2,732 research outputs found

    Benchmarking of Gaussian boson sampling using two-point correlators

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    Gaussian boson sampling is a promising scheme for demonstrating a quantum computational advantage using photonic states that are accessible in a laboratory and, thus, offer scalable sources of quantum light. In this contribution, we study two-point photon-number correlation functions to gain insight into the interference of Gaussian states in optical networks. We investigate the characteristic features of statistical signatures which enable us to distinguish classical from quantum interference. In contrast to the typical implementation of boson sampling, we find additional contributions to the correlators under study which stem from the phase dependence of Gaussian states and which are not observable when Fock states interfere. Using the first three moments, we formulate the tools required to experimentally observe signatures of quantum interference of Gaussian states using two outputs only. By considering the current architectural limitations in realistic experiments, we further show that a statistically significant discrimination between quantum and classical interference is possible even in the presence of loss, noise, and a finite photon-number resolution. Therefore, we formulate and apply a theoretical framework to benchmark the quantum features of Gaussian boson sampling under realistic conditions

    Hierarchical quantum classifiers

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    Quantum circuits with hierarchical structure have been used to perform binary classification of classical data encoded in a quantum state. We demonstrate that more expressive circuits in the same family achieve better accuracy and can be used to classify highly entangled quantum states, for which there is no known efficient classical method. We compare performance for several different parameterizations on two classical machine learning datasets, Iris and MNIST, and on a synthetic dataset of quantum states. Finally, we demonstrate that performance is robust to noise and deploy an Iris dataset classifier on the ibmqx4 quantum computer

    R\'enyi Entropies from Random Quenches in Atomic Hubbard and Spin Models

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    We present a scheme for measuring R\'enyi entropies in generic atomic Hubbard and spin models using single copies of a quantum state and for partitions in arbitrary spatial dimension. Our approach is based on the generation of random unitaries from random quenches, implemented using engineered time-dependent disorder potentials, and standard projective measurements, as realized by quantum gas microscopes. By analyzing the properties of the generated unitaries and the role of statistical errors, with respect to the size of the partition, we show that the protocol can be realized in exisiting AMO quantum simulators, and used to measure for instance area law scaling of entanglement in two-dimensional spin models or the entanglement growth in many-body localized systems.Comment: 5+9 page

    Optimal photonic indistinguishability tests in multimode networks

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    Particle indistinguishability is at the heart of quantum statistics that regulates fundamental phenomena such as the electronic band structure of solids, Bose-Einstein condensation and superconductivity. Moreover, it is necessary in practical applications such as linear optical quantum computation and simulation, in particular for Boson Sampling devices. It is thus crucial to develop tools to certify genuine multiphoton interference between multiple sources. Here we show that so-called Sylvester interferometers are near-optimal for the task of discriminating the behaviors of distinguishable and indistinguishable photons. We report the first implementations of integrated Sylvester interferometers with 4 and 8 modes with an efficient, scalable and reliable 3D-architecture. We perform two-photon interference experiments capable of identifying indistinguishable photon behaviour with a Bayesian approach using very small data sets. Furthermore, we employ experimentally this new device for the assessment of scattershot Boson Sampling. These results open the way to the application of Sylvester interferometers for the optimal assessment of multiphoton interference experiments.Comment: 9+10 pages, 6+6 figures, added supplementary material, completed and updated bibliograph

    Black-box Hamiltonian simulation and unitary implementation

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    We present general methods for simulating black-box Hamiltonians using quantum walks. These techniques have two main applications: simulating sparse Hamiltonians and implementing black-box unitary operations. In particular, we give the best known simulation of sparse Hamiltonians with constant precision. Our method has complexity linear in both the sparseness D (the maximum number of nonzero elements in a column) and the evolution time t, whereas previous methods had complexity scaling as D^4 and were superlinear in t. We also consider the task of implementing an arbitrary unitary operation given a black-box description of its matrix elements. Whereas standard methods for performing an explicitly specified N x N unitary operation use O(N^2) elementary gates, we show that a black-box unitary can be performed with bounded error using O(N^{2/3} (log log N)^{4/3}) queries to its matrix elements. In fact, except for pathological cases, it appears that most unitaries can be performed with only O(sqrt{N}) queries, which is optimal.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, minor correction

    Exact and Efficient Simulation of Concordant Computation

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    Concordant computation is a circuit-based model of quantum computation for mixed states, that assumes that all correlations within the register are discord-free (i.e. the correlations are essentially classical) at every step of the computation. The question of whether concordant computation always admits efficient simulation by a classical computer was first considered by B. Eastin in quant-ph/1006.4402v1, where an answer in the affirmative was given for circuits consisting only of one- and two-qubit gates. Building on this work, we develop the theory of classical simulation of concordant computation. We present a new framework for understanding such computations, argue that a larger class of concordant computations admit efficient simulation, and provide alternative proofs for the main results of quant-ph/1006.4402v1 with an emphasis on the exactness of simulation which is crucial for this model. We include detailed analysis of the arithmetic complexity for solving equations in the simulation, as well as extensions to larger gates and qudits. We explore the limitations of our approach, and discuss the challenges faced in developing efficient classical simulation algorithms for all concordant computations.Comment: 16 page
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