8 research outputs found

    Quality measurement of semantic standards

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    Quality of semantic standards is unadressed in current research while there is an explicit need from standard developers. The business importance is evident since quality of standards will have impact on its diffusion and achieved interoperability in practice. An instrument to measure the quality of semantic standards is designed to contribute to the knowledge domain, standards developers and might ultimo lead to improved interoperability. This instrument is iteratively designed with multiple case studies. This paper describes the rationale and research design, just as current status and future plans

    The Measurement of Quality of Semantic Standards: the Application of a Quality Model on the SETU standard for eGovernment

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    eGovernment interoperability should be dealt with using high-quality standards. A quality model for standards is presented based on knowledge from the software engineering domain. In the tradition of action research the model is used on the SETU standard, a standard that is mandatory in the public sector of the Netherlands in order to achieve eGovernment interoperability. This results in improvement suggestions for the SETU standards, just as improvement suggestions for the quality model have been identified. Most importantly it shows that a quality model can be used for several purposes, including selecting standards for eGovernment interoperability

    Quality model for semantic IS standards

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    Semantic IS (Information Systems) standards are essential for achieving\ud interoperability between organizations. However a recent survey suggests that\ud not the full benefits of standards are achieved, due to the quality issues. This\ud paper presents a quality model for semantic IS standards, that should support\ud standards development organizations in assessing the quality of their\ud standards. Although intended for semantic IS standards the potential use of\ud this quality model is much broader and might be applicable to all kind of\ud standards

    A reference model of an instrument for quality measurement of semantic IS standards

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    This study describes the design of a reference model for an instrument to measure quality of semantic Information System (IS) standards. This design satisfies requirements gathered among potential users, in a previous study. The reference model features three layers: concerned with quality, semantic IS standards, and the instrumentation, respectively. It serves as a basis for implementation of a quality measuring instrument

    Do semantic standards lack quality? : a survey among 34 semantic standards

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    The adoption of standards to improve interoperability in the automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding and other sectors could save billions. While interoperability standards have been created for a number of industries, problems persist, suggesting a lack of quality of the standards themselves. The issue of semantic standard quality is not often addressed. In this research we take a closer look at the quality of semantics standards, development processes, and survey the current state of the quality of semantic standards by means of a questionnaire that was sent to standards developers. This survey looked at 34 semantic standards, and it shows that the quality of semantic standards for inter-organizational interoperability can be improved. Improved standards may advance interoperability in networked business. Improvement of semantic standards requires transparency of their quality. Although many semantic standard development organisations already have quality assurance in place, this research shows that they could benefit from a quality measuring instrument

    Análise de tipos de ontologias nas áreas de ciência da informação e ciência da computação

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2014.A emergência de tecnologias que visam complementar a web, associada às problemáticas na busca por novos modelos de recuperação de informação mais eficientes, abriram espaço para estudos que utilizam os benefícios da organização semântica da informação e do conhecimento. Sistemas de Organização do Conhecimento (SOCs) permitem representar um domínio por meio da sistematização dos conceitos e das relações semânticas que se estabelecem entre eles. Entre os tipos desses sistemas conceituais estão as ontologias, utilizadas para representar o conhecimento relativo a um dado domínio do conhecimento. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo, por meio de uma pesquisa documental, identificar as principais características dos tipos de ontologias. Para tanto, foi empregado, nos procedimentos metodológicos, o método de Análise de Conteúdo de Laurence Bardin. Para a construção do corpus de análise foram utilizadas as bases de dados da Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) e da Computer and Information Systems Abstracts. A análise dos resultados permitiu identificar um predomínio significativo nas pesquisas relacionadas às ontologias de domínio, utilizando-a como ferramenta para representação de conceitos e relações que estejam inseridas na visão de mundo desejada. Diferentemente, as ontologias de topo definem os conceitos mais básicos e que sejam extensíveis a outras ações e domínios associados a sua área de abordagem. Os tipos aplicação e tarefa permitem um nível de representação mais específico, alinhado a modelagem de ambientes particulares.Abstract : The emergence of technologies that aim at complementing the internet, associated with the problematics that arise in the search for new models of information retrieval that are more efficient, have made room for studies that make use of the benefits of the semantic organization of information and knowledge. Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) allow the representation of a domain through the systematization of concepts and semantic relations that have been stablished between them. Among these forms of conceptual systems are the ontologies, utilized in the representation of knowledge relative to a given knowledge domain. The goal of this research, therefore, is to identify the main characteristics of the types of ontologies through documentary research. For that, we have employed in the methodological procedures the Laurence Bardin Content Analysis Method. As for the corpus analysis construction we made use of the databases of the Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) and Computer and Information Systems Abstracts. The analysis of the results allowed the identification of a significant predominance of researches related to domain ontologies, they were used as tools for the representation of concepts and relations that are inserted in the desired world view. In contrast, top level ontologies define the most basic concepts that are extendable to other actions and domains associated to its approach area. The application and task types allow a representation that is more specific and alligned with the modeling of particular environments