663 research outputs found

    Active Topology Inference using Network Coding

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    Our goal is to infer the topology of a network when (i) we can send probes between sources and receivers at the edge of the network and (ii) intermediate nodes can perform simple network coding operations, i.e., additions. Our key intuition is that network coding introduces topology-dependent correlation in the observations at the receivers, which can be exploited to infer the topology. For undirected tree topologies, we design hierarchical clustering algorithms, building on our prior work. For directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), first we decompose the topology into a number of two-source, two-receiver (2-by-2) subnetwork components and then we merge these components to reconstruct the topology. Our approach for DAGs builds on prior work on tomography, and improves upon it by employing network coding to accurately distinguish among all different 2-by-2 components. We evaluate our algorithms through simulation of a number of realistic topologies and compare them to active tomographic techniques without network coding. We also make connections between our approach and alternatives, including passive inference, traceroute, and packet marking

    Network Tomography: Identifiability and Fourier Domain Estimation

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    The statistical problem for network tomography is to infer the distribution of X\mathbf{X}, with mutually independent components, from a measurement model Y=AX\mathbf{Y}=A\mathbf{X}, where AA is a given binary matrix representing the routing topology of a network under consideration. The challenge is that the dimension of X\mathbf{X} is much larger than that of Y\mathbf{Y} and thus the problem is often called ill-posed. This paper studies some statistical aspects of network tomography. We first address the identifiability issue and prove that the X\mathbf{X} distribution is identifiable up to a shift parameter under mild conditions. We then use a mixture model of characteristic functions to derive a fast algorithm for estimating the distribution of X\mathbf{X} based on the General method of Moments. Through extensive model simulation and real Internet trace driven simulation, the proposed approach is shown to be favorable comparing to previous methods using simple discretization for inferring link delays in a heterogeneous network.Comment: 21 page

    Active Learning of Multiple Source Multiple Destination Topologies

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    We consider the problem of inferring the topology of a network with MM sources and NN receivers (hereafter referred to as an MM-by-NN network), by sending probes between the sources and receivers. Prior work has shown that this problem can be decomposed into two parts: first, infer smaller subnetwork components (i.e., 11-by-NN's or 22-by-22's) and then merge these components to identify the MM-by-NN topology. In this paper, we focus on the second part, which had previously received less attention in the literature. In particular, we assume that a 11-by-NN topology is given and that all 22-by-22 components can be queried and learned using end-to-end probes. The problem is which 22-by-22's to query and how to merge them with the given 11-by-NN, so as to exactly identify the 22-by-NN topology, and optimize a number of performance metrics, including the number of queries (which directly translates into measurement bandwidth), time complexity, and memory usage. We provide a lower bound, N2\lceil \frac{N}{2} \rceil, on the number of 22-by-22's required by any active learning algorithm and propose two greedy algorithms. The first algorithm follows the framework of multiple hypothesis testing, in particular Generalized Binary Search (GBS), since our problem is one of active learning, from 22-by-22 queries. The second algorithm is called the Receiver Elimination Algorithm (REA) and follows a bottom-up approach: at every step, it selects two receivers, queries the corresponding 22-by-22, and merges it with the given 11-by-NN; it requires exactly N1N-1 steps, which is much less than all (N2)\binom{N}{2} possible 22-by-22's. Simulation results over synthetic and realistic topologies demonstrate that both algorithms correctly identify the 22-by-NN topology and are near-optimal, but REA is more efficient in practice

    A Network Coding Approach to Loss Tomography

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    Network tomography aims at inferring internal network characteristics based on measurements at the edge of the network. In loss tomography, in particular, the characteristic of interest is the loss rate of individual links and multicast and/or unicast end-to-end probes are typically used. Independently, recent advances in network coding have shown that there are advantages from allowing intermediate nodes to process and combine, in addition to just forward, packets. In this paper, we study the problem of loss tomography in networks with network coding capabilities. We design a framework for estimating link loss rates, which leverages network coding capabilities, and we show that it improves several aspects of tomography including the identifiability of links, the trade-off between estimation accuracy and bandwidth efficiency, and the complexity of probe path selection. We discuss the cases of inferring link loss rates in a tree topology and in a general topology. In the latter case, the benefits of our approach are even more pronounced compared to standard techniques, but we also face novel challenges, such as dealing with cycles and multiple paths between sources and receivers. Overall, this work makes the connection between active network tomography and network coding

    Topology Discovery of Sparse Random Graphs With Few Participants

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    We consider the task of topology discovery of sparse random graphs using end-to-end random measurements (e.g., delay) between a subset of nodes, referred to as the participants. The rest of the nodes are hidden, and do not provide any information for topology discovery. We consider topology discovery under two routing models: (a) the participants exchange messages along the shortest paths and obtain end-to-end measurements, and (b) additionally, the participants exchange messages along the second shortest path. For scenario (a), our proposed algorithm results in a sub-linear edit-distance guarantee using a sub-linear number of uniformly selected participants. For scenario (b), we obtain a much stronger result, and show that we can achieve consistent reconstruction when a sub-linear number of uniformly selected nodes participate. This implies that accurate discovery of sparse random graphs is tractable using an extremely small number of participants. We finally obtain a lower bound on the number of participants required by any algorithm to reconstruct the original random graph up to a given edit distance. We also demonstrate that while consistent discovery is tractable for sparse random graphs using a small number of participants, in general, there are graphs which cannot be discovered by any algorithm even with a significant number of participants, and with the availability of end-to-end information along all the paths between the participants.Comment: A shorter version appears in ACM SIGMETRICS 2011. This version is scheduled to appear in J. on Random Structures and Algorithm