3 research outputs found

    Efficient motion planning for problems lacking optimal substructure

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    We consider the motion-planning problem of planning a collision-free path of a robot in the presence of risk zones. The robot is allowed to travel in these zones but is penalized in a super-linear fashion for consecutive accumulative time spent there. We suggest a natural cost function that balances path length and risk-exposure time. Specifically, we consider the discrete setting where we are given a graph, or a roadmap, and we wish to compute the minimal-cost path under this cost function. Interestingly, paths defined using our cost function do not have an optimal substructure. Namely, subpaths of an optimal path are not necessarily optimal. Thus, the Bellman condition is not satisfied and standard graph-search algorithms such as Dijkstra cannot be used. We present a path-finding algorithm, which can be seen as a natural generalization of Dijkstra's algorithm. Our algorithm runs in O((nBn)log(nBn)+nBm)O\left((n_B\cdot n) \log( n_B\cdot n) + n_B\cdot m\right) time, where~nn and mm are the number of vertices and edges of the graph, respectively, and nBn_B is the number of intersections between edges and the boundary of the risk zone. We present simulations on robotic platforms demonstrating both the natural paths produced by our cost function and the computational efficiency of our algorithm

    Probabilistic Collision Constraint for Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments

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    Online generation of collision free trajectories is of prime importance for autonomous navigation. Dynamic environments, robot motion and sensing uncertainties adds further challenges to collision avoidance systems. This paper presents an approach for collision avoidance in dynamic environments, incorporating robot and obstacle state uncertainties. We derive a tight upper bound for collision probability between robot and obstacle and formulate it as a motion planning constraint which is solvable in real time. The proposed approach is tested in simulation considering mobile robots as well as quadrotors to demonstrate that successful collision avoidance is achieved in real time application. We also provide a comparison of our approach with several state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-16

    Toward Asymptotically-Optimal Inspection Planning via Efficient Near-Optimal Graph Search

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    Inspection planning, the task of planning motions that allow a robot to inspect a set of points of interest, has applications in domains such as industrial, field, and medical robotics. Inspection planning can be computationally challenging, as the search space over motion plans that inspect the points of interest grows exponentially with the number of inspected points. We propose a novel method, Incremental Random Inspection-roadmap Search (IRIS), that computes inspection plans whose length and set of inspected points asymptotically converge to those of an optimal inspection plan. IRIS incrementally densifies a motion planning roadmap using sampling-based algorithms, and performs efficient near-optimal graph search over the resulting roadmap as it is generated. We demonstrate IRIS's efficacy on a simulated planar 5DOF manipulator inspection task and on a medical endoscopic inspection task for a continuum parallel surgical robot in anatomy segmented from patient CT data. We show that IRIS computes higher-quality inspection paths orders of magnitudes faster than a prior state-of-the-art method.Comment: RSS 201