470 research outputs found

    Efficient Perfectly Sound One-message Zero-Knowledge Proofs via Oracle-aided Simulation

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    In this paper we put forth new efficient one-message proof systems for several practical applications, like proving that an El Gamal ciphertext (over a multiplicative group) decrypts to a given value and correctness of a shuffle. Our proof systems are built from multiplicative groups of hidden order, are not based on any setup/trust assumption like the RO or the common reference string model and are perfectly sound, that is they are written proofs in the sense of mathematics. Our proof systems satisfy a generalization of zero-knowledge (ZK) that we call harmless zero-knowledge (HZK). The simulator of an OO-HZK proof for a relation over a language LL is given the additional capability of invoking an oracle OO relative to which LL is hard to decide. That is, the proof does not leak any knowledge that an adversary might not compute by itself interacting with an oracle OO that does not help to decide the language. Unlike ZK, non-interactivity and perfect soundness do not contradict HZK and HZK can replace ZK in any application in which, basically, the computational assumptions used in the application hold even against adversaries with access to OO. An OO-HZK proof is witness hiding (WH) for distributions hard against adversaries with access to OO, and strong-WI when quantifying over distributions that are indistinguishable by adversaries with access to OO. Moreover, an OO-HZK proof is witness indistinguishable (and the property does not depend on the oracle). We provide a specific oracle DHInvO that is enough powerful to make our main proof systems DHInvO-HZK but not trivial: indeed, we show concrete and practical cryptographic protocols that can be proven secure employing a DHInvO-HZK proof in the reduction and that are instead not achievable using traditional ZK (unless resorting to the CRS/RO models). Efficient one-message proof systems with perfect soundness were only known for relations over bilinear groups and were proven only witness indistinguishable. As byproduct, we also obtain a perfectly sound non-interactive ZAP, WH and HZK proof system for NPNP relations from number-theoretic assumptions over multiplicative groups of hidden order. No non-interactive WH proof system for NPNP (neither for simpler non-trivial relations) was previously known

    Unclonable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge

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    A non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof enables verification of NP statements without revealing secrets about them. However, an adversary that obtains a NIZK proof may be able to clone this proof and distribute arbitrarily many copies of it to various entities: this is inevitable for any proof that takes the form of a classical string. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to rely on quantum information in order to build NIZK proof systems that are impossible to clone. We define and construct unclonable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (of knowledge) for NP. Besides satisfying the zero-knowledge and proof of knowledge properties, these proofs additionally satisfy unclonability. Very roughly, this ensures that no adversary can split an honestly generated proof of membership of an instance xx in an NP language L\mathcal{L} and distribute copies to multiple entities that all obtain accepting proofs of membership of xx in L\mathcal{L}. Our result has applications to unclonable signatures of knowledge, which we define and construct in this work; these non-interactively prevent replay attacks

    Crowd Verifiable Zero-Knowledge and End-to-end Verifiable Multiparty Computation

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    Auditing a secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocol entails the validation of the protocol transcript by a third party that is otherwise untrusted. In this work, we introduce the concept of end-to-end verifiable MPC (VMPC), that requires the validation to provide a correctness guarantee even in the setting that all servers, trusted setup primitives and all the client systems utilized by the input-providing users of the MPC protocol are subverted by an adversary. To instantiate VMPC, we introduce a new concept in the setting of zero-knowlegde protocols that we term crowd verifiable zero-knowledge (CVZK). A CVZK protocol enables a prover to convince a set of verifiers about a certain statement, even though each one individually contributes a small amount of entropy for verification and some of them are adversarially controlled. Given CVZK, we present a VMPC protocol that is based on discrete-logarithm related assumptions. At the high level of adversity that VMPC is meant to withstand, it is infeasible to ensure perfect correctness, thus we investigate the classes of functions and verifiability relations that are feasible in our framework, and present a number of possible applications the underlying functions of which can be implemented via VMPC

    Unclonable Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge

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    A non-interactive ZK (NIZK) proof enables verification of NP statements without revealing secrets about them. However, an adversary that obtains a NIZK proof may be able to clone this proof and distribute arbitrarily many copies of it to various entities: this is inevitable for any proof that takes the form of a classical string. In this paper, we ask whether it is possible to rely on quantum information in order to build NIZK proof systems that are impossible to clone. We define and construct unclonable non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs (of knowledge) for NP. Besides satisfying the zero-knowledge and proof of knowledge properties, these proofs additionally satisfy unclonability. Very roughly, this ensures that no adversary can split an honestly generated proof of membership of an instance xx in an NP language L\mathcal{L} and distribute copies to multiple entities that all obtain accepting proofs of membership of xx in L\mathcal{L}. Our result has applications to unclonable signatures of knowledge, which we define and construct in this work; these non-interactively prevent replay attacks

