8,413 research outputs found

    Scientific Information Extraction with Semi-supervised Neural Tagging

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    This paper addresses the problem of extracting keyphrases from scientific articles and categorizing them as corresponding to a task, process, or material. We cast the problem as sequence tagging and introduce semi-supervised methods to a neural tagging model, which builds on recent advances in named entity recognition. Since annotated training data is scarce in this domain, we introduce a graph-based semi-supervised algorithm together with a data selection scheme to leverage unannotated articles. Both inductive and transductive semi-supervised learning strategies outperform state-of-the-art information extraction performance on the 2017 SemEval Task 10 ScienceIE task.Comment: accepted by EMNLP 201

    Gamma-based clustering via ordered means with application to gene-expression analysis

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    Discrete mixture models provide a well-known basis for effective clustering algorithms, although technical challenges have limited their scope. In the context of gene-expression data analysis, a model is presented that mixes over a finite catalog of structures, each one representing equality and inequality constraints among latent expected values. Computations depend on the probability that independent gamma-distributed variables attain each of their possible orderings. Each ordering event is equivalent to an event in independent negative-binomial random variables, and this finding guides a dynamic-programming calculation. The structuring of mixture-model components according to constraints among latent means leads to strict concavity of the mixture log likelihood. In addition to its beneficial numerical properties, the clustering method shows promising results in an empirical study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOS805 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Robust Transformation-Based Learning Approach Using Ripple Down Rules for Part-of-Speech Tagging

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    In this paper, we propose a new approach to construct a system of transformation rules for the Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging task. Our approach is based on an incremental knowledge acquisition method where rules are stored in an exception structure and new rules are only added to correct the errors of existing rules; thus allowing systematic control of the interaction between the rules. Experimental results on 13 languages show that our approach is fast in terms of training time and tagging speed. Furthermore, our approach obtains very competitive accuracy in comparison to state-of-the-art POS and morphological taggers.Comment: Version 1: 13 pages. Version 2: Submitted to AI Communications - the European Journal on Artificial Intelligence. Version 3: Resubmitted after major revisions. Version 4: Resubmitted after minor revisions. Version 5: to appear in AI Communications (accepted for publication on 3/12/2015

    Node Cardinality Estimation in the Internet of Things Using Privileged Feature Distillation

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a critical technology to connect resource-constrained devices such as sensors and actuators as well as appliances to the Internet. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for node cardinality estimation in wireless networks such as the IoT and Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems, which uses the privileged feature distillation (PFD) technique and works using a neural network with a teacher-student model. The teacher is trained using both privileged and regular features, and the student is trained with predictions from the teacher and regular features. We propose node cardinality estimation algorithms based on the PFD technique for homogeneous as well as heterogeneous wireless networks. We show via extensive simulations that the proposed PFD based algorithms for homogeneous as well as heterogeneous networks achieve much lower mean squared errors in the computed node cardinality estimates than state-of-the-art protocols proposed in prior work, while taking the same number of time slots for executing the node cardinality estimation process as the latter protocols.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, journal pape

    Distributed Wireless Algorithms for RFID Systems: Grouping Proofs and Cardinality Estimation

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    The breadth and depth of the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) are becoming more substantial. RFID is a technology useful for identifying unique items through radio waves. We design algorithms on RFID-based systems for the Grouping Proof and Cardinality Estimation problems. A grouping-proof protocol is evidence that a reader simultaneously scanned the RFID tags in a group. In many practical scenarios, grouping-proofs greatly expand the potential of RFID-based systems such as supply chain applications, simultaneous scanning of multiple forms of IDs in banks or airports, and government paperwork. The design of RFID grouping-proofs that provide optimal security, privacy, and efficiency is largely an open area, with challenging problems including robust privacy mechanisms, addressing completeness and incompleteness (missing tags), and allowing dynamic groups definitions. In this work we present three variations of grouping-proof protocols that implement our mechanisms to overcome these challenges. Cardinality estimation is for the reader to determine the number of tags in its communication range. Speed and accuracy are important goals. Many practical applications need an accurate and anonymous estimation of the number of tagged objects. Examples include intelligent transportation and stadium management. We provide an optimal estimation algorithm template for cardinality estimation that works for a {0,1,e} channel, which extends to most estimators and ,possibly, a high resolution {0,1,...,k-1,e} channel

    Variational Deep Semantic Hashing for Text Documents

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    As the amount of textual data has been rapidly increasing over the past decade, efficient similarity search methods have become a crucial component of large-scale information retrieval systems. A popular strategy is to represent original data samples by compact binary codes through hashing. A spectrum of machine learning methods have been utilized, but they often lack expressiveness and flexibility in modeling to learn effective representations. The recent advances of deep learning in a wide range of applications has demonstrated its capability to learn robust and powerful feature representations for complex data. Especially, deep generative models naturally combine the expressiveness of probabilistic generative models with the high capacity of deep neural networks, which is very suitable for text modeling. However, little work has leveraged the recent progress in deep learning for text hashing. In this paper, we propose a series of novel deep document generative models for text hashing. The first proposed model is unsupervised while the second one is supervised by utilizing document labels/tags for hashing. The third model further considers document-specific factors that affect the generation of words. The probabilistic generative formulation of the proposed models provides a principled framework for model extension, uncertainty estimation, simulation, and interpretability. Based on variational inference and reparameterization, the proposed models can be interpreted as encoder-decoder deep neural networks and thus they are capable of learning complex nonlinear distributed representations of the original documents. We conduct a comprehensive set of experiments on four public testbeds. The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed supervised learning models for text hashing.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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