8 research outputs found

    Split Sampling: Expectations, Normalisation and Rare Events

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    In this paper we develop a methodology that we call split sampling methods to estimate high dimensional expectations and rare event probabilities. Split sampling uses an auxiliary variable MCMC simulation and expresses the expectation of interest as an integrated set of rare event probabilities. We derive our estimator from a Rao-Blackwellised estimate of a marginal auxiliary variable distribution. We illustrate our method with two applications. First, we compute a shortest network path rare event probability and compare our method to estimation to a cross entropy approach. Then, we compute a normalisation constant of a high dimensional mixture of Gaussians and compare our estimate to one based on nested sampling. We discuss the relationship between our method and other alternatives such as the product of conditional probability estimator and importance sampling. The methods developed here are available in the R package: SplitSampling

    Tail approximations of integrals of Gaussian random fields

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    This paper develops asymptotic approximations of P(Tef(t)dt>b)P(\int_Te^{f(t)}\,dt>b) as bb\rightarrow\infty for a homogeneous smooth Gaussian random field, ff, living on a compact dd-dimensional Jordan measurable set TT. The integral of an exponent of a Gaussian random field is an important random variable for many generic models in spatial point processes, portfolio risk analysis, asset pricing and so forth. The analysis technique consists of two steps: 1. evaluate the tail probability P(Ξef(t)dt>b)P(\int_{\Xi}e^{f(t)}\,dt>b) over a small domain Ξ\Xi depending on bb, where mes(Ξ)0\operatorname {mes}(\Xi)\rightarrow0 as bb\rightarrow \infty and mes()\operatorname {mes}(\cdot) is the Lebesgue measure; 2. with Ξ\Xi appropriately chosen, we show that P(Tef(t)dt>b)=(1+o(1))mes(T)×mes1(Ξ)P(Ξef(t)dt>b)P(\int_Te^{f(t)}\,dt>b)=(1+o(1))\operatorname{mes}(T)\times \operatorname{mes}^{-1}(\Xi)P(\int_{\Xi}e^{f(t)}\,dt>b).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOP639 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Extreme Analysis of a Non-convex and Nonlinear Functional of Gaussian Processes -- On the Tail Asymptotics of Random Ordinary Differential Equations

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    In this paper, we consider a stochastic system described by a differential equation admitting a spatially varying random coefficient. The differential equation has been employed to model various static physics systems such as elastic deformation, water flow, electric-magnetic fields, temperature distribution, etc. A random coefficient is introduced to account for the system's uncertainty and/or imperfect measurements. This random coefficient is described by a Gaussian process (the input process) and thus the solution to the differential equation (under certain boundary conditions) is a complexed functional of the input Gaussian process. In this paper, we focus the analysis on the one-dimensional case and derive asymptotic approximations of the tail probabilities of the solution to the equation that has various physics interpretations under different contexts. This analysis rests on the literature of the extreme analysis of Gaussian processes (such as the tail approximations of the supremum) and extends the analysis to more complexed functionals.Comment: supplementary material is include

    Efficient simulation for tail probabilities of Gaussian random fields

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    We are interested in computing tail probabilities for the max-ima of Gaussian random fields. In this paper, we discuss two special cases: random fields defined over a finite num-ber of distinct point and fields with finite Karhunen-Loève expansions. For the first case we propose an importance sampling estimator which yields asymptotically zero rela-tive error. Moreover, it yields a procedure for sampling the field conditional on it having an excursion above a high level with a complexity that is uniformly bounded as the level increases. In the second case we propose an estimator which is asymptotically optimal. These results serve as a first step analysis of rare-event simulation for Gaussian random fields.