79,915 research outputs found

    Parallel Flow Graph Matching for Automated Program Recognition

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    A flow graph matching algorithm has been implemented on the Connection Machine which employs parallel techniques to allow efficient subgraph matching. By constructing many different matchings in parallel, the algorithm is able to perform subgraph matching in polynomial time in the size of the graphs. The automated program recognition system can use this algorithm to help make a more efficient flow graph parser. The process of automated program recognition involves recognizing familiar data structures and algorithmic fragments (called clichés) in a program so that a hierarchical description of the program can be constructed. The recognition is done by representing the program as a flow graph and parsing it with a graph grammar which encodes the clichés. In order to find clichés in the midst of unfamiliar code, it is necessary to run the parser on all possible subgraphs of the graph, thus starting the parser an exponential number of times. This is too inefficient for practical use on large programs, so this algorithm has been implemented to allow the matchings to be performed in polynomial time.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator

    Search and Result Presentation in Scientific Workflow Repositories

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    We study the problem of searching a repository of complex hierarchical workflows whose component modules, both composite and atomic, have been annotated with keywords. Since keyword search does not use the graph structure of a workflow, we develop a model of workflows using context-free bag grammars. We then give efficient polynomial-time algorithms that, given a workflow and a keyword query, determine whether some execution of the workflow matches the query. Based on these algorithms we develop a search and ranking solution that efficiently retrieves the top-k grammars from a repository. Finally, we propose a novel result presentation method for grammars matching a keyword query, based on representative parse-trees. The effectiveness of our approach is validated through an extensive experimental evaluation

    Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation using Prior Knowledge and Topology

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    Image segmentation refers to the division of a digital image into distinct segments or groups of pixels/voxels. However, most of the existing deep learning approaches lack the utilization of prior knowledge, such as shape information, which could improve segmentation accuracy. In addition, conventional image segmentation frequently falls short in preserving intricate spatial details, motivating the innovation of strategies for multi-scaled feature integration. Furthermore, traditional image segmentation methods primarily concentrate on pixel-level or region-level analysis. However, given the inherent morphological similarities among various image objects, the significance of topology information surpasses that of pixel-level data in the realm of medical image semantic segmentation, and the incorporation of topology information for image segmentation is important. The first aim of this dissertation is to incorporate shape priors into medical image segmentation. A shape-prior-V-Net (SP-V-Net) is proposed, which contains a shape transformation module to refine the segmentation results according to the shape prior. SP-V-Net has been applied to lung segmentation and proximal femur segmentation. The second aim aims to improve image segmentation by leveraging hierarchical features. Two approaches are proposed: the feature pyramid U-Net++ (FP-U-Net++), which dynamically aggregates the feature pyramid in the decoder of U-Net ++, and the multi-input multi-scale U-Net (MIMS U-Net), which integrates the features in the encoder of the U-Net. The third aim explores topology-based image semantic segmentation using graph neural networks. Three graph-matching networks have been developed, including association graph-based, edge attention graph matching, and hyper-association graph matching networks. The proposed graph-matching networks convert the graph-matching problems into a vertex classification problem using an association graph, where the positive vertex indicates the nodes from two individual graphs are matched. These models were applied to coronary artery semantic labeling on invasive coronary angiograms. Moreover, this study presents a pioneering approach for topology-based image semantic labeling using graph matching. The successful completion of these aims contributes technically accurate and clinically applicable algorithms and techniques for medical image segmentation. The outcomes of this dissertation provide valuable tools for the medical imaging and computer vision communities, advancing the field and improving patient care through accurate and efficient medical image segmentation

    STV-based Video Feature Processing for Action Recognition

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    In comparison to still image-based processes, video features can provide rich and intuitive information about dynamic events occurred over a period of time, such as human actions, crowd behaviours, and other subject pattern changes. Although substantial progresses have been made in the last decade on image processing and seen its successful applications in face matching and object recognition, video-based event detection still remains one of the most difficult challenges in computer vision research due to its complex continuous or discrete input signals, arbitrary dynamic feature definitions, and the often ambiguous analytical methods. In this paper, a Spatio-Temporal Volume (STV) and region intersection (RI) based 3D shape-matching method has been proposed to facilitate the definition and recognition of human actions recorded in videos. The distinctive characteristics and the performance gain of the devised approach stemmed from a coefficient factor-boosted 3D region intersection and matching mechanism developed in this research. This paper also reported the investigation into techniques for efficient STV data filtering to reduce the amount of voxels (volumetric-pixels) that need to be processed in each operational cycle in the implemented system. The encouraging features and improvements on the operational performance registered in the experiments have been discussed at the end

    An Even Faster and More Unifying Algorithm for Comparing Trees via Unbalanced Bipartite Matchings

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    A widely used method for determining the similarity of two labeled trees is to compute a maximum agreement subtree of the two trees. Previous work on this similarity measure is only concerned with the comparison of labeled trees of two special kinds, namely, uniformly labeled trees (i.e., trees with all their nodes labeled by the same symbol) and evolutionary trees (i.e., leaf-labeled trees with distinct symbols for distinct leaves). This paper presents an algorithm for comparing trees that are labeled in an arbitrary manner. In addition to this generality, this algorithm is faster than the previous algorithms. Another contribution of this paper is on maximum weight bipartite matchings. We show how to speed up the best known matching algorithms when the input graphs are node-unbalanced or weight-unbalanced. Based on these enhancements, we obtain an efficient algorithm for a new matching problem called the hierarchical bipartite matching problem, which is at the core of our maximum agreement subtree algorithm.Comment: To appear in Journal of Algorithm

    An Efficient Index for Visual Search in Appearance-based SLAM

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    Vector-quantization can be a computationally expensive step in visual bag-of-words (BoW) search when the vocabulary is large. A BoW-based appearance SLAM needs to tackle this problem for an efficient real-time operation. We propose an effective method to speed up the vector-quantization process in BoW-based visual SLAM. We employ a graph-based nearest neighbor search (GNNS) algorithm to this aim, and experimentally show that it can outperform the state-of-the-art. The graph-based search structure used in GNNS can efficiently be integrated into the BoW model and the SLAM framework. The graph-based index, which is a k-NN graph, is built over the vocabulary words and can be extracted from the BoW's vocabulary construction procedure, by adding one iteration to the k-means clustering, which adds small extra cost. Moreover, exploiting the fact that images acquired for appearance-based SLAM are sequential, GNNS search can be initiated judiciously which helps increase the speedup of the quantization process considerably
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