25 research outputs found

    Lattice-Based proof of a shuffle

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    In this paper we present the first fully post-quantum proof of a shuffle for RLWE encryption schemes. Shuffles are commonly used to construct mixing networks (mix-nets), a key element to ensure anonymity in many applications such as electronic voting systems. They should preserve anonymity even against an attack using quantum computers in order to guarantee long-term privacy. The proof presented in this paper is built over RLWE commitments which are perfectly binding and computationally hiding under the RLWE assumption, thus achieving security in a post-quantum scenario. Furthermore we provide a new definition for a secure mixing node (mix-node) and prove that our construction satisfies this definition.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    We extend a commitment scheme based on the learning with errors over rings (RLWE) problem, and present efficient companion zeroknowledge proofs of knowledge. Our scheme maps elements from the ring (or equivalently, n elements fro

    Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Check from Lattices

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    Passwords are ubiquitous and most commonly used to authenticate users when logging into online services. Using high entropy passwords is critical to prevent unauthorized access and password policies emerged to enforce this requirement on passwords. However, with current methods of password storage, poor practices and server breaches have leaked many passwords to the public. To protect one's sensitive information in case of such events, passwords should be hidden from servers. Verifier-based password authenticated key exchange, proposed by Bellovin and Merrit (IEEE S\&P, 1992), allows authenticated secure channels to be established with a hash of a password (verifier). Unfortunately, this restricts password policies as passwords cannot be checked from their verifier. To address this issue, Kiefer and Manulis (ESORICS 2014) proposed zero-knowledge password policy check (ZKPPC). A ZKPPC protocol allows users to prove in zero knowledge that a hash of the user's password satisfies the password policy required by the server. Unfortunately, their proposal is not quantum resistant with the use of discrete logarithm-based cryptographic tools and there are currently no other viable alternatives. In this work, we construct the first post-quantum ZKPPC using lattice-based tools. To this end, we introduce a new randomised password hashing scheme for ASCII-based passwords and design an accompanying zero-knowledge protocol for policy compliance. Interestingly, our proposal does not follow the framework established by Kiefer and Manulis and offers an alternate construction without homomorphic commitments. Although our protocol is not ready to be used in practice, we think it is an important first step towards a quantum-resistant privacy-preserving password-based authentication and key exchange system

    Cryptographic Tools for Privacy Preservation and Verifiable Randomness

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    Our society revolves around communication. The Internet is the biggest, cheapest and fastest digital communication channel used nowadays.Due to the continuous increase of daily communication among people worldwide, more and more data might be stolen, misused or tampered.We require to protect our communications and data by achieving privacy\ua0and\ua0confidentiality.Despite the two terms, "privacy"\ua0and "confidentiality",are often used as synonymous, in cryptography they are modelled in very different ways.Intuitively, cryptography can be seen as a tool-box in which every scheme, protocol or primitive is a tool that can be used to solve specific problems and provide specific communication security guarantees such as confidentiality. Privacy is instead not easy to describe and capture since it often depends on "which" information is available, "how"\ua0are these data used and/or "who" has access to our data.This licentiate thesis raises research questions and proposes solutions related to: the possibility of defining encryption schemes that provide both strong security and privacy guarantees; the importance of designing cryptographic protocols that are compliant with real-life privacy-laws or regulations; and the necessity of defining a post-quantum mechanism to achieve the verifiability of randomness.In more details, the thesis achievements are:(a) defining a new class of encryption schemes, by weakening the correctness property, that achieves Differential Privacy (DP), i.e., a mathematically sound definition of privacy;(b) formalizing a security model for a subset of articles in the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), designing and implementing a cryptographic protocol based on the proposed GDPR-oriented security model, and;(c) proposing a methodology to compile a post-quantum interactive protocol for proving the correct computation of a pseudorandom function into a non-interactive one, yielding a post-quantum mechanism for verifiable randomness

    Short, Invertible Elements in Partially Splitting Cyclotomic Rings and Applications to Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs

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    When constructing practical zero-knowledge proofs based on the hardness of the Ring-LWE or the Ring-SIS problems over polynomial rings Zp[X]/(Xn+1)Z_p[X]/(X^n+1), it is often necessary that the challenges come from a set C\mathcal{C} that satisfies three properties: the set should be large (around 22562^{256}), the elements in it should have small norms, and all the non-zero elements in the difference set C−C\mathcal{C}-\mathcal{C} should be invertible. The first two properties are straightforward to satisfy, while the third one requires us to make efficiency compromises. We can either work over rings where the polynomial Xn+1X^n+1 only splits into two irreducible factors modulo pp, which makes the speed of the multiplication operation in the ring sub-optimal; or we can limit our challenge set to polynomials of smaller degree, which requires them to have (much) larger norms. In this work we show that one can use the optimal challenge sets C\mathcal{C} and still have the polynomial Xn+1X^n+1 split into more than two factors. This comes as a direct application of our more general result that states that all non-zero polynomials with ``small\u27\u27 coefficients in the cyclotomic ring Zp[X]/(Ωm(X))Z_p[X]/(\Phi_m(X)) are invertible (where ``small\u27\u27 depends on the size of pp and how many irreducible factors the mthm^{th} cyclotomic polynomial Ωm(X)\Phi_m(X) splits into). We furthermore establish sufficient conditions for pp under which Ωm(X)\Phi_m(X) will split in such fashion. For the purposes of implementation, if the polynomial Xn+1X^n+1 splits into kk factors, we can run FFT for log⁡k\log{k} levels until switching to Karatsuba multiplication. Experimentally, we show that increasing the number of levels from one to three or four results in a speedup by a factor of ≈2\approx 2 -- 33. We point out that this improvement comes completely for free simply by choosing a modulus pp that has certain algebraic properties. In addition to the speed improvement, having the polynomial split into many factors has other applications -- e.g. when one embeds information into the Chinese Remainder representation of the ring elements, the more the polynomial splits, the more information one can embed into an element

