25 research outputs found

    The Effect of Blended Learning Model towards Students’ Writing Ability

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    The rapid development of science and technology in the current era of globalization brings many changes in various aspects of social life. These changes include education. Recognizing this, Indonesia has published English as one of the crucial subject. However, students got some difficulties in writing. To assist students in solving writing problem, this study was conducted to know the effect of blended learning model towards students’ writing ability of the eleventh grade students at SMAN 6 Pekanbaru. Sample of the study was determined through random sampling method. There were 10 classes randomly selected. It consisted of two classes that were XI IPA 1 as experimental class and XI IPA 2 as control class. Afterwards, the experimental group was taught by applying blended learning model through Telegram Messenger and the control group was instructed through the traditional method by lecturing method. To gain data, writing test was administered. After collecting data, the mean scores of the pre-test and the post-test for the two groups were calculated using the t-test. Findings of the study revealed that there were  statistically significant  differences  between  the  means  of  two  groups  in  favor  of  the experimental group which achieved better results in the post-test. It was proved by the significant level of  0.05 which was t=3.983 and p=0.000. On the other hand, there is a significant effect of blended learning model towards students’ writing ability. &nbsp

    Development of an Intellegent Mobile Application for Teaching English Pronunciation

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    AbstractThe paper describes the development of an intellegent mobile application that can be used in language learning specially in teaching English pronuciation using speech recognation engine in mobile devices. In this research study the originality of the developed application is that a speech recognition engine has been used on the mobile phone to recognize spoken words so that any pronunciation errors can easily be identified and then corrected. This feature of the apllication increases the motivation of the learner and make learning easier and more enjoyable than the traditional learning methods. The author hopes that the study outlined in the paper becomes a intelligent model for future researchers in foreign language education


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    Blended learning is a method that combines traditional classroom teaching and online instruction to create an enhanced educational environment. It aims to blend the best practices of both offline and online pedagogies, benefiting from the strengths of conventional instructional methods and modern digital approaches. It also supports the idea of creative learning and Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI). Successful implementation of blended learning requires dedicated efforts, proper planning, good execution, and the involvement of proficient educators and students. As it involves various stakeholders, it can be complex and requires careful handling

    Effects of Online Repetition Practice with Animated Visual Aid on the Acquisition of Japanese Pitch Accent and Special Moras

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    This preliminary study examines the effectiveness of online repetition practice using an animated visual aid, Karaoke Style , in promoting acquisition of Japanese pitch accent and special moras that could be applied to the curriiculum without using any class time


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    Blended teaching has recently attracted a lot of attention from educators and researchers worldwide. In Vietnam, blended teaching has been applied at various universities in different forms. However, few studies have been conducted to explore EFL teachers’ perceptions of the use of blended teaching in Vietnam. The current study used a questionnaire to explore the perceptions of thirty EFL teachers from a large university in Vietnam. Findings reveal that EFL teachers gain various benefits and encounter different challenges when applying blended teaching in their classrooms.  Article visualizations

    The Effect of Blended Learning on EFL Learners’ Reading Proficiency

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    The present study aimed at determining the effect of blended learning on the reading proficiency of Iranian EFL learners. A quasi-experimental design was adopted to reach this goal. Sixty intermediate-level Iranian EFL learners were randomly assigned to two groups. The control group received conventional classroom instruction in General English, whereas the experimental group received classroom instruction in General English including blended instruction in the reading skill. The blended learning material was developed by the researcher. Both groups were tested for their reading skills before and after the treatment using the reading section of the Preliminary English Test (PET) and their scores were compared through an independent t test. The SPSS software was utilized in order to analyze the data. The results indicated that blended learning has a statistically significant positive effect on the reading proficiency of Iranian EFL learners. Blended learning can be adopted in the English language classes, in order to facilitate the learning process especially that of the reading skill


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    While blended teaching is increasingly becoming popular in higher education all over the world, the concept has recently been paid attention to in Vietnam’s context. However, under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic online teaching and blended teaching suddenly become a popular trend in Vietnamese higher education. Few studies have been conducted to explore topics related to blended learning in Vietnam and the current study was conducted to fill such a gap. This study focuses on exploring English-majored students’ perceptions toward the benefits and challenges of blended leaching in EFL classes. Participants included 440 English-majored students ranging from 18 to 22 years old coming from three study majors namely English Teacher Education, English Language Studies and English Interpretation and Translation in a multi-disciplinary university of 56 years old in Vietnam. Findings reveal that students perceived that blended learning offers them various benefits as well as some challenges. Suggestions are proposed to enhance blended learning for English-majored students in Vietnam and elsewhere.  Article visualizations

    A spotlight on lack of evidence supporting the integration of blended learning in K-12 education

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    In an effort to highlight the need for, and lack of, quality empirical research in K-12 blended learning environments, this systematic narrative review investigated and reported on the quantity and quality of recent empirical research in K-12 blended learning, published between 2009 and February 2017. In addition to assessing the quality and scope of these studies, the effectiveness of blended learning environments on learning outcomes and potential contributing variables were discussed. Eleven articles were identified and found to meet the inclusionary criteria and measures of quality set by this review, extending the corpus of 5 articles identified by a previous 2009 meta-analysis commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education to 16. Mixed findings regarding the benefit of blended learning in a K-12 setting were reported across the literature, thereby highlighting the need for more extensive research in this domain

    The Comparison of the Use of Data-driven Learning in Flipped,, Blended and Conventional Classes on Students’ Grammar Learning

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    Today, the use of technology in teaching foreign language has become a matter of considerable interest to language teachers in all over the world. The current study tried to investigate the suitability of data-driven learning in flipped and blended classes vs the conventional ones on students’ grammar learning. To run this study, 48 homogenized students were selected and divided into three groups, including two experimental and one control group, 16 in each. Before the treatment, a grammar pre-test was administered. The two experimental groups received 12 sessions of data-driven instruction in the flipped and blended classes but the control group received grammar instruction based on the textbook. At the end, statistical analysis showed that the participants in both flipped and blended groups had better performance in the post-test. It also was concluded that the usage of data-driven learning had significant impact on both experimental groups. The results of this study can be beneficial for teachers, learners, syllabus designers, managers in learning environments, and policy makers to use data driven learning

    Critical Appraisal of Artificial Intelligence-Mediated Communication

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    Over the last two decades, technology use in language learning and teaching has significantly advanced and is now referred to as Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Recently, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into CALL has brought about a significant shift in the traditional approach to language education both inside and outside the classroom. In line with this book's scope, I explore the advantages and disadvantages of AI-mediated communication in language education. I begin with a brief review of AI in education. I then introduce the ICALL and give a critical appraisal of the potential of AI-powered automatic speech recognition (ASR), Machine Translation (MT), Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs), AI-powered chatbots, and Extended Reality (XR). In conclusion, I argue that it is crucial for language teachers to engage in CALL teacher education and professional development to keep up with the ever-evolving technology landscape and improve their teaching effectiveness