34 research outputs found


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    The use of information technology has become a necessity and at the same time a must in this 4th millennium era. Companies that do not try to use technology that suits their needs will be crushed. The Indonesian government has also required the use of appropriate information technology. The purpose of this study was to study the implementation of Ministry of SOE Regulation No. per 02 / 1VIBU / 2013 regarding guidelines for the management of information technology in state-owned enterprises. This research method uses quantitative methods. The variables are performance, information technology governance, corporate governance, and company size. The population is state-owned enterprises. The sample is SOEs in the Financial Sector from 2014 to 2018. The results showed that information technology governance has a significant positive effect on company performance, the application of corporate governance has no significant effect on company performance, and company size has a significant effect on company performance

    Exploring A Strategic Links between Absorptive Capacity, Supply Chain Agility, It Capability and the Organizational Performance of Indonesian Manufacturing Firms

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    The present research attempts to discover this supply chain management as an important issue of strategic management research. This study particularly examines two important IT capabilities which are expected to have influence on firm performance, these capabilities are 1) IT assimilation, the ability to synchronize and diffuse the applications of information technology under business structure, and 2) flexible IT infrastructure, a well-developed and carefully planned technological foundation which provides basis for present as well as future applications to be developed. Based on the dynamic capability’s perspective and the view of a hierarchy of capabilities, the prime objective of the currents study is investigating the direct relationship between absorptive capacity, supply chain agility, IT capability and organizational performance in the Indonesian manufacturing firms. In addition to that the mediating effect of absorptive capacity and supply chain agility is also examined. Employing the survey-based methodology, the SEM-PLS technique is used to test the hypothesized relationships. So, current study has used SEM-PLS as statistical tool to answer the research questions raised in this study and research objectives envisaged in the current study. The findings of the study have provided support to the theoretical foundation and proposed hypothesis of the current study. Current study will be helpful for policymakers and practitioners in understanding the issues related to supply chain agility, IT capability, absorptive capacity and the firm performance. In author knowledge this is among very few pioneering studies on this issue

    Competitive Advantage: Exploring the Role of Partnership with suppliers, Customer Relationship and Information Sharing as Antecedents

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    The objective of the present research is to explore the impact of information sharing, supplier partnership and customer relationship with a competitive advantage in the Indonesian rubber industry. Moreover, current study also explored the mediating role of flexibility of the supply chain among of information sharing, supplier partnership and customer relationship and competitive advantage. Moreover, of information sharing, supplier partnership and customer relationship are studied as the independent variables in the present study. Survey based approach was adopted for the collection of data whereas SEM-PLS was used for the analysis of the data. The findings of the study pointed out that customer relationship and supplier partnership have significant impact on the flexibility of the supply chain and to develop competitive advantage. Moreover, the results of the study do not support the relationship of information sharing with flexibility and competitive advantage. The findings of the present study are beneficial for the policy makers of the Indonesian rubber industry. By the findings of the study, they can adopt different strategies to develop a competitive advantage. The present study will increase the past literature of the supply chain

    The Potential Moderating Role of Supply Chain Capabilities on the Relationship between Supply Chain Technology and Concurrent Engineering in Product Design

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    Todays business and competitive environment put pressures on firms to adopt new technologies, processes, and competences. Firms with strong technological capabilities generates more value from technology investment and achieve higher order of collaborative gains in product design. The aim of this paper is to improve a conceptual framework of the influential determinant of product design in supply chain. Through an intensive literature review, the paper develops a conceptual model of the relationships between supply chain technology, capabilities, and concurrent engineering in new product design. The study has practical implications to managers and practitioners in supply chain management. The study also contributes to existing literature and theory of product design and development. Key words: Supply chain technology, advanced manufacturing technology, information technology, supply chain capabilities, concurrent engineering, product design Paper type: Conceptual pape


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    In this paper, we synthesize an effective communication prototype that deals with some challenges in the container-trucking sector in Egypt, mainly multiple stakeholders’ communication problems associated with waiting time. Container-trucking is one of the most important activities in logistics management. However, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based methods are very limited to identify the latent communication issues in this sector in Egypt. To address these issues, we conducted a design thinking methodology in order to understand multiple stakeholders’ requirements, using qualitative research techniques. As the results, we found that the main problems faced by customers are trucking company selection, miscommunication, and the lack in the information flow, while the main problem faced by trucking companies is the fluctuations in resource utilization. Based on this, we developed a web-based prototype to represent the core features and functions to improve communication in both Business-to- Business (B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C). Consequently, this paper has two main contributions. First, it applies design thinking approach to a logistics problem and presents an IT-based solution for it that will reduce processing time. Second it increases customer satisfaction and improves resource utilization in the trucking companies