    Post-quantum Resettably-Sound Zero Knowledge

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    We study post-quantum zero-knowledge (classical) protocols that are sound against quantum resetting attacks. Our model is inspired by the classical model of resetting provers (Barak-Goldreich-Goldwasser-Lindell, FOCS `01), providing a malicious efficient prover with oracle access to the verifier\u27s next-message-function, fixed to some initial random tape; thereby allowing it to effectively reset (or equivalently, rewind) the verifier. In our model, the prover has quantum access to the verifier\u27s function, and in particular can query it in superposition. The motivation behind quantum resettable soundness is twofold: First, ensuring a strong security guarantee in scenarios where quantum resetting may be possible (e.g., smart cards, or virtual machines). Second, drawing intuition from the classical setting, we hope to improve our understanding of basic questions regarding post-quantum zero knowledge. We prove the following results: Black-Box Barriers: Quantum resetting exactly captures the power of black-box zero knowledge quantum simulators. Accordingly, resettable soundness cannot be achieved in conjunction with black-box zero knowledge, except for languages in \BQP. Leveraging this, we prove that constant-round public-coin, or three message, protocols cannot be black-box post-quantum zero-knowledge. For this, we show how to transform such protocols into quantumly resettably sound ones. The transformations are similar to classical ones, but their analysis is significantly more challenging due to the essential difference between classical and quantum resetting. A Resettably-Sound Non-Black-Box Zero-Knowledge Protocol: Under the (quantum) Learning with Errors assumption and quantum fully-homomorphic encryption, we construct a post-quantum resettably-sound zero knowledge protocol for \NP. We rely on non-black-box simulation techniques, thus overcoming the black-box barrier for such protocols. From Resettable Soundness to The Impossibility of Quantum Obfuscation: Assuming one-way functions, we prove that any quantumly-resettably-sound zero-knowledge protocol for \NP implies the impossibility of quantum obfuscation. Combined with the above result, this gives an alternative proof to several recent results on quantum unobfuscatability

    Key-Homomorphic Signatures: Definitions and Applications to Multiparty Signatures and Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge

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    Key-homomorphic properties of cryptographic objects, i.e., homomorphisms on their key space, have proven to be useful, both from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective. Important cryptographic objects such as pseudorandom functions or (public key) encryption have been studied previously with respect to key-homomorphisms. Interestingly, however, signature schemes have not been explicitly investigated in this context so far. We close this gap and initiate the study of key-homomorphic signatures, which turns out to be an interesting and versatile concept. In doing so, we firstly propose a definitional framework for key-homomorphic signatures distilling various natural flavours of key-homomorphic properties. Those properties aim to classify existing signature schemes and thus allow to infer general statements about signature schemes from those classes by simply making black-box use of the respective properties. We apply our definitional framework to show elegant and simple compilers from classes of signature schemes admitting different types of key-homomorphisms to a number of other interesting primitives such as ring signature schemes, (universal) designated verifier signature schemes, simulation-sound extractable non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments, and multisignature schemes. Additionally, using the formalisms provided by our framework, we can prove a tight implication from single-user security to key-prefixed multi-user security for a class of schemes admitting a certain key-homomorphism. Finally, we discuss schemes that provide homomorphic properties on the message space of signatures under different keys in context of key-homomorphisms and present some first constructive results from key-homomorphic schemes

    HARTS: High-Threshold, Adaptively Secure, and Robust Threshold Schnorr Signatures

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    Threshold variants of the Schnorr signature scheme have recently been at the center of attention due to their applications to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. However, existing constructions for threshold Schnorr signatures among a set of nn parties with corruption threshold tct_c suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) security only against static (i.e., non-adaptive) adversaries, (ii) cubic or higher communication cost to generate a single signature, (iii) strong synchrony assumptions on the network, or (iv) tc+1t_c+1 are sufficient to generate a signature, i.e., the corruption threshold of the scheme equals its reconstruction threshold. Especially (iv) turns out to be a severe limitation for many asynchronous real-world applications where tc<n/3t_c < n/3 is necessary to maintain liveness, but a higher signing threshold of ntcn-t_c is needed. A recent scheme, ROAST, proposed by Ruffing et al. (ACM CCS `22) addresses (iii) and (iv), but still falls short of obtaining subcubic complexity and adaptive security. In this work, we present HARTS, the first threshold Schnorr signature scheme to incorporate all these desiderata. More concretely: - HARTS is adaptively secure and remains fully secure and operational even under asynchronous network conditions in the presence of up to tc<n/3t_c < n/3 malicious parties. This is optimal. - HARTS outputs a Schnorr signature of size λ\lambda with a near-optimal amortized communication cost of O(λn2logn)O(\lambda n^2 \log{n}) bits and O(1)O(1) rounds per signature. - HARTS is a high-threshold scheme: no fewer than tr+1t_r+1 signature shares can be combined to yield a full signature, where tr2n/3>2tct_r\geq 2n/3 > 2t_c. This is optimal. We prove our result in a modular fashion in the algebraic group model. At the core of our construction, we design a new simple, and adaptively secure high-threshold AVSS scheme which may be of independent interest

    Resettably Sound Zero-Knoweldge Arguments from OWFs - the (semi) Black-Box way

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    We construct a constant-round resettably-sound zero-knowledge argument of knowledge based on black-box use of any one-way function. Resettable-soundness was introduced by Barak, Goldreich, Goldwasser and Lindell [FOCS 01] and is a strengthening of the soundness requirement in interactive proofs demanding that soundness should hold even if the malicious prover is allowed to “reset” and “restart” the verifier. In their work they show that resettably-sound ZK arguments require non-black-box simulation techniques, and also provide the first construction based on the breakthrough simulation technique of Barak [FOCS 01]. All known implementations of Barak’s non-black-box technique required non-black-box use of a collision-resistance hash-function (CRHF). Very recently, Goyal, Ostrovsky, Scafuro and Visconti [STOC 14] showed an implementation of Barak’s technique that needs only black-box access to a collision-resistant hash-function while still having a non-black-box simulator. (Such a construction is referred to as semi black-box.) Plugging this implementation in the BGGL’s construction yields the first resettably-sound ZK arguments based on black-box use of CRHFs. However, from the work of Chung, Pass and Seth [STOC 13] and Bitansky and Paneth [STOC13], we know that resettably-sound ZK arguments can be constructed from non-black-box use of any one-way function (OWF), which is the minimal assumption for ZK arguments. Hence, a natural question is whether it is possible to construct resettably-sound zero-knowledge arguments from black-box use of any OWF only. In this work we provide a positive answer to this question thus closing the gap between black-box and non-black-box constructions for resettably-sound ZK arguments