to large spatial datasets; its feature (for example views), architecture, access methods and most importantly design technologies. We also looked at some ways of possibly improving the performance of some of the existing algorithms for managing large spatial datasets. The study reveals that the major challenges militating against effective management of large spatial datasets is storage utilization and computational complexity (both of which are characterised by the size of spatial big data which now tends to exceeds the capacity of commonly used spatial computing systems owing to their volume, variety and velocity). These problems fortunately can be combated by employing functional programming method or parallelization techniques

    Sideloading - Ingestion Of large point clouds into the apache spark big data engine

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    In the geospatial domain we have now reached the point where data volumes we handle have clearly grown beyond the capacity of most desktop computers. This is particularly true in the area of point cloud processing. It is therefore naturally lucrative to explore established big data frameworks for big geospatial data. The very first hurdle is the import of geospatial data into big data frameworks, commonly referred to as data ingestion. Geospatial data is typically encoded in specialised binary file formats, which are not naturally supported by the existing big data frameworks. Instead such file formats are supported by software libraries that are restricted to single CPU execution. We present an approach that allows the use of existing point cloud file format libraries on the Apache Spark big data framework. We demonstrate the ingestion of large volumes of point cloud data into a compute cluster. The approach uses a map function to distribute the data ingestion across the nodes of a cluster. We test the capabilities of the proposed method to load billions of points into a commodity hardware compute cluster and we discuss the implications on scalability and performance. The performance is benchmarked against an existing native Apache Spark data import implementation
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