10,841 research outputs found

    Commitment and Dispatch of Heat and Power Units via Affinely Adjustable Robust Optimization

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    The joint management of heat and power systems is believed to be key to the integration of renewables into energy systems with a large penetration of district heating. Determining the day-ahead unit commitment and production schedules for these systems is an optimization problem subject to uncertainty stemming from the unpredictability of demand and prices for heat and electricity. Furthermore, owing to the dynamic features of production and heat storage units as well as to the length and granularity of the optimization horizon (e.g., one whole day with hourly resolution), this problem is in essence a multi-stage one. We propose a formulation based on robust optimization where recourse decisions are approximated as linear or piecewise-linear functions of the uncertain parameters. This approach allows for a rigorous modeling of the uncertainty in multi-stage decision-making without compromising computational tractability. We perform an extensive numerical study based on data from the Copenhagen area in Denmark, which highlights important features of the proposed model. Firstly, we illustrate commitment and dispatch choices that increase conservativeness in the robust optimization approach. Secondly, we appraise the gain obtained by switching from linear to piecewise-linear decision rules within robust optimization. Furthermore, we give directions for selecting the parameters defining the uncertainty set (size, budget) and assess the resulting trade-off between average profit and conservativeness of the solution. Finally, we perform a thorough comparison with competing models based on deterministic optimization and stochastic programming.Comment: 31 page

    Short-term Self-Scheduling of Virtual Energy Hub Plant within Thermal Energy Market

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    Multicarrier energy systems create new challenges as well as opportunities in future energy systems. One of these challenges is the interaction among multiple energy systems and energy hubs in different energy markets. By the advent of the local thermal energy market in many countries, energy hubs' scheduling becomes more prominent. In this article, a new approach to energy hubs' scheduling is offered, called virtual energy hub (VEH). The proposed concept of the energy hub, which is named as the VEH in this article, is referred to as an architecture based on the energy hub concept beside the proposed self-scheduling approach. The VEH is operated based on the different energy carriers and facilities as well as maximizes its revenue by participating in the various local energy markets. The proposed VEH optimizes its revenue from participating in the electrical and thermal energy markets and by examining both local markets. Participation of a player in the energy markets by using the integrated point of view can be reached to a higher benefit and optimal operation of the facilities in comparison with independent energy systems. In a competitive energy market, a VEH optimizes its self-scheduling problem in order to maximize its benefit considering uncertainties related to renewable resources. To handle the problem under uncertainty, a nonprobabilistic information gap method is implemented in this study. The proposed model enables the VEH to pursue two different strategies concerning uncertainties, namely risk-averse strategy and risk-seeker strategy. For effective participation of the renewable-based VEH plant in the local energy market, a compressed air energy storage unit is used as a solution for the volatility of the wind power generation. Finally, the proposed model is applied to a test case, and the numerical results validate the proposed approach

    Restructuring Russia's Electricity Sector: Towards Effective Competition or Faux Liberalisation?

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    Russia in 2003 embarked on the restructuring of its electricity sector. The reform is intended to introduce competition into electricity production and supply, leaving dispatch, transmission and distribution as regulated natural monopolies with non-discriminatory third-party access to the networks. The ultimate aim of the reform is to create conditions that will encourage both investment in new capacity and greater efficiency of both production and consumption. The overall approach embodied in the reform is promising. However, there remains a serious risk that its aims could be subverted by special-interest lobbying during the lengthy implementation phase. If the reform is to succeed, the marketised segments of the sector must be characterised by real competition based on economically meaningful prices. There are two dangers here. The first is that private-sector interests will secure strategic holdings that allow them to exercise market power or even local monopoly power. The second is that, even after the wholesale market is liberalised, the state will retain considerable capacity to hold down electricity prices, if it so chooses, and it could do so in ways that unduly distort the signals the market is sending and deter the very investment that the reform is meant to attract
