8 research outputs found

    Reachability Checking of Finite Precision Timed Automata

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    On the Representation of Timed Polyhedra

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    Representing and reasoning with qualitative preferences for compositional systems

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    Many applications call for techniques for representing and reasoning about preferences, i.e., relative desirability over a set of alternatives. Preferences over the alternatives are typically derived from preferences with respect to the various attributes of the alternatives (e.g., a student\u27s preference for one course over another may be influenced by his preference for the topic, the time of the day when the course is offered, etc.). Such preferences are often qualitative and conditional. When the alternatives are expressed as tuples of valuations of the relevant attributes, preferences between alternatives can often be expressed in the form of (a) preferences over the values of each attribute, and (b) relative importance of certain attributes over others. An important problem in reasoning with multi-attribute qualitative preferences is dominance testing, i.e., to find if one alternative (assignment to all attributes) is preferred over another. This problem is hard (PSPACE-complete) in general for well known qualitative conditional preference languages such as TCP-nets. We provide two practical approaches to dominance testing. First, we study a restricted unconditional preference language, and provide a dominance relation that can be computed in polynomial time by evaluating the satisfiability of an appropriately constructed logic formula. Second, we show how to reduce dominance testing for TCP-nets to reachability analysis in an induced preference graph. We provide an encoding of TCP-nets in the form of a Kripke structure for CTL. We show how to compute dominance using NuSMV, a model checker for CTL. We address the problem of identifying a preferred outcome in a setting where the outcomes or alternatives to be compared are composite in nature (i.e., collections of components that satisfy certain functional requirements). We define a dominance relation that allows us to compare collections of objects in terms of preferences over attributes of the objects that make up the collection, and show that the dominance relation is a strict partial order under certain conditions. We provide algorithms that use this dominance relation to identify only (sound), all (complete), or at least one (weakly complete) of the most preferred collections. We establish some key properties of the dominance relation and analyze the quality of solutions produced by the algorithms. We present results of simulation experiments aimed at comparing the algorithms, and report interesting conjectures and results that were derived from our analysis. Finally, we show how the above formalism and algorithms can be used in preference-based service composition, substitution, and adaptation

    Formal modelling and analysis of broadcasting embedded control systems

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    PhD ThesisEmbedded systems are real-time, communicating systems, and the effective modelling and analysis of these aspects of their behaviour is regarded as essential for acquiring confidence in their correct operation. In practice, it is important to minimise the burden of model construction and to automate the analysis, if possible. Among the most promising techniques for real-time systems are reachability analysis and model-checking of networks of timed automata. We identify two obstacles to the application of these techniques to a large class of distributed embedded systems: firstly, the language of timed automata is too low-level for straightforward model construction, and secondly, the synchronous, handshake communication mechanism of the timed automata model does not fit well with the asynchronous, broadcast mechanism employed in many distributed embedded systems. As a result, the task of model construction can be unduly onerous. This dissertation proposes an expressive language for the construction of models of real-time, broadcasting control systems, and demonstrates how effi- cient analysis techniques can be applied to them. The dissertation is concerned in particular with the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol which is emerging as a de facto standard in the automotive industry. An abstract formal model of CAN is developed. This model is adopted as the communication primitive in a new language, bCANDLE, which includes value passing, broadcast communication, message priorities and explicit time. A high-level language, CANDLE, is introduced and its semantics defined by translation to bCANDLE. We show how realistic CAN systems can be described in CANDLE and how a timed transition model of a system can be extracted for analysis. Finally, it is shown how efficient methods of analysis, such as 'on-the- fly' and symbolic techniques, can be applied to these models. The dissertation contributes to the practical application of formal methods within the domain of broadcasting, embedded control systemsSchool of Computing and Mathematics at the University of Northumbri