7,535 research outputs found

    Active Semi-Supervised Learning Using Sampling Theory for Graph Signals

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    We consider the problem of offline, pool-based active semi-supervised learning on graphs. This problem is important when the labeled data is scarce and expensive whereas unlabeled data is easily available. The data points are represented by the vertices of an undirected graph with the similarity between them captured by the edge weights. Given a target number of nodes to label, the goal is to choose those nodes that are most informative and then predict the unknown labels. We propose a novel framework for this problem based on our recent results on sampling theory for graph signals. A graph signal is a real-valued function defined on each node of the graph. A notion of frequency for such signals can be defined using the spectrum of the graph Laplacian matrix. The sampling theory for graph signals aims to extend the traditional Nyquist-Shannon sampling theory by allowing us to identify the class of graph signals that can be reconstructed from their values on a subset of vertices. This approach allows us to define a criterion for active learning based on sampling set selection which aims at maximizing the frequency of the signals that can be reconstructed from their samples on the set. Experiments show the effectiveness of our method.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, To appear in KDD'1

    Semi-Supervised Sparse Coding

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    Sparse coding approximates the data sample as a sparse linear combination of some basic codewords and uses the sparse codes as new presentations. In this paper, we investigate learning discriminative sparse codes by sparse coding in a semi-supervised manner, where only a few training samples are labeled. By using the manifold structure spanned by the data set of both labeled and unlabeled samples and the constraints provided by the labels of the labeled samples, we learn the variable class labels for all the samples. Furthermore, to improve the discriminative ability of the learned sparse codes, we assume that the class labels could be predicted from the sparse codes directly using a linear classifier. By solving the codebook, sparse codes, class labels and classifier parameters simultaneously in a unified objective function, we develop a semi-supervised sparse coding algorithm. Experiments on two real-world pattern recognition problems demonstrate the advantage of the proposed methods over supervised sparse coding methods on partially labeled data sets

    Nonlinear Supervised Dimensionality Reduction via Smooth Regular Embeddings

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    The recovery of the intrinsic geometric structures of data collections is an important problem in data analysis. Supervised extensions of several manifold learning approaches have been proposed in the recent years. Meanwhile, existing methods primarily focus on the embedding of the training data, and the generalization of the embedding to initially unseen test data is rather ignored. In this work, we build on recent theoretical results on the generalization performance of supervised manifold learning algorithms. Motivated by these performance bounds, we propose a supervised manifold learning method that computes a nonlinear embedding while constructing a smooth and regular interpolation function that extends the embedding to the whole data space in order to achieve satisfactory generalization. The embedding and the interpolator are jointly learnt such that the Lipschitz regularity of the interpolator is imposed while ensuring the separation between different classes. Experimental results on several image data sets show that the proposed method outperforms traditional classifiers and the supervised dimensionality reduction algorithms in comparison in terms of classification accuracy in most settings
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