    More Efficient Commitments from Structured Lattice Assumptions

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    We present a practical construction of an additively homomorphic commitment scheme based on structured lattice assumptions, together with a zero-knowledge proof of opening knowledge. Our scheme is a design improvement over the previous work of Benhamouda et al. in that it is not restricted to being statistically binding. While it is possible to instantiate our scheme to be statistically binding or statistically hiding, it is most efficient when both hiding and binding properties are only computational. This results in approximately a factor of 4 reduction in the size of the proof and a factor of 6 reduction in the size of the commitment over the aforementioned scheme

    Enhancing Code Based Zero-knowledge Proofs using Rank Metric

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    The advent of quantum computers is a threat to most currently deployed cryptographic primitives. Among these, zero-knowledge proofs play an important role, due to their numerous applications. The primitives and protocols presented in this work base their security on the difficulty of solving the Rank Syndrome Decoding (RSD) problem. This problem is believed to be hard even in the quantum model. We first present a perfectly binding commitment scheme. Using this scheme, we are able to build an interactive zero-knowledge proof to prove: the knowledge of a valid opening of a committed value, and that the valid openings of three committed values satisfy a given linear relation, and, more generally, any bitwise relation. With the above protocols it becomes possible to prove the relation of two committed values for an arbitrary circuit, with quasi-linear communication complexity and a soundness error of 2/3. To our knowledge, this is the first quantum resistant zero-knowledge protocol for arbitrary circuits based on the RSD problem. An important contribution of this work is the selection of a set of parameters, and an a full implementation, both for our proposal in the rank metric and for the original LPN based one by Jain et. al in the Hamming metric, from which we took the inspiration. Beside demonstrating the practicality of both constructions, we provide evidence of the convenience of rank metric, by reporting performance benchmarks and a detailed comparison

    Commitments with Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Subset Sum Problems

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    We present a cryptographic string commitment scheme that is computationally hiding and binding based on (modular) subset sum problems. It is believed that these NP-complete problems provide post-quantum security contrary to the number theory assumptions currently used in cryptography. Using techniques recently introduced by Feneuil, Maire, Rivain and Vergnaud, this simple commitment scheme enables an efficient zero-knowledge proof of knowledge for committed values as well as proofs showing Boolean relations amongst the committed bits. In particular, one can prove that committed bits m0,m1,...,mℓm_0, m_1, ..., m_\ell satisfy m0=C(m1,...,mℓ)m_0 = C(m_1, ..., m_\ell) for any Boolean circuit CC (without revealing any information on those bits). The proof system achieves good communication and computational complexity since for a security parameter λ\lambda, the protocol\u27s communication complexity is O~(∣C∣λ+λ2)\tilde{O}(|C| \lambda + \lambda^2) (compared to O~(∣C∣λ2)\tilde{O}(|C| \lambda^2) for the best code-based protocol due to Jain, Krenn, Pietrzak and Tentes)

    Simple Amortized Proofs of Shortness for Linear Relations over Polynomial Rings

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    For a public value yy and a linear function ff, giving a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of a secret value xx that satisfies f(x)=yf(x)=y is a key ingredient in many cryptographic protocols. Lattice-based constructions, in addition, require proofs of ``shortness\u27\u27 of xx. Of particular interest are constructions where ff is a function over polynomial rings, since these are the ones that result in efficient schemes with short keys and outputs. All known approaches for such lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs are not very practical because they involve a basic protocol that needs to be repeated many times in order to achieve negligible soundness error. In the amortized setting, where one needs to give zero-knowledge proofs for many equations for the same function ff, the situation is more promising, though still not yet fully satisfactory. Current techniques either result in proofs of knowledge of xx\u27s that are exponentially larger than the xx\u27s actually used for the proof (i.e. the \emph{slack} is exponential), or they have polynomial slack but require the number of proofs to be in the several thousands before the amortization advantages ``kick in\u27\u27. In this work, we give a new approach for constructing amortized zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge of short solutions over polynomial rings. Our proof has small polynomial slack and is practical even when the number of relations is as small as the security parameter

    Adaptor Signatures: New Security Definition and A Generic Construction for NP Relations

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    An adaptor signatures (AS) scheme is an extension of digital signatures that allows the signer to generate a pre-signature for an instance of a hard relation. This pre-signature can later be adapted to a full signature with a corresponding witness. Meanwhile, the signer can extract a witness from both the pre-signature and the signature. AS have recently garnered more attention due to its scalability and interoperability. Dai et al. [INDOCRYPT 2022] proved that AS can be constructed for any NP relation using a generic construction. However, their construction has a shortcoming: the associated witness is exposed by the adapted signature. This flaw poses limits the applications of AS, even in its motivating setting, i.e., blockchain, where the adapted signature is typically uploaded to the blockchain and is public to everyone. To address this issue, in this work we augment the security definition of AS by a natural property which we call witness hiding. We then prove the existence of AS for any NP relation, assuming the existence of one-way functions. Concretely, we propose a generic construction of witness-hiding AS from signatures and a weak variant of trapdoor commitments, which we term trapdoor commitments with a specific adaptable message. We instantiate the latter based on the Hamiltonian cycle problem. Since the Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-complete, we can obtain witness hiding adaptor signatures for any NP relation