3,574 research outputs found

    Understanding Social Context from Smartphone Sensing: Generalization Across Countries and Daily Life Moments

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    Understanding and longitudinally tracking the social context of people help in understanding their behavior and mental well-being better. Hence, instead of burdensome questionnaires, some studies used passive smartphone sensors to infer social context with machine learning models. However, the few studies that have been done up to date have focused on unique, situated contexts (i.e., when eating or drinking) in one or two countries, hence limiting the understanding of the inference in terms of generalization to (i) everyday life occasions and (ii) different countries. In this paper, we used a novel, large-scale, and multimodal smartphone sensing dataset with over 216K self-reports collected from over 580 participants in five countries (Mongolia, Italy, Denmark, UK, Paraguay), first to understand whether social context inference (i.e., alone or not) is feasible with sensor data, and then, to know how behavioral and country-level diversity affects the inference. We found that (i) sensor features from modalities such as activity, location, app usage, Bluetooth, and WiFi could be informative of social context; (ii) partially personalized multi-country models (trained and tested with data from all countries) and country-specific models (trained and tested within countries) achieved similar accuracies in the range of 80%-90%; and (iii) models do not generalize well to unseen countries regardless of geographic similarity

    ConXsense - Automated Context Classification for Context-Aware Access Control

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    We present ConXsense, the first framework for context-aware access control on mobile devices based on context classification. Previous context-aware access control systems often require users to laboriously specify detailed policies or they rely on pre-defined policies not adequately reflecting the true preferences of users. We present the design and implementation of a context-aware framework that uses a probabilistic approach to overcome these deficiencies. The framework utilizes context sensing and machine learning to automatically classify contexts according to their security and privacy-related properties. We apply the framework to two important smartphone-related use cases: protection against device misuse using a dynamic device lock and protection against sensory malware. We ground our analysis on a sociological survey examining the perceptions and concerns of users related to contextual smartphone security and analyze the effectiveness of our approach with real-world context data. We also demonstrate the integration of our framework with the FlaskDroid architecture for fine-grained access control enforcement on the Android platform.Comment: Recipient of the Best Paper Awar

    Logging Stress and Anxiety Using a Gamified Mobile-based EMA Application, and Emotion Recognition Using a Personalized Machine Learning Approach

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    According to American Psychological Association (APA) more than 9 in 10 (94 percent) adults believe that stress can contribute to the development of major health problems, such as heart disease, depression, and obesity. Due to the subjective nature of stress, and anxiety, it has been demanding to measure these psychological issues accurately by only relying on objective means. In recent years, researchers have increasingly utilized computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms to develop scalable and accessible solutions for remote mental health monitoring via web and mobile applications. To further enhance accuracy in the field of digital health and precision diagnostics, there is a need for personalized machine-learning approaches that focus on recognizing mental states based on individual characteristics, rather than relying solely on general-purpose solutions. This thesis focuses on conducting experiments aimed at recognizing and assessing levels of stress and anxiety in participants. In the initial phase of the study, a mobile application with broad applicability (compatible with both Android and iPhone platforms) is introduced (we called it STAND). This application serves the purpose of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). Participants receive daily notifications through this smartphone-based app, which redirects them to a screen consisting of three components. These components include a question that prompts participants to indicate their current levels of stress and anxiety, a rating scale ranging from 1 to 10 for quantifying their response, and the ability to capture a selfie. The responses to the stress and anxiety questions, along with the corresponding selfie photographs, are then analyzed on an individual basis. This analysis focuses on exploring the relationships between self-reported stress and anxiety levels and potential facial expressions indicative of stress and anxiety, eye features such as pupil size variation and eye closure, and specific action units (AUs) observed in the frames over time. In addition to its primary functions, the mobile app also gathers sensor data, including accelerometer and gyroscope readings, on a daily basis. This data holds potential for further analysis related to stress and anxiety. Furthermore, apart from capturing selfie photographs, participants have the option to upload video recordings of themselves while engaging in two neuropsychological games. These recorded videos are then subjected to analysis in order to extract pertinent features that can be utilized for binary classification of stress and anxiety (i.e., stress and anxiety recognition). The participants that will be selected for this phase are students aged between 18 and 38, who have received recent clinical diagnoses indicating specific stress and anxiety levels. In order to enhance user engagement in the intervention, gamified elements - an emerging trend to influence user behavior and lifestyle - has been utilized. Incorporating gamified elements into non-game contexts (e.g., health-related) has gained overwhelming popularity during the last few years which has made the interventions more delightful, engaging, and motivating. In the subsequent phase of this research, we conducted an AI experiment employing a personalized machine learning approach to perform emotion recognition on an established dataset called Emognition. This experiment served as a simulation of the future analysis that will be conducted as part of a more comprehensive study focusing on stress and anxiety recognition. The outcomes of the emotion recognition experiment in this study highlight the effectiveness of personalized machine learning techniques and bear significance for the development of future diagnostic endeavors. For training purposes, we selected three models, namely KNN, Random Forest, and MLP. The preliminary performance accuracy results for the experiment were 93%, 95%, and 87% respectively for these models

    A Survey on Various Techniques in Internet of Things (IoT) Implementation: A Comparative Study

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    As per the current trends in computing research socialization and Personalization in Internet of Things (IOT) environment are quite trending and they are being widely used. The main aim of research work is to provide socialized and personalized services along with creating awareness of predicting the service. Here various kind of methods are discussed which can be used for predicting user intention in large variety of IOT based applications such as smart mobile, smart television, web mining, weather forecasting, health-care/medical, robotics, road-traffic, educational data mining, natural calamities, retail banking, e-commerce, wireless networks & social networking. By common consent it is found that the prediction is made usually for finding techniques that can be accessed by the mobile user, predicting the next page that is most likely to be used by web user, predicting favorite and most likely TV program that can be viewed by user, getting a list of browsing usage and need of user and also predicting user navigational patterns, predicting future climate conditions, predicting the health and welfare of user, predicting user intention so that implicit could be made and human-like interactions could be possible by accepting implicit commands, predicting the exact amount of traffic at a particular location, predicting curricular performance of student in schools & colleges, having prediction of frequency of natural calamities and their occurrences such as floods, earthquakes over a long period of time & also the required time in which precautionary measures could be adopted, predicting & detecting the frauds in which false user try to make transaction in the name of genuine user, predicting the steps and work done by the user to improve the business, predicting & detecting the intruder acting in the network, by the help of context history predicting the mood transition information of the user, etc. Here in this topic of discussion, different techniques such as Decision Tree algorithm, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining based Machine learning techniques, Content and Collaborative based Recommender algorithms are used for prediction
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