2,296 research outputs found

    Effective Modeling of Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

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    A relation tuple consists of two entities and the relation between them, and often such tuples are found in unstructured text. There may be multiple relation tuples present in a text and they may share one or both entities among them. Extracting such relation tuples from a sentence is a difficult task and sharing of entities or overlapping entities among the tuples makes it more challenging. Most prior work adopted a pipeline approach where entities were identified first followed by finding the relations among them, thus missing the interaction among the relation tuples in a sentence. In this paper, we propose two approaches to use encoder-decoder architecture for jointly extracting entities and relations. In the first approach, we propose a representation scheme for relation tuples which enables the decoder to generate one word at a time like machine translation models and still finds all the tuples present in a sentence with full entity names of different length and with overlapping entities. Next, we propose a pointer network-based decoding approach where an entire tuple is generated at every time step. Experiments on the publicly available New York Times corpus show that our proposed approaches outperform previous work and achieve significantly higher F1 scores.Comment: Accepted at AAAI 202

    Joint Entity Extraction and Assertion Detection for Clinical Text

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    Negative medical findings are prevalent in clinical reports, yet discriminating them from positive findings remains a challenging task for information extraction. Most of the existing systems treat this task as a pipeline of two separate tasks, i.e., named entity recognition (NER) and rule-based negation detection. We consider this as a multi-task problem and present a novel end-to-end neural model to jointly extract entities and negations. We extend a standard hierarchical encoder-decoder NER model and first adopt a shared encoder followed by separate decoders for the two tasks. This architecture performs considerably better than the previous rule-based and machine learning-based systems. To overcome the problem of increased parameter size especially for low-resource settings, we propose the Conditional Softmax Shared Decoder architecture which achieves state-of-art results for NER and negation detection on the 2010 i2b2/VA challenge dataset and a proprietary de-identified clinical dataset.Comment: Accepted at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019

    Contrastive Triple Extraction with Generative Transformer

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    Triple extraction is an essential task in information extraction for natural language processing and knowledge graph construction. In this paper, we revisit the end-to-end triple extraction task for sequence generation. Since generative triple extraction may struggle to capture long-term dependencies and generate unfaithful triples, we introduce a novel model, contrastive triple extraction with a generative transformer. Specifically, we introduce a single shared transformer module for encoder-decoder-based generation. To generate faithful results, we propose a novel triplet contrastive training object. Moreover, we introduce two mechanisms to further improve model performance (i.e., batch-wise dynamic attention-masking and triple-wise calibration). Experimental results on three datasets (i.e., NYT, WebNLG, and MIE) show that our approach achieves better performance than that of baselines.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202
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