2 research outputs found

    Algorithm for path recognition in-between tree rows for agricultural wheeled-mobile robots

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    Machine vision has been widely used in recent years in agriculture, as a tool to promote the automation of processes and increase the levels of productivity. The aim of this work is the development of a path recognition algorithm based on image processing to guide a terrestrial robot in-between tree rows. The proposed algorithm was developed using the software MATLAB, and it uses several image processing operations, such as threshold detection, morphological erosion, histogram equalization and the Hough transform, to find edge lines along tree rows on an image and to create a path to be followed by a mobile robot. To develop the algorithm, a set of images of different types of orchards was used, which made possible the construction of a method capable of identifying paths between trees of different heights and aspects. The algorithm was evaluated using several images with different characteristics of quality and the results showed that the proposed method can successfully detect a path in different types of environments.This study is within the activities of project PrunusBot - Sistema robótico aéreo autónomo de pulverização controlada e previsão de produção frutícola (autonomous unmanned aerial robotic system for controlled spraying and prediction of fruit production), Operation n.º PDR2020-101-031358 (líder), Consortium n.º 340, Initiative n.º 140 promoted by PDR2020 and co-financed by FEADER under the Portugal 2020 initiative.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perbandingan Metode High-Frequency Emphasis (HFE) Dan Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) Dalam Perbaikan Kualitas Citra Penginderaan Jauh (Remote Sensing)

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    Citra penginderaan jauh merupakan objek hasil perekaman sensor ataupun suatu aplikasi pemantau penginderaan jauh. Namun terkadang citra yang dihasilkan memiliki kualitas yang rendah. Metode High-Frequency Emphasis (HFE) dan Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) merupakan algoritme yang baik dalam memperbaiki kualitas citra penginderaan jauh (remote sensing). Metode HFE  bersifat mempertahankan frekuensi tinggi dan menekan frekuensi rendah. Pada penelitian ini, metode CLAHE mampu meningkatkan 8 citra dari 20 citra SAS-planet yang diujikan. Sedangkan pada metode HFE hanya 4 citra yang memiliki PSNR di atas 30 dB. Hasil penelitian ini  mengindikasikan bahwa performa CLAHE lebih baik dibanding metode HFE dalam meningkatkan kulitas citra penginderaan jauh. Kata kunci: Citra Penginderaan Jauh, HFE, CLAH