4,520 research outputs found

    Joint On-the-Fly Network Coding/Video Quality Adaptation for Real-Time Delivery

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    This paper introduces a redundancy adaptation algorithm for an on-the-fly erasure network coding scheme called Tetrys in the context of real-time video transmission. The algorithm exploits the relationship between the redundancy ratio used by Tetrys and the gain or loss in encoding bit rate from changing a video quality parameter called the Quantization Parameter (QP). Our evaluations show that with equal or less bandwidth occupation, the video protected by Tetrys with redundancy adaptation algorithm obtains a PSNR gain up to or more 4 dB compared to the video without Tetrys protection. We demonstrate that the Tetrys redundancy adaptation algorithm performs well with the variations of both loss pattern and delay induced by the networks. We also show that Tetrys with the redundancy adaptation algorithm outperforms FEC with and without redundancy adaptation

    Enabling Realistic Cross-Layer Analysis based on Satellite Physical Layer Traces

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    We present a solution to evaluate the performance of transport protocols as a function of link layer reliability schemes (i.e. ARQ, FEC and Hybrid ARQ) applied to satellite physical layer traces. As modelling such traces is complex and may require approximations, the use of real traces will minimise the potential for erroneous performance evaluations resulting from imperfect models. Our Trace Manager Tool (TMT) produces the corresponding link layer output, which is then used within the ns-2 network simulator via the additionally developed ns-2 interface module. We first present the analytical models for the link layer with bursty erasure packets and for the link layer reliability mechanisms with bursty erasures. Then, we present details of the TMT tool and our validation methodology, demonstrating that the selected performance metrics (recovery delay and throughput efficiency) exhibit a good match between the theoretical results and those obtained with TMT. Finally, we present results showing the impact of different link layer reliability mechanisms on the performance of TCP Cubic transport layer protocol

    On the Performance of Short Block Codes over Finite-State Channels in the Rare-Transition Regime

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    As the mobile application landscape expands, wireless networks are tasked with supporting different connection profiles, including real-time traffic and delay-sensitive communications. Among many ensuing engineering challenges is the need to better understand the fundamental limits of forward error correction in non-asymptotic regimes. This article characterizes the performance of random block codes over finite-state channels and evaluates their queueing performance under maximum-likelihood decoding. In particular, classical results from information theory are revisited in the context of channels with rare transitions, and bounds on the probabilities of decoding failure are derived for random codes. This creates an analysis framework where channel dependencies within and across codewords are preserved. Such results are subsequently integrated into a queueing problem formulation. For instance, it is shown that, for random coding on the Gilbert-Elliott channel, the performance analysis based on upper bounds on error probability provides very good estimates of system performance and optimum code parameters. Overall, this study offers new insights about the impact of channel correlation on the performance of delay-aware, point-to-point communication links. It also provides novel guidelines on how to select code rates and block lengths for real-time traffic over wireless communication infrastructures

    Channel estimation and transmit power control in wireless body area networks

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    Wireless body area networks have recently received much attention because of their application to assisted living and remote patient monitoring. For these applications, energy minimisation is a critical issue since, in many cases, batteries cannot be easily replaced or recharged. Reducing energy expenditure by avoiding unnecessary high transmission power and minimising frame retransmissions is therefore crucial. In this study, a transmit power control scheme suitable for IEEE 802.15.6 networks operating in beacon mode with superframe boundaries is proposed. The transmission power is modulated, frame-by-frame, according to a run-time estimation of the channel conditions. Power measurements using the beacon frames are made periodically, providing reverse channel gain and an opportunistic fade margin, set on the basis of prior power fluctuations, is added. This approach allows tracking of the highly variable on-body to on-body propagation channel without the need to transmit additional probe frames. An experimental study based on test cases demonstrates the effectiveness of the scheme and compares its performance with alternative solutions presented in the literature
