708 research outputs found

    Route recovery schemes for link and node failure and link congestion

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    Link/Node failure occurs frequently causing service disruption in computer networks. Hardware techniques have been developed to protect the network from Link/Node failure. These techniques work in physical layer, therefore their convergence time is very small. On the other hand, many schemes have been proposed to mitigate the failure influence on the network. These schemes work in upper layers such as the network layer. However, hardware solutions faster than other schemes, but they are expensive. Link/Node failure causes all flows which were using the failed link/node are temporarily interrupted till a new path reestablished. Three recovery algorithms have been proposed that mitigate the changes occur in the network. These changes are link/node failure and link congestion. The algorithms mainly pre-compute a backup next hop for each destination in the network. This path is feasible to accommodate re-routed traffic when a failure occurs without causing congestion or loops. Simulations have been conducted to show the performance of the proposed algorithms using ns2 network simulation tool. The results show fast recovery for all flows were using the link/node failure. Furthermore, the throughput per node also increases due to decrease interruption service time

    A Corridor Level GIS-Based Decision Support Model to Evaluate Truck Diversion Strategies

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    Increased urbanization, population growth, and economic development within the U.S. have led to an increased demand for freight travel to meet the needs of individuals and businesses. Consequently, freight transportation has grown significantly over time and has expanded beyond the capacity of infrastructure, which has caused new challenges in many regions. To maintain quality of life and enhance public safety, more effort must be dedicated to investigating and planning in the area of traffic management and to assessing the impact of trucks on highway systems. Traffic diversion is an effective strategy to reduce the impact of incident-induced congestion, but alternative routes for truck traffic must be carefully selected based on a route\u27s restrictions on the size and weight of commercial vehicles, route\u27s operational characteristics, and safety considerations. This study presents a diversion decision methodology that integrates the network analyst tool package of the ArcGIS platform with regression analysis to determine optimal alternative routes for trucks under nonrecurrent delay conditions. When an incident occurs on a limited-access road, the diversion algorithm can be initiated. The algorithm is embedded with an incident clearance prediction model that estimates travel time on the current route based on a number of factors including incident severity; capacity reduction; number of lanes closed; type of incident; traffic characteristics; temporal characteristics; responders; and reporting, response, and clearance times. If travel time is expected to increase because of the event, a truck alternative route selection module is activated. This module evaluates available routes for diversion based on predefined criteria including roadway characteristics (number of lanes and lane width), heavy vehicle restrictions (vertical clearance, bridge efficiency ranking, bridge design load, and span limitations), traffic conditions (level of service and speed limit), and neighborhood impact (proximity to schools and hospitals and the intensity of commercial and residential development). If any available alternative routes reduce travel time, the trucks are provided with a diversion strategy. The proposed decision-making tool can assist transportation planners in making truck diversion decisions based on observed conditions. The results of a simulation and a feasibility analysis indicate that the tool can improve the safety and efficiency of the overall traffic network

    Bilevel Optimization for Traffic Mitigation in Optimal Transport Networks

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    Global infrastructure robustness and local transport efficiency are critical requirements for transportation networks. However, since passengers often travel greedily to maximize their own benefit and trigger traffic jams, overall transportation performance can be heavily disrupted. We develop adaptation rules that leverage Optimal Transport theory to effectively route passengers along their shortest paths while also strategically tuning edge weights to optimize traffic. As a result, we enforce both global and local optimality of transport. We prove the efficacy of our approach on synthetic networks and on real data. Our findings on the International European highways reveal that our method results in an effective strategy to lower car-produced carbon emissions.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Prevention of cyberattacks in WSN and packet drop by CI framework and information processing protocol using AI and Big Data

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    As the reliance on wireless sensor networks (WSNs) rises in numerous sectors, cyberattack prevention and data transmission integrity become essential problems. This study provides a complete framework to handle these difficulties by integrating a cognitive intelligence (CI) framework, an information processing protocol, and sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics approaches. The CI architecture is intended to improve WSN security by dynamically reacting to an evolving threat scenario. It employs artificial intelligence algorithms to continuously monitor and analyze network behavior, identifying and mitigating any intrusions in real time. Anomaly detection algorithms are also included in the framework to identify packet drop instances caused by attacks or network congestion. To support the CI architecture, an information processing protocol focusing on efficient and secure data transfer within the WSN is introduced. To protect data integrity and prevent unwanted access, this protocol includes encryption and authentication techniques. Furthermore, it enhances the routing process with the use of AI and big data approaches, providing reliable and timely packet delivery. Extensive simulations and tests are carried out to assess the efficiency of the suggested framework. The findings show that it is capable of detecting and preventing several forms of assaults, including as denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, node compromise, and data tampering. Furthermore, the framework is highly resilient to packet drop occurrences, which improves the WSN's overall reliability and performanc

    A Data Fusion Approach to Automated Decision Making in Intelligent Vehicles

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    The goal of an intelligent transportation system is to increase safety, convenience and efficiency in driving. Besides these obvious advantages, the integration of intelligent features and autonomous functionalities on vehicles will lead to major economic benefits from reduced fuel consumption to efficient exploitation of the road network. While giving this information to the driver can be useful, there is also the possibility of overloading the driver with too much information. Existing vehicles already have some mechanisms to take certain actions if the driver fails to act. Future vehicles will need more complex decision making modules which receive the raw data from all available sources, process this data and inform the driver about the existing or impending situations and suggest, or even take actions. Intelligent vehicles can take advantage of using different sources of data to provide more reliable and more accurate information about driving situations and build a safer driving environment. I have identified five general sources of data which is available for intelligent vehicles: the vehicle itself, cameras on the vehicle, communication between the vehicle and other vehicles, communications between vehicles and roadside units and the driver information. But facing this huge amount of data requires a decision making module to collect this data and provide the best reaction based on the situation. In this thesis, I present a data fusion approach for decision making in vehicles in which a decision making module collects data from the available sources of information and analyses this data and provides the driver with helpful information such as traffic congestion, emergency messages, etc. The proposed approach uses agents to collect the data and the agents cooperate using a black board method to provide the necessary data for the decision making system. The Decision making system benefits from this data and provides the intelligent vehicle applications with the best action(s) to be taken. Overall, the results show that using this data fusion approach for making decision in vehicles shows great potential for improving performance of vehicular systems by reducing travel time and wait time and providing more accurate information about the surrounding environment for vehicles. In addition, the safety of vehicles will increase since the vehicles will be informed about the hazard situations