16 research outputs found

    A Bramble-Pasciak conjugate gradient method for discrete Stokes equations with random viscosity

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    We study the iterative solution of linear systems of equations arising from stochastic Galerkin finite element discretizations of saddle point problems. We focus on the Stokes model with random data parametrized by uniformly distributed random variables and discuss well-posedness of the variational formulations. We introduce a Bramble-Pasciak conjugate gradient method as a linear solver. It builds on a non-standard inner product associated with a block triangular preconditioner. The block triangular structure enables more sophisticated preconditioners than the block diagonal structure usually applied in MINRES methods. We show how the existence requirements of a conjugate gradient method can be met in our setting. We analyze the performance of the solvers depending on relevant physical and numerical parameters by means of eigenvalue estimates. For this purpose, we derive bounds for the eigenvalues of the relevant preconditioned sub-matrices. We illustrate our findings using the flow in a driven cavity as a numerical test case, where the viscosity is given by a truncated Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion of a random field. In this example, a Bramble-Pasciak conjugate gradient method with block triangular preconditioner outperforms a MINRES method with block diagonal preconditioner in terms of iteration numbers.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, submitted to SIAM JU

    A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity in stochastic Galerkin FEM for parametric elliptic PDEs: beyond the affine case

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    We consider a linear elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) with a generic uniformly bounded parametric coefficient. The solution to this PDE problem is approximated in the framework of stochastic Galerkin finite element methods. We perform a posteriori error analysis of Galerkin approximations and derive a reliable and efficient estimate for the energy error in these approximations. Practical versions of this error estimate are discussed and tested numerically for a model problem with non-affine parametric representation of the coefficient. Furthermore, we use the error reduction indicators derived from spatial and parametric error estimators to guide an adaptive solution algorithm for the given parametric PDE problem. The performance of the adaptive algorithm is tested numerically for model problems with two different non-affine parametric representations of the coefficient.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity in stochastic Galerkin FEM for parametric elliptic PDEs: beyond the affine case

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    We consider a linear elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) with a generic uniformly bounded parametric coefficient. The solution to this PDE problem is approximated in the framework of stochastic Galerkin finite element methods. We perform a posteriori error analysis of Galerkin approximations and derive a reliable and efficient estimate for the energy error in these approximations. Practical versions of this error estimate are discussed and tested numerically for a model problem with non-affine parametric representation of the coefficient. Furthermore, we use the error reduction indicators derived from spatial and parametric error estimators to guide an adaptive solution algorithm for the given parametric PDE problem. The performance of the adaptive algorithm is tested numerically for model problems with two different non-affine parametric representations of the coefficient.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, 6 table

    Convergence of adaptive stochastic Galerkin FEM

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    We propose and analyze novel adaptive algorithms for the numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations with parametric uncertainty. Four different marking strategies are employed for refinement of stochastic Galerkin finite element approximations. The algorithms are driven by the energy error reduction estimates derived from two-level a posteriori error indicators for spatial approximations and hierarchical a posteriori error indicators for parametric approximations. The focus of this work is on the mathematical foundation of the adaptive algorithms in the sense of rigorous convergence analysis. In particular, we prove that the proposed algorithms drive the underlying energy error estimates to zero

    Guaranteed quasi-error reduction of adaptive Galerkin FEM for parametric PDEs with lognormal coefficients

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    Solving high-dimensional random parametric PDEs poses a challenging computational problem. It is well-known that numerical methods can greatly benefit from adaptive refinement algorithms, in particular when functional approximations in polynomials are computed as in stochastic Galerkin and stochastic collocations methods. This work investigates a residual based adaptive algorithm used to approximate the solution of the stationary diffusion equation with lognormal coefficients. It is known that the refinement procedure is reliable, but the theoretical convergence of the scheme for this class of unbounded coefficients remains a challenging open question. This paper advances the theoretical results by providing a quasi-error reduction results for the adaptive solution of the lognormal stationary diffusion problem. A computational example supports the theoretical statement

    On the convergence of adaptive stochastic collocation for elliptic partial differential equations with affine diffusion

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    Convergence of an adaptive collocation method for the stationary parametric diffusion equation with finite-dimensional affine coefficient is shown. The adaptive algorithm relies on a recently introduced residual-based reliable a posteriori error estimator. For the convergence proof, a strategy recently used for a stochastic Galerkin method with an hierarchical error estimator is transferred to the collocation setting

    A fully adaptive multilevel stochastic collocation strategy for solving elliptic PDEs with random data

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    We propose and analyse a fully adaptive strategy for solving elliptic PDEs with random data in this work. A hierarchical sequence of adaptive mesh refinements for the spatial approximation is combined with adaptive anisotropic sparse Smolyak grids in the stochastic space in such a way as to minimize the computational cost. The novel aspect of our strategy is that the hierarchy of spatial approximations is sample dependent so that the computational effort at each collocation point can be optimised individually. We outline a rigorous analysis for the convergence and computational complexity of the adaptive multilevel algorithm and we provide optimal choices for error tolerances at each level. Two numerical examples demonstrate the reliability of the error control and the significant decrease in the complexity that arises when compared to single level algorithms and multilevel algorithms that employ adaptivity solely in the spatial discretisation or in the collocation procedure.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Efficient adaptive multilevel stochastic Galerkin approximation using implicit a posteriori error estimation

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    Partial differential equations (PDEs) with inputs that depend on infinitely many parameters pose serious theoretical and computational challenges. Sophisticated numerical algorithms that automatically determine which parameters need to be activated in the approximation space in order to estimate a quantity of interest to a prescribed error tolerance are needed. For elliptic PDEs with parameter-dependent coefficients, stochastic Galerkin finite element methods (SGFEMs) have been well studied. Under certain assumptions, it can be shown that there exists a sequence of SGFEM approximation spaces for which the energy norm of the error decays to zero at a rate that is independent of the number of input parameters. However, it is not clear how to adaptively construct these spaces in a practical and computationally efficient way. We present a new adaptive SGFEM algorithm that tackles elliptic PDEs with parameter-dependent coefficients quickly and efficiently. We consider approximation spaces with a multilevel structure---where each solution mode is associated with a finite element space on a potentially different mesh---and use an implicit a posteriori error estimation strategy to steer the adaptive enrichment of the space. At each step, the components of the error estimator are used to assess the potential benefits of a variety of enrichment strategies, including whether or not to activate more parameters. No marking or tuning parameters are required. Numerical experiments for a selection of test problems demonstrate that the new method performs optimally in that it generates a sequence of approximations for which the estimated energy error decays to zero at the same rate as the error for the underlying finite element method applied to the associated parameter-free problem.Comment: 22 page