    Measurement for supply chain collaboration and supply chain performance of manufacturing companies

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    Supply chain management (SCM) has changed from a strategically decoupled to strategically coupled area of research, as such partners have to improve relationships with one another. Although success of a supply chain (SC) depends on the integration of people, technology, and information, collaboration remains critical to these capabilities and processes. Thus, the aim of this study is to model and measure the relationship between the trust-intertwined SC collaborative process and supply chain performance (SCP) of manufacturing companies. This study followed a post-positivism epistemology based on a crosssectional survey. Previous measurements of SC collaborative process were investigated, integrated, and tested among 286 top managers of manufacturing companies. These companies are members of the Manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria (MAN). Questionnaires were distributed through face-to-face methodology with aid from trained research assistants. Cluster and stratified random sampling were used to select the respondents. SPSS was used during the exploratory factor analysis while covariance structural equation modeling was used to confirm the study’s measurement and structural models. Both models had satisfied recommended threshold values. This study found a significant and statistical relationship between supply chain collaboration (SCC) and SCP. The data and findings of this study fit the social exchange theory (SET). Thus, this study has implications for theory testing in SCC as well as guidance on ways to pursue collaboration by managers of manufacturing companies

    Supply Chain Joint Inventory Management and Cost Optimization Based on Ant Colony Algorithm and Fuzzy Model

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    With the advancement of the marketization process, inventory management has transformed from a single backup protection function to an essential function for enterprises, which helps to survive and develop. Inventory control in supply chain management is the important content of supply chain management. The new management mode makes inventory management present many new characteristics and problems compared with traditional inventory management. From the view of system theory and integration theory, it is imperative to re-examine the problem of inventory control, put forward new inventory management strategies adapted to integrated supply chain management, and improve the integration of the whole supply chain, which can enhance the agility and market response speed of enterprises. Based on the in-depth study of the joint inventory management model, this paper analyzed the current situation of the joint inventory management to optimize the inventory. In view of the achievements and shortcomings of the current research, a more systematic and improved optimization model of the supply chain inventory was proposed by using the basic ideas of ant colony algorithm and fuzzy model

    Information Sharing for improved Supply Chain Collaboration – Simulation Analysis

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    Collaboration among consumer good’s manufacturer and retailers is vital in order to elevate their performance. Such mutual cooperation’s, focusing beyond day to day business and transforming from a contract-based relationship to a value-based relationship is well received in the industries. Further coupling of information sharing with the collaboration is valued as an effective forward step. The advent of technologies naturally supports information sharing across the supply chain. Satisfying consumers demand is the main goal of any supply chain, so studying supply chain behaviour with demand as a shared information, makes it more beneficial. This thesis analyses demand information sharing in a two-stage supply chain. Three different collaboration scenarios (None, Partial and Full) are simulated using Discrete Event Simulation and their impact on supply chain costs analyzed. Arena software is used to simulate the inventory control scenarios. The test simulation results show that the total system costs decrease with the increase in the level of information sharing. There is 7% cost improvement when the information is partially shared and 43% improvement when the information is fully shared in comparison with the no information sharing scenario. The proposed work can assist decision makers in design and planning of information sharing scenarios between various supply chain partners to gain competitive advantage

    The Influence of Information Sharing in the Supply Chain Process on Business Performance: An Empirical Study

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    Supply chain management has become one of the focal points of competition nowadays. The importance of information sharing in supply chain management is also increasing in terms of business performance improvement. In this study, five different models were developed to investigate the effect of information sharing in the supply chain process of businesses on cost, flexibility, response, delivery and financial performance. The relationships among these models are examined by means of a structural equation model (SEM). This paper is focused on supply chain process, supply chain flexibility, environmental uncertainties and information sharing latent structures whose cumulative effects on the determined performance indicators have been examined. The survey data obtained from the companies within the scope of the ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) 1000 were used in the analyses conducted, whose results proved that all the suggested models were adequate in terms of validity and reliability. Furthermore, it was determined in all models that environmental uncertainties affect the supply chain process, while supply chain flexibility affects the supply chain process and information sharing