89 research outputs found

    PRSim: Sublinear Time SimRank Computation on Large Power-Law Graphs

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    {\it SimRank} is a classic measure of the similarities of nodes in a graph. Given a node uu in graph G=(V,E)G =(V, E), a {\em single-source SimRank query} returns the SimRank similarities s(u,v)s(u, v) between node uu and each node v∈Vv \in V. This type of queries has numerous applications in web search and social networks analysis, such as link prediction, web mining, and spam detection. Existing methods for single-source SimRank queries, however, incur query cost at least linear to the number of nodes nn, which renders them inapplicable for real-time and interactive analysis. { This paper proposes \prsim, an algorithm that exploits the structure of graphs to efficiently answer single-source SimRank queries. \prsim uses an index of size O(m)O(m), where mm is the number of edges in the graph, and guarantees a query time that depends on the {\em reverse PageRank} distribution of the input graph. In particular, we prove that \prsim runs in sub-linear time if the degree distribution of the input graph follows the power-law distribution, a property possessed by many real-world graphs. Based on the theoretical analysis, we show that the empirical query time of all existing SimRank algorithms also depends on the reverse PageRank distribution of the graph.} Finally, we present the first experimental study that evaluates the absolute errors of various SimRank algorithms on large graphs, and we show that \prsim outperforms the state of the art in terms of query time, accuracy, index size, and scalability.Comment: ACM SIGMOD 201

    Efficient and Effective Similarity Search over Bipartite Graphs

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    Similarity search over a bipartite graph aims to retrieve from the graph the nodes that are similar to each other, which finds applications in various fields such as online advertising, recommender systems etc. Existing similarity measures either (i) overlook the unique properties of bipartite graphs, or (ii) fail to capture high-order information between nodes accurately, leading to suboptimal result quality. Recently, Hidden Personalized PageRank (HPP) is applied to this problem and found to be more effective compared with prior similarity measures. However, existing solutions for HPP computation incur significant computational costs, rendering it inefficient especially on large graphs. In this paper, we first identify an inherent drawback of HPP and overcome it by proposing bidirectional HPP (BHPP). Then, we formulate similarity search over bipartite graphs as the problem of approximate BHPP computation, and present an efficient solution Approx-BHPP. Specifically, Approx-BHPP offers rigorous theoretical accuracy guarantees with optimal computational complexity by combining deterministic graph traversal with matrix operations in an optimized and non-trivial way. Moreover, our solution achieves significant gain in practical efficiency due to several carefully-designed optimizations. Extensive experiments, comparing BHPP against 8 existing similarity measures over 7 real bipartite graphs, demonstrate the effectiveness of BHPP on query rewriting and item recommendation. Moreover, Approx-BHPP outperforms baseline solutions often by up to orders of magnitude in terms of computational time on both small and large datasets.Comment: Best Paper Award Nominee in WWW 2022. Fixing the incorrect figure

    Fast and Accurate Random Walk with Restart on Dynamic Graphs with Guarantees

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    Given a time-evolving graph, how can we track similarity between nodes in a fast and accurate way, with theoretical guarantees on the convergence and the error? Random Walk with Restart (RWR) is a popular measure to estimate the similarity between nodes and has been exploited in numerous applications. Many real-world graphs are dynamic with frequent insertion/deletion of edges; thus, tracking RWR scores on dynamic graphs in an efficient way has aroused much interest among data mining researchers. Recently, dynamic RWR models based on the propagation of scores across a given graph have been proposed, and have succeeded in outperforming previous other approaches to compute RWR dynamically. However, those models fail to guarantee exactness and convergence time for updating RWR in a generalized form. In this paper, we propose OSP, a fast and accurate algorithm for computing dynamic RWR with insertion/deletion of nodes/edges in a directed/undirected graph. When the graph is updated, OSP first calculates offset scores around the modified edges, propagates the offset scores across the updated graph, and then merges them with the current RWR scores to get updated RWR scores. We prove the exactness of OSP and introduce OSP-T, a version of OSP which regulates a trade-off between accuracy and computation time by using error tolerance {\epsilon}. Given restart probability c, OSP-T guarantees to return RWR scores with O ({\epsilon} /c ) error in O (log ({\epsilon}/2)/log(1-c)) iterations. Through extensive experiments, we show that OSP tracks RWR exactly up to 4605x faster than existing static RWR method on dynamic graphs, and OSP-T requires up to 15x less time with 730x lower L1 norm error and 3.3x lower rank error than other state-of-the-art dynamic RWR methods.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Sequence queries on temporal graphs

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    Graphs that evolve over time are called temporal graphs. They can be used to describe and represent real-world networks, including transportation networks, social networks, and communication networks, with higher fidelity and accuracy. However, research is still limited on how to manage large scale temporal graphs and execute queries over these graphs efficiently and effectively. This thesis investigates the problems of temporal graph data management related to node and edge sequence queries. In temporal graphs, nodes and edges can evolve over time. Therefore, sequence queries on nodes and edges can be key components in managing temporal graphs. In this thesis, the node sequence query decomposes into two parts: graph node similarity and subsequence matching. For node similarity, this thesis proposes a modified tree edit distance that is metric and polynomially computable and has a natural, intuitive interpretation. Note that the proposed node similarity works even for inter-graph nodes and therefore can be used for graph de-anonymization, network transfer learning, and cross-network mining, among other tasks. The subsequence matching query proposed in this thesis is a framework that can be adopted to index generic sequence and time-series data, including trajectory data and even DNA sequences for subsequence retrieval. For edge sequence queries, this thesis proposes an efficient storage and optimized indexing technique that allows for efficient retrieval of temporal subgraphs that satisfy certain temporal predicates. For this problem, this thesis develops a lightweight data management engine prototype that can support time-sensitive temporal graph analytics efficiently even on a single PC

    RoleSim* : scaling axiomatic role-based similarity ranking on large graphs

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    RoleSim and SimRank are among the popular graph-theoretic similarity measures with many applications in, e.g., web search, collaborative filtering, and sociometry. While RoleSim addresses the automorphic (role) equivalence of pairwise similarity which SimRank lacks, it ignores the neighboring similarity information out of the automorphically equivalent set. Consequently, two pairs of nodes, which are not automorphically equivalent by nature, cannot be well distinguished by RoleSim if the averages of their neighboring similarities over the automorphically equivalent set are the same. To alleviate this problem: 1) We propose a novel similarity model, namely RoleSim*, which accurately evaluates pairwise role similarities in a more comprehensive manner. RoleSim* not only guarantees the automorphic equivalence that SimRank lacks, but also takes into account the neighboring similarity information outside the automorphically equivalent sets that are overlooked by RoleSim. 2) We prove the existence and uniqueness of the RoleSim* solution, and show its three axiomatic properties (i.e., symmetry, boundedness, and non-increasing monotonicity). 3) We provide a concise bound for iteratively computing RoleSim* formula, and estimate the number of iterations required to attain a desired accuracy. 4) We induce a distance metric based on RoleSim* similarity, and show that the RoleSim* metric fulfills the triangular inequality, which implies the sum-transitivity of its similarity scores. 5) We present a threshold-based RoleSim* model that reduces the computational time further with provable accuracy guarantee. 6) We propose a single-source RoleSim* model, which scales well for sizable graphs. 7) We also devise methods to scale RoleSim* based search by incorporating its triangular inequality property with partitioning techniques. Our experimental results on real datasets demonstrate that RoleSim* achieves higher accuracy than its competitors while scaling well on sizable graphs with billions of edges

    Similarity Search over Network Structure

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    With the advent of the Internet, graph-structured data are ubiquitous. An essential task for graph-structured data management is similarity search based on graph topology, with a wide spectrum of applications, e.g., web search, outlier detection, co-citation analysis, and collaborative filtering. These graph topology data arrive from multiple sources at an astounding velocity, volume and veracity. While the scale of network structured data is increasing, existing similarity search algorithms on large graphs are impractical due to their expensive costs in terms of computational time and memory space. Moreover, dynamic changes (e.g., noise and abnormality) exists in network data, and it arises from many factors, such as data loss in transfer, data incompleteness, and dirty reading. Thus, the dynamic changes have become the main barrier to gaining accurate results for efficient network analysis. In real Web applications, CoSimRank has been proposed as a robust measure of node-pair similarity based on graph topology. It follows a SimRank-like notion that “two nodes are considered as similar if their in-neighbours are similar”, but the similarity of each node with itself is not constantly 1, which is different from SimRank. However, existing work on CoSimRank is restricted to static graphs. Each node pair CoSimRank score is retrieved from the sum of dot products of two Personalised PageRank vectors. When the graph is updated with edges (nodes) addition and deletion over time, it is cost-inhibitive to recompute all CoSimRank scores from scratch, which is impractical. RoleSim is a popular graph-structural role similarity search measure with many applications (e.g., sociometry), it can get the automorphic equivalence of nodes pair similarity, which SimRank and CoSimRank lack. But the accuracy of RoleSim algorithm can be improved. In this study, (1) we propose fast dynamic scheme, D-CoSim and D-deCoSim, for accurate CoSimRank search over large-scale evolving graphs. (2) Based on D-CoSim, we also propose fast scheme, F-CoSim and Opt_F-CoSim, which greatly accelerates CoSimRank search over static graphs. Our theoretical analysis shows that D-CoSim, D-deCoSim F-CoSim and Opt_F-CoSim guarantee the exactness of CoSimRank scores. Experimental evaluations verify the superiority of D-CoSim and D-deCoSim over evolving graphs, and the fast speedupof F-CoSim and Opt_F-CoSim on large-scale static graphs against its competitors, without any loss of accuracy. (3) We propose a novel role similarity search algorithm FaRS, and a speedup algorithm Opt_FaRS, which guarantees the automorphic equivalence capture, and captures the information from the neighbour’s class. The experimental results of FaRS and Opt_FaRS show that our algorithms achieves higher accuracy than baseline algorithms

    Link-based similarity search to fight web spam

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    www.ilab.sztaki.hu/websearch We investigate the usability of similarity search in fighting Web spam based on the assumption that an unknown spam page is more similar to certain known spam pages than to honest pages. In order to be successful, search engine spam never appears in isolation: we observe link farms and alliances for the sole purpose of search engine ranking manipulation. The artificial nature and strong inside connectedness however gave rise to successful algorithms to identify search engine spam. One example is trust and distrust propagation, an idea originating in recommender systems and P2P networks, that yields spam classificators by spreading information along hyperlinks from white and blacklists. While most previous results use PageRank variants for propagation, we form classifiers by investigating similarity top lists of an unknown page along various measures such as co-citation, companion, nearest neighbors in low dimensional projections and SimRank. We test our method over two data sets previously used to measure spam filtering algorithms. 1
