132 research outputs found

    Getting Feasible Variable Estimates From Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study

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    This paper proposes a method for construction of approximate feasible primal solutions from dual ones for large-scale optimization problems possessing certain separability properties. Whereas infeasible primal estimates can typically be produced from (sub-)gradients of the dual function, it is often not easy to project them to the primal feasible set, since the projection itself has a complexity comparable to the complexity of the initial problem. We propose an alternative efficient method to obtain feasibility and show that its properties influencing the convergence to the optimum are similar to the properties of the Euclidean projection. We apply our method to the local polytope relaxation of inference problems for Markov Random Fields and demonstrate its superiority over existing methods.Comment: 20 page, 4 figure

    Reflection methods for user-friendly submodular optimization

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    Recently, it has become evident that submodularity naturally captures widely occurring concepts in machine learning, signal processing and computer vision. Consequently, there is need for efficient optimization procedures for submodular functions, especially for minimization problems. While general submodular minimization is challenging, we propose a new method that exploits existing decomposability of submodular functions. In contrast to previous approaches, our method is neither approximate, nor impractical, nor does it need any cumbersome parameter tuning. Moreover, it is easy to implement and parallelize. A key component of our method is a formulation of the discrete submodular minimization problem as a continuous best approximation problem that is solved through a sequence of reflections, and its solution can be easily thresholded to obtain an optimal discrete solution. This method solves both the continuous and discrete formulations of the problem, and therefore has applications in learning, inference, and reconstruction. In our experiments, we illustrate the benefits of our method on two image segmentation tasks.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), \'Etats-Unis (2013

    MAP inference via Block-Coordinate Frank-Wolfe Algorithm

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    We present a new proximal bundle method for Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) inference in structured energy minimization problems. The method optimizes a Lagrangean relaxation of the original energy minimization problem using a multi plane block-coordinate Frank-Wolfe method that takes advantage of the specific structure of the Lagrangean decomposition. We show empirically that our method outperforms state-of-the-art Lagrangean decomposition based algorithms on some challenging Markov Random Field, multi-label discrete tomography and graph matching problems

    Semantically Informed Multiview Surface Refinement

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    We present a method to jointly refine the geometry and semantic segmentation of 3D surface meshes. Our method alternates between updating the shape and the semantic labels. In the geometry refinement step, the mesh is deformed with variational energy minimization, such that it simultaneously maximizes photo-consistency and the compatibility of the semantic segmentations across a set of calibrated images. Label-specific shape priors account for interactions between the geometry and the semantic labels in 3D. In the semantic segmentation step, the labels on the mesh are updated with MRF inference, such that they are compatible with the semantic segmentations in the input images. Also, this step includes prior assumptions about the surface shape of different semantic classes. The priors induce a tight coupling, where semantic information influences the shape update and vice versa. Specifically, we introduce priors that favor (i) adaptive smoothing, depending on the class label; (ii) straightness of class boundaries; and (iii) semantic labels that are consistent with the surface orientation. The novel mesh-based reconstruction is evaluated in a series of experiments with real and synthetic data. We compare both to state-of-the-art, voxel-based semantic 3D reconstruction, and to purely geometric mesh refinement, and demonstrate that the proposed scheme yields improved 3D geometry as well as an improved semantic segmentation

    Efficient Semidefinite Branch-and-Cut for MAP-MRF Inference

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    We propose a Branch-and-Cut (B&C) method for solving general MAP-MRF inference problems. The core of our method is a very efficient bounding procedure, which combines scalable semidefinite programming (SDP) and a cutting-plane method for seeking violated constraints. In order to further speed up the computation, several strategies have been exploited, including model reduction, warm start and removal of inactive constraints. We analyze the performance of the proposed method under different settings, and demonstrate that our method either outperforms or performs on par with state-of-the-art approaches. Especially when the connectivities are dense or when the relative magnitudes of the unary costs are low, we achieve the best reported results. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm achieves better approximation than the state-of-the-art methods within a variety of time budgets on challenging non-submodular MAP-MRF inference problems.Comment: 21 page

    Structured Prediction Problem Archive

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    Structured prediction problems are one of the fundamental tools in machinelearning. In order to facilitate algorithm development for their numericalsolution, we collect in one place a large number of datasets in easy to readformats for a diverse set of problem classes. We provide archival links todatasets, description of the considered problems and problem formats, and ashort summary of problem characteristics including size, number of instancesetc. For reference we also give a non-exhaustive selection of algorithmsproposed in the literature for their solution. We hope that this centralrepository will make benchmarking and comparison to established works easier.We welcome submission of interesting new datasets and algorithms for inclusionin our archive.<br

    A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems

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    International audienceSzeliski et al. published an influential study in 2006 on energy minimization methods for Markov Random Fields (MRF). This study provided valuable insights in choosing the best optimization technique for certain classes of problems. While these insights remain generally useful today, the phenomenal success of random field models means that the kinds of inference problems that have to be solved changed significantly. Specifically , the models today often include higher order interactions, flexible connectivity structures, large label-spaces of different car-dinalities, or learned energy tables. To reflect these changes, we provide a modernized and enlarged study. We present an empirical comparison of more than 27 state-of-the-art optimization techniques on a corpus of 2,453 energy minimization instances from diverse applications in computer vision. To ensure reproducibility, we evaluate all methods in the OpenGM 2 framework and report extensive results regarding runtime and solution quality. Key insights from our study agree with the results of Szeliski et al. for the types of models they studied. However, on new and challenging types of models our findings disagree and suggest that polyhedral methods and integer programming solvers are competitive in terms of runtime and solution quality over a large range of model types