15 research outputs found

    On Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks

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    We consider the problem of reliably broadcasting information in a multihop asynchronous network that is subject to Byzantine failures. Most existing approaches give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast (all correct nodes deliver the authentic message and nothing else), but they require a highly connected network. An approach giving only probabilistic guarantees (correct nodes deliver the authentic message with high probability) was recently proposed for loosely connected networks, such as grids and tori. Yet, the proposed solution requires a specific initialization (that includes global knowledge) of each node, which may be difficult or impossible to guarantee in self-organizing networks - for instance, a wireless sensor network, especially if they are prone to Byzantine failures. In this paper, we propose a new protocol offering guarantees for loosely connected networks that does not require such global knowledge dependent initialization. In more details, we give a methodology to determine whether a set of nodes will always deliver the authentic message, in any execution. Then, we give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast in a torus network. Finally, we provide experimental evaluation for our solution, and determine the number of randomly distributed Byzantine failures than can be tolerated, for a given correct broadcast probability.Comment: 1

    Reliable Communication in a Dynamic Network in the Presence of Byzantine Faults

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    We consider the following problem: two nodes want to reliably communicate in a dynamic multihop network where some nodes have been compromised, and may have a totally arbitrary and unpredictable behavior. These nodes are called Byzantine. We consider the two cases where cryptography is available and not available. We prove the necessary and sufficient condition (that is, the weakest possible condition) to ensure reliable communication in this context. Our proof is constructive, as we provide Byzantine-resilient algorithms for reliable communication that are optimal with respect to our impossibility results. In a second part, we investigate the impact of our conditions in three case studies: participants interacting in a conference, robots moving on a grid and agents in the subway. Our simulations indicate a clear benefit of using our algorithms for reliable communication in those contexts

    Parameterizable Byzantine Broadcast in Loosely Connected Networks

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    We consider the problem of reliably broadcasting information in a multihop asynchronous network, despite the presence of Byzantine failures: some nodes are malicious and behave arbitrarly. We focus on non-cryptographic solutions. Most existing approaches give conditions for perfect reliable broadcast (all correct nodes deliver the good information), but require a highly connected network. A probabilistic approach was recently proposed for loosely connected networks: the Byzantine failures are randomly distributed, and the correct nodes deliver the good information with high probability. A first solution require the nodes to initially know their position on the network, which may be difficult or impossible in self-organizing or dynamic networks. A second solution relaxed this hypothesis but has much weaker Byzantine tolerance guarantees. In this paper, we propose a parameterizable broadcast protocol that does not require nodes to have any knowledge about the network. We give a deterministic technique to compute a set of nodes that always deliver authentic information, for a given set of Byzantine failures. Then, we use this technique to experimentally evaluate our protocol, and show that it significantely outperforms previous solutions with the same hypotheses. Important disclaimer: these results have NOT yet been published in an international conference or journal. This is just a technical report presenting intermediary and incomplete results. A generalized version of these results may be under submission

    Confinement de fautes Byzantines dans les réseaux multi-sauts asynchrones

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    International audienceOn considÚre le problÚme de la diffusion d'information dans un réseau multi-saut asynchrone, en présence de fautes Byzantines: certains noeuds du réseau peuvent adopter un comportement arbitraire. Les protocoles de diffusion existant reposent sur une forte connectivité du réseau. Dans cet article, nous proposons un protocole adapté aux réseaux faiblement connecté. Nous donnons une méthodologie pour construire un ensemble de noeuds fiable, et évaluons ses performances sur une topologie de grille, avec des fautes Byzantines aléatoirement distribuées

    Multi-hop Byzantine reliable broadcast with honest dealer made practical

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    We revisit Byzantine tolerant reliable broadcast with honest dealer algorithms in multi-hop networks. To tolerate Byzantine faulty nodes arbitrarily spread over the network, previous solutions require a factorial number of messages to be sent over the network if the messages are not authenticated (e.g., digital signatures are not available). We propose modifications that preserve the safety and liveness properties of the original unauthenticated protocols, while highly decreasing their observed message complexity when simulated on several classes of graph topologies, potentially opening to their employment

    Self-Stabilizing Byzantine Resilient Topology Discovery and Message Delivery

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    Traditional Byzantine resilient algorithms use 2f+12f + 1 vertex disjoint paths to ensure message delivery in the presence of up to f Byzantine nodes. The question of how these paths are identified is related to the fundamental problem of topology discovery. Distributed algorithms for topology discovery cope with a never ending task, dealing with frequent changes in the network topology and unpredictable transient faults. Therefore, algorithms for topology discovery should be self-stabilizing to ensure convergence of the topology information following any such unpredictable sequence of events. We present the first such algorithm that can cope with Byzantine nodes. Starting in an arbitrary global state, and in the presence of f Byzantine nodes, each node is eventually aware of all the other non-Byzantine nodes and their connecting communication links. Using the topology information, nodes can, for example, route messages across the network and deliver messages from one end user to another. We present the first deterministic, cryptographic-assumptions-free, self-stabilizing, Byzantine-resilient algorithms for network topology discovery and end-to-end message delivery. We also consider the task of r-neighborhood discovery for the case in which rr and the degree of nodes are bounded by constants. The use of r-neighborhood discovery facilitates polynomial time, communication and space solutions for the above tasks. The obtained algorithms can be used to authenticate parties, in particular during the establishment of private secrets, thus forming public key schemes that are resistant to man-in-the-middle attacks of the compromised Byzantine nodes. A polynomial and efficient end-to-end algorithm that is based on the established private secrets can be employed in between periodical re-establishments of the secrets

    Of Malicious Motes and Suspicious Sensors

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    How efficiently can a malicious device disrupt communication in a wireless network? Imagine a basic game involving two honest players, Alice and Bob, who want to exchange information, and an adversary, Collin, who can disrupt communication using a limited budget of B broadcasts. How long can Collin delay Alice and Bob from communicating? In fact, the trials and tribulations of Alice and Bob capture the fundamental difficulty shared by several n-player problems, including reliable broadcast, leader election, static k-selection, and t-resilient consensus. We provide round complexity lower bounds—and (nearly) tight upper bounds—for each of those problems. These results imply bounds on adversarial efficiency, which we analyze in terms of jamming gain and disruption-free complexity

    Multi-hop Byzantine Reliable Broadcast with Honest Dealer Made Practical

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    We revisit Byzantine tolerant reliable broadcast with honest dealer algorithms in multi-hop networks. To tolerate Byzantine faulty nodes arbitrarily spread over the network, previous solutions require a factorial number of messages to be sent over the network if the messages are not authenticated (e.g. digital signatures are not available). We propose modifications that preserve the safety and liveness properties of the original unauthenticated protocols, while highly decreasing their observed message complexity when simulated on several classes of graph topologies, potentially opening to their employment