119 research outputs found

    Fast Keyword Search With Encryption

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    Paillier� Method is used in research and cloud protected outsourcing as well as privacy-preserving computation. In this paper we implement Pallier Method for providing security. Fast Keyword Search Perform on encrypted Data not directly on plain text, hence Security is given to database. In Multi-writer scenario Data sources upload Data on Different Resources .Data owner is responsible for generating tokens and encrypt data. Data owner and query source perform queries through a query processor. Data originated by data sources in which personal data and public data include, personal data search only authorized personal and public data search anyone who create their data source registration successfully. Cipher text length is created in between 16 digits to 256 digits, if data source search similar data on multiple time then every time query is encrypted using different numbers. Data in database stored using number of attribute. We focused on security in Pallier method

    Secure and {\sl Practical} Identity-Based Encryption

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    In this paper, we present a variant of Waters' Identity-Based Encryption scheme with a much smaller public-key size (only a few kilobytes). We show that this variant is semantically secure against passive adversaries in the standard model.\smallskip In essence, the new scheme divides Waters' public key size by a factor â„“\ell at the cost of (negligibly) reducing security by â„“\ell bits. Therefore, our construction settles an open question asked by Waters and constitutes the first fully secure {\sl practical} Identity-Based Encryption schem

    On the Relations Between Diffie-Hellman and ID-Based Key Agreement from Pairings

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    This paper studies the relationships between the traditional Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol and the identity-based (ID-based) key agreement protocol from pairings. For the Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara (SOK) ID-based key construction, we show that identical to the Diffie-Hellman protocol, the SOK key agreement protocol also has three variants, namely \emph{ephemeral}, \emph{semi-static} and \emph{static} versions. Upon this, we build solid relations between authenticated Diffie-Hellman (Auth-DH) protocols and ID-based authenticated key agreement (IB-AK) protocols, whereby we present two \emph{substitution rules} for this two types of protocols. The rules enable a conversion between the two types of protocols. In particular, we obtain the \emph{real} ID-based version of the well-known MQV (and HMQV) protocol. Similarly, for the Sakai-Kasahara (SK) key construction, we show that the key transport protocol underlining the SK ID-based encryption scheme (which we call the "SK protocol") has its non-ID counterpart, namely the Hughes protocol. Based on this observation, we establish relations between corresponding ID-based and non-ID-based protocols. In particular, we propose a highly enhanced version of the McCullagh-Barreto protocol

    Enhanced Searchable Public Key Cipher Text With Hidden Structures For Fast Keyword Search

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    Existing semantically secure public-key searchable coding schemes take search time linear with the overall variety of the cipher texts. This makes retrieval from large-scale databases preventative. To alleviate this drawback, this paper proposes Searchable Public-Key Cipher texts with Hidden Structures (SPCHS) for keyword search as quick as potential while not sacrificing linguistics security of the encrypted keywords. In SPCHS, all keyword-searchable Cipher texts area unit structured by hidden relations, and with the search trapdoor such as a keyword, the minimum info of the relations is disclosed to an enquiry rule because the steering to search out all matching Cipher texts expeditiously. We have a tendency to construct a SPCHS theme from scratch during which the Cipher texts have a hidden star-like structure. We have a tendency to prove our theme to be semantically secure within the Random Oracle (RO) model. The search quality of our theme relies on the particular variety of the Cipher texts containing the queried keyword, instead of the amount of all Cipher texts. Finally, we have a tendency to gift a generic SPCHS construction from anonymous identity-based coding and collision-free full-identity malleable Identity-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (IBKEM) with namelessness. We have a tendency to illustrate 2 collision-free full-identity malleable IBKEM instances, that area unit semantically secure and anonymous, severally, within the artificial language and customary models

    Biometric identity-based cryptography for e-Government environment

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    Government information is a vital asset that must be kept in a trusted environment and efficiently managed by authorised parties. Even though e-Government provides a number of advantages, it also introduces a range of new security risks. Sharing confidential and top-secret information in a secure manner among government sectors tend to be the main element that government agencies look for. Thus, developing an effective methodology is essential and it is a key factor for e-Government success. The proposed e-Government scheme in this paper is a combination of identity-based encryption and biometric technology. This new scheme can effectively improve the security in authentication systems, which provides a reliable identity with a high degree of assurance. In addition, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of using Finite-state machines as a formal method to analyse the proposed protocols

    A Type-and-Identity-based Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme and its Application in Healthcare

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    Proxy re-encryption is a cryptographic primitive developed to delegate the decryption right from one party (the delegator) to another (the delegatee). In a proxy re-encryption scheme, the delegator assigns a key to a proxy to re-encrypt all messages encrypted with his public key such that the re-encrypted ciphertexts can be decrypted with the delegatee’s private key. We propose a type-and-identity-based proxy re-encryption scheme based on the Boneh-Franklin Identity Based Encryption (IBE) scheme. In our scheme, the delegator can categorize messages into different types and delegate the decryption right of each type to the delegatee through a proxy. Our scheme enables the delegator to provide the proxy fine-grained re-encryption capability. As an application, we propose a fine-grained Personal Health Record (PHR) disclosure scheme for healthcare service by applying the proposed scheme

    Modelling and simulation of a biometric identity-based cryptography

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    Government information is a vital asset that must be kept in a trusted environment and efficiently managed by authorised parties. Even though e-Government provides a number of advantages, it also introduces a range of new security risks. Sharing confidential and top-secret information in a secure manner among government sectors tend to be the main element that government agencies look for. Thus, developing an effective methodology is essential and it is a key factor for e-Government success. The proposed e-Government scheme in this paper is a combination of identity-based encryption and biometric technology. This new scheme can effectively improve the security in authentication systems, which provides a reliable identity with a high degree of assurance. In addition, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of using Finite-state machines as a formal method to analyse the proposed protocols
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