5 research outputs found

    Autonomous Gossiping: A self-organizing epidemic algorithm for selective information dissemination in mobile ad-hoc networks

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    We introduce autonomous gossiping (A/G), a new genre epidemic algorithm for selective dissemination of information in contrast to previous usage of epidemic algorithms which flood the whole network. A/G is a paradigm which suits well in a mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) environment because it does not require any infrastructure or middleware like multicast tree and (un)subscription maintenance for publish/subscribe, but uses ecological and economic principles in a self-organizing manner in order to achieve its selectivity. The trade-off of using an infrastructure-less self-organizing mechanism like A/G is that it does not guarantee completeness deterministically as is one of the original objectives of alternate selective dissemination schemes like publish/subscribe. We argue that such incompleteness is not a problem in many non-critical real-life civilian application scenarios and realistic node mobility patterns, where the overhead of infrastructure maintenance may outweigh the benefits of completeness, more over, at present there exists no mechanism to realize publish/subscribe or other paradigms for selective dissemination in MANET environments. A/G's reliance and hence vulnerability on cooperation of mobile nodes is also much less as compared to other possible schemes using routing information, since it does not expect node philanthropy for forwarding/carrying information, but only cooperation to the extent that nodes already carrying the information pass it on to other suitable ones. Thus autonomous gossiping is expected to be a light-weight infrastructure-less information dissemination service for MANETs, and hence support any-to-many communication (flexible casting) without the need to establish and maintain separate routing information (e.g., multicast trees)

    Efficient Content-Based Event Dispatching in the Presence of Topological Reconfiguration

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    Distributed content-based publish-subscribe middleware provides the decoupling, flexibility, expressiveness, and scalability required by highly dynamic distributed applications, e.g., mobile ones. Nevertheless, the available systems exploiting a distributed event dispatcher are unable to rearrange dynamically their behavior to adapt to changes in the topology of the dispatching infrastructure. In this work, we first define..

    Efficient content-based event dispatching in the presence of topological reconfiguration

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    Reliability and Efficiency of Vehicular Network Applications

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    The DSRC/WAVE initiative is forecast to enable a plethora of applications, classified in two broad types of safety and non-safety applications. In the former type, the reliability performance is of tremendous prominence while, in the latter case, the efficiency of information dissemination is the key driving factor. For safety applications, we adopt a systematic approach to analytically investigate the reliability of the communication system in a symbiotic relationship with the host system comprising a vehicular traffic system and radio propagation environment. To this aim, the¬ interference factor is identified as the central element of the symbiotic relationship. Our approach to the investigation of interference and its impacts on the communication reliability departs from previous studies by the degree of realism incorporated in the host system model. In one dimension, realistic traffic models are developed to describe the vehicular traffic behaviour. In a second dimension, a realistic radio propagation model is employed to capture the unique signal propagation aspects of the host system. We address the case of non-safety applications by proposing a generic framework as a capstone architecture for the development of new applications and the efficiency evaluation of existing ones. This framework, while being independent from networking technology, enables accurate characterization of the various information dissemination tasks that a node performs in cooperation with others. As the central element of the framework, we propose a game theoretic model to describe the interaction of meeting nodes aiming to exchange information of mutual or social interests. An adaptive mechanism is designed to enable a mobile node to measure the social significance of various information topics, which is then used by the node to prioritize the forwarding of information objects