31,276 research outputs found

    Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. II. Strongly Correlated Regime

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    In this second part of our series on the recently proposed many-body expanded full configuration interaction (MBE-FCI) method, we introduce the concept of multideterminantal expansion references. Through theoretical arguments and numerical validations, the use of this class of starting points is shown to result in a focussed compression of the MBE decomposition of the FCI energy, thus allowing chemical problems dominated by strong correlation to be addressed by the method. The general applicability and performance enhancements of MBE-FCI are verified for standard stress tests such as the bond dissociations in H2_2O, N2_2, C2_2, and a linear H10_{10} chain. Furthermore, the benefits of employing a multideterminantal expansion reference in accelerating calculations of high accuracy are discussed, with an emphasis on calculations in extended basis sets. As an illustration of this latter quality of the MBE-FCI method, results for H2_2O and C2_2 in basis sets ranging from double- to pentuple-ζ\zeta quality are presented, demonstrating near-ideal parallel scaling on up to almost 2500025000 processing units.Comment: 41 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures, 1 SI attached as an ancillary fil

    Excited states with selected CI-QMC: chemically accurate excitation energies and geometries

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    We employ quantum Monte Carlo to obtain chemically accurate vertical and adiabatic excitation energies, and equilibrium excited-state structures for the small, yet challenging, formaldehyde and thioformaldehyde molecules. A key ingredient is a robust protocol to obtain balanced ground- and excited-state Jastrow-Slater wave functions at a given geometry, and to maintain such a balanced description as we relax the structure in the excited state. We use determinantal components generated via a selected configuration interaction scheme which targets the same second-order perturbation energy correction for all states of interest at different geometries, and we fully optimize all variational parameters in the resultant Jastrow-Slater wave functions. Importantly, the excitation energies as well as the structural parameters in the ground and excited states are converged with very compact wave functions comprising few thousand determinants in a minimally augmented double-ζ\zeta basis set. These results are obtained already at the variational Monte Carlo level, the more accurate diffusion Monte Carlo method yielding only a small improvement in the adiabatic excitation energies. We find that matching Jastrow-Slater wave functions with similar variances can yield excitations compatible with our best estimates; however, the variance-matching procedure requires somewhat larger determinantal expansions to achieve the same accuracy, and it is less straightforward to adapt during structural optimization in the excited state.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Perturbatively selected configuration-interaction wave functions for efficient geometry optimization in quantum Monte Carlo

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    We investigate the performance of a class of compact and systematically improvable Jastrow-Slater wave functions for the efficient and accurate computation of structural properties, where the determinantal component is expanded with a perturbatively selected configuration interaction scheme (CIPSI). We concurrently optimize the molecular ground-state geometry and full wave function -- Jastrow factor, orbitals, and configuration interaction coefficients-- in variational Monte Carlo (VMC) for the prototypical case of 1,3-trans-butadiene, a small yet theoretically challenging π\pi-conjugated system. We find that the CIPSI selection outperforms the conventional scheme of correlating orbitals within active spaces chosen by chemical intuition: it gives significantly better variational and diffusion Monte Carlo energies for all but the smallest expansions, and much smoother convergence of the geometry with the number of determinants. In particular, the optimal bond lengths and bond-length alternation of butadiene are converged to better than one m\AA\ with just a few thousand determinants, to values very close to the corresponding CCSD(T) results. The combination of CIPSI expansion and VMC optimization represents an affordable tool for the determination of accurate ground-state geometries in quantum Monte Carlo
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