5 research outputs found

    Guaranteeing correctness in privacy-friendly outsourcing by certificate validation

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    With computation power in the cloud becoming a commodity, it is more and more convenient to outsource computations to external computation parties. Assuring confidentiality, even of inputs by mutually distrusting inputters, is possible by distributing computations between different parties using multiparty computation. Unfortunately, this typically only guarantees correctness if a limited number of computation parties are malicious. If correctness is needed when all computation parties are malicious, then one currently needs either fully homomorphic encryption or ``universally verifiable'' multiparty computation; both are impractical for large computations. In this paper, we show for the first time how to achieve practical privacy-friendly outsourcing with correctness guarantees, by using normal multiparty techniques to compute the result of a computation, and then using slower verifiable techniques only to verify that this result was correct. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in a linear programming case study. Keywords: secret sharing , threshold cryptography, zero knowledg

    Secure Groups for Threshold Cryptography and Number-Theoretic Multiparty Computation

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    In this paper, we introduce secure groups as a cryptographic scheme representing finite groups together with a range of operations, including the group operation, inversion, random sampling, and encoding/decoding maps. We construct secure groups from oblivious group representations combined with cryptographic protocols, implementing the operations securely. We present both generic and specific constructions, in the latter case specifically for number-theoretic groups commonly used in cryptography. These include Schnorr groups (with quadratic residues as a special case), Weierstrass and Edwards elliptic curve groups, and class groups of imaginary quadratic number fields. For concreteness, we develop our protocols in the setting of secure multiparty computation based on Shamir secret sharing over a finite field, abstracted away by formulating our solutions in terms of an arithmetic black box for secure finite field arithmetic or for secure integer arithmetic. Secure finite field arithmetic suffices for many groups, including Schnorr groups and elliptic curve groups. For class groups, we need secure integer arithmetic to implement Shanks’ classical algorithms for the composition of binary quadratic forms, which we will combine with our adaptation of a particular form reduction algorithm due to Agarwal and Frandsen. As a main result of independent interest, we also present an efficient protocol for the secure computation of the extended greatest common divisor. The protocol is based on Bernstein and Yang’s constant-time 2-adic algorithm, which we adapt to work purely over the integers. This yields a much better approach for multiparty computation but raises a new concern about the growth of the Bézout coefficients. By a careful analysis, we are able to prove that the Bézout coefficients in our protocol will never exceed 3max(,) in absolute value for inputs a and b. We have integrated secure groups in the Python package MPyC and have implemented threshold ElGamal and threshold DSA in terms of secure groups. We also mention how our results support verifiable multiparty computation, allowing parties to jointly create a publicly verifiable proof of correctness for the results accompanying the results of a secure computation

    Certificate Validation in Secure Computation and Its Use in Verifiable Linear Programming

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    For many applications of secure multiparty computation it is natural to demand that the output of the protocol is verifiable. Verifiability should ensure that incorrect outputs are always rejected, even if all parties executing the secure computation collude. Since the inputs to a secure computation are private, and potentially the outputs are private as well, adding verifiability is in general hard and costly. In this paper we focus on privacy-preserving linear programming as a typical and practically relevant case for verifiable secure multiparty computation. We introduce certificate validation as an effective technique for achieving verifiable linear programming. Rather than verifying the computation proper, which involves many iterations of the simplex algorithm, we extend the output of the secure computation with a certificate. The certificate allows for efficient and direct validation of the correctness of the output. The overhead incurred by the computation of the certificate is marginal. For the validation of a certificate we design particularly efficient distributed-prover zero-knowledge proofs, fully exploiting the fact that we can use ElGamal encryption for this purpose, hence avoiding the use of more elaborate cryptosystems such as Paillier encryption. We also formulate appropriate security definitions for our approach, and prove security for our protocols in this model, paying special attention to ensuring properties such as input independence. By means of several experiments performed in a real multi-cloud-provider environment, we show that the overall performance for verifiable linear programming is very competitive, incurring minimal overhead compared to protocols providing no correctness guarantees at all

    Universally Verifiable Multiparty Computation from Threshold Homomorphic Cryptosystems

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    Multiparty computation can be used for privacy-friendly outsourcing of computations on private inputs of multiple parties. A computation is outsourced to several computation parties; if not too many are corrupted (e.g., no more than half), then they cannot determine the inputs or produce an incorrect output. However, in many cases, these guarantees are not enough: we need correctness even if /all/ computation parties may be corrupted; and we need that correctness can be verified even by parties that did not participate in the computation. Protocols satisfying these additional properties are called ``universally verifiable\u27\u27. In this paper, we propose a new security model for universally verifiable multiparty computation, and we present a practical construction, based on a threshold homomorphic cryptosystem. We also develop a multiparty protocol for jointly producing non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, which may be of independent interest

    Efficient Threshold Zero-Knowledge with Applications to User-Centric Protocols

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    In this paper, we investigate on threshold proofs, a framework for distributing the prover’s side of interactive proofs of knowledge over multiple parties. Interactive proofs of knowledge (PoK) are widely used primitives of cryptographic protocols, including important user-centric protocols, such as identification schemes, electronic cash (e-cash), and anonymous credentials. We present a security model for threshold proofs of knowledge and develop threshold versions of well-known primitives such as range proofs, zero-knowledge proofs for preimages of homomorphisms (which generalizes PoKs of discrete logarithms, representations, p-th roots, etc.), as well as OR statements. These building blocks are proven secure in our model. Furthermore, we apply the developed primitives and techniques in the context of user-centric protocols. In particular, we construct distributed-user variants of Brands ’ e-cash system and the bilinear anonymous credential scheme by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya. Distributing the user party in such protocols has several practical advantages: First, the security of a user can be increased by sharing secrets and computations over multiple devices owned by the user. In this way, losing control of a single device does not result in a security breach. Second, this approach also allows groups of users to jointly control an application (e.g., a joint e-cash account), not giving a single user full control. The distributed versions of the protocols we propose in this paper are relatively efficient (when compared to a general MPC approach). In comparison to the original protocols only the prover’s (or user’s) side is modified while the other side stays untouched. In particular, it is oblivious to the other party whether it interacts with a distributed prover (or user) or one as defined in the original protocol