31 research outputs found

    Improving the training and evaluation efficiency of recurrent neural network language models

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    Recurrent neural network language models (RNNLMs) are becoming increasingly popular for speech recognition. Previously, we have shown that RNNLMs with a full (non-classed) output layer (F-RNNLMs) can be trained efficiently using a GPU giving a large reduction in training time over conventional class-based models (C-RNNLMs) on a standard CPU. However, since test-time RNNLM evaluation is often performed entirely on a CPU, standard F-RNNLMs are inefficient since the entire output layer needs to be calculated for normalisation. In this paper, it is demonstrated that C-RNNLMs can be efficiently trained on a GPU, using our spliced sentence bunch technique which allows good CPU test-time performance (42x speedup over F-RNNLM). Furthermore, the performance of different classing approaches is investigated. We also examine the use of variance regularisation of the softmax denominator for F-RNNLMs and show that it allows F-RNNLMs to be efficiently used in test (56x speedup on CPU). Finally the use of two GPUs for F-RNNLM training using pipelining is described and shown to give a reduction in training time over a single GPU by a factor of 1.6.Xie Chen is supported by Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Cambridge Research Lab. The research leading to these results was also supported by EPSRC grant EP/I031022/1 (Natural Speech Technology) and DARPA under the Broad Operational Language Translation (BOLT) and RATS programs. The paper does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of US Government and no official endorsement should be inferred.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICASSP.2015.717900

    Scaling Recurrent Neural Network Language Models

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    This paper investigates the scaling properties of Recurrent Neural Network Language Models (RNNLMs). We discuss how to train very large RNNs on GPUs and address the questions of how RNNLMs scale with respect to model size, training-set size, computational costs and memory. Our analysis shows that despite being more costly to train, RNNLMs obtain much lower perplexities on standard benchmarks than n-gram models. We train the largest known RNNs and present relative word error rates gains of 18% on an ASR task. We also present the new lowest perplexities on the recently released billion word language modelling benchmark, 1 BLEU point gain on machine translation and a 17% relative hit rate gain in word prediction

    Paraphrastic recurrent neural network language models

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    Recurrent neural network language models (RNNLM) have become an increasingly popular choice for state-of-the-art speech recognition systems. Linguistic factors influencing the realization of surface word sequences, for example, expressive richness, are only implicitly learned by RNNLMs. Observed sentences and their associated alternative paraphrases representing the same meaning are not explicitly related during training. In order to improve context coverage and generalization, paraphrastic RNNLMs are investigated in this paper. Multiple paraphrase variants were automatically generated and used in paraphrastic RNNLM training. Using a paraphrastic multi-level RNNLM modelling both word and phrase sequences, significant error rate reductions of 0.6% absolute and perplexity reduction of 10% relative were obtained over the baseline RNNLM on a large vocabulary conversational telephone speech recognition system trained on 2000 hours of audio and 545 million words of texts. The overall improvement over the baseline n-gram LM was increased from 8.4% to 11.6% relative.The research leading to these results was supported by EPSRC grant EP/I031022/1 (Natural Speech Technology) and DARPA under the Broad Operational Language Translation (BOLT) and RATS programs. The paper does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of US Government and no official endorsement should be inferred. Xie Chen is supported by Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Cambridge Research Lab.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICASSP.2015.717900

    Recurrent neural network language model training with noise contrastive estimation for speech recognition

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    In recent years recurrent neural network language models (RNNLMs) have been successfully applied to a range of tasks including speech recognition. However, an important issue that limits the quantity of data used, and their possible application areas, is the computational cost in training. A significant part of this cost is associated with the softmax function at the output layer, as this requires a normalization term to be explicitly calculated. This impacts both the training and testing speed, especially when a large output vocabulary is used. To address this problem, noise contrastive estimation (NCE), is used in RNNLM training in this paper. It does not require the above normalization during both training and testing and is insensitive to the output layer size. On a large vocabulary conversational telephone speech recognition task, a doubling in training speed and 56 time speed up in test time evaluation were obtained.Xie Chen is supported by Toshiba Research Europe Ltd, Cambridge Research Lab. The research leading to these results was also supported by EPSRC grant EP/I031022/1 (Natural Speech Technology) and DARPA under the Broad Operational Language Translation (BOLT) and RATS programs. The paper does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of US Government and no official endorsement should be inferred. The authos also would like to thanks Ashish Vaswani from USC for suggestions and discussion on training of NNLMs with NCE.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICASSP.2015.717900

    Single stream parallelization of generalized LSTM-like RNNs on a GPU

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have shown outstanding performance on processing sequence data. However, they suffer from long training time, which demands parallel implementations of the training procedure. Parallelization of the training algorithms for RNNs are very challenging because internal recurrent paths form dependencies between two different time frames. In this paper, we first propose a generalized graph-based RNN structure that covers the most popular long short-term memory (LSTM) network. Then, we present a parallelization approach that automatically explores parallelisms of arbitrary RNNs by analyzing the graph structure. The experimental results show that the proposed approach shows great speed-up even with a single training stream, and further accelerates the training when combined with multiple parallel training streams.Comment: Accepted by the 40th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